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When and What Brought YOU to MechWarrior? Your MW backgrounds here.

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#81 Wintersprite


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 08:05 AM

I saw a guide on a gaming magazine about Mechwarrior 2. It covered the basic tactics and fitting your mech. This inspired me to find the review and sure enough, it looked more than just a little bit interesting. The next time I went to a gaming store it was a must buy and it wasn't a disappointment. Afterwards I have got most of the PC games of the series.

#82 Calcipher


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 08:05 AM

I first came to the mechwarrier universe around the age of 8 when I was over at a friends house and he introduced me to mechwarrier 2 I think it was...

At 11 with Mechassault 2. About a year later I got my hands on Mechassault 1. This truly started my love for the mechwarrier series.

While at highschool, our library (best highschool library I have ever seen, library from Buffy: the vampire slayer not included) had close to 5 battletech books: Highlander Gambit, Tactics of Duty, Star Lord, Double-Blind and Test of Vengeance, all of which I read numerous times over my five years at the highschool.

While in year 9, I purchased the Mechwarrier: Dark Age novel: Trial by Chaos, I read it atleast once a year.

two years ago I got my hands on Mechwarrier 4: Mercenaries through the free distribution that was the MekTek Forums. Two full reinstalls later I actually got it to work. I have played it three times since.
When I found out about Mechwarrier Reboot back when the first trailer was released all those years back, I loved every second of it and have been (im)patiently waiting ever since.

#83 Syddraf


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 08:13 AM

Well I figure i might as well try and become a little more active in this comunity if I am going to play this game... But I didn't really learn the extent of the battletech universe until here recently but I was into mecha anime and giant robots before I ever even knew what they were. But my boss showed me the TT game and I was blown away by how advanced and in depth it went then I got to log some time in some tesla pods in Dallas TX. Needless to say I now want to build a nice game table and set up my own pod in my home...

We are actually joking about challenging the IT department from a sister company to a Pod match. And I plan on trying to rig up some kind of Simmish set up for MWO if i start playing it heavily.

#84 Spraek


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 08:27 AM

View PostLiktor, on 26 June 2012 - 02:10 AM, said:


bought this when i was about 9. got hooked and bought every single book until nr 61,
guess which book is somehow missing now B)

Just gotta say: Decision at Thunder Rift was actually the book that got me into reading. I devoured the whole trilogy. That was about 17yrs ago in 7th grade. I've been a reader ever since.

It was just before this that I got into the Battletech TT. Something about giant mechs and geeking it out with all of the tech readouts sucked me in.

Unfortunately, I never really had a PC that could run the MechWarrior series, so I only get a chance to play them a friends house. The only BT video games I played were the MechAssault games. Really excited for MWO and will probably be picking up a founder's edition here soon.

#85 Nutchos


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 09:23 AM

I'm not sure which came first, me buying a thrust master joystick or downloading the MW3 demo, but the two of them are what got me started. I was like 9 at the time and my family was pretty poor so I actually played that demo (Your MadCat vs. an endless wave of mechs) for a long, long time. I never actually got MW3 since I couldn't ask my parents to buy it for me (again, too poor).

A while after that I came across the mech commander demo and downloaded it thinking it'd be the same as MW3. Ofcourse it was RTS so I was a bit miffed I couldn't use my Joystick but regardless, I played the demo (it gave you the first two missions I believe) quite a bit; it also had the effect of pulling my brothers into the game.

Finally, the day I actually bought my first Mech title... My mom had been on my case for keeping this stuffed rabbit around from my childhood (still used to sleep with it at like 10, lol). We finally brokered the deal at $5 for me to dump my bunny rabbit in a trash bin outside the 7-11. I remember I was heart broken for that trip, after which we were supposed to go to a Future Shop (it's like a Best Buy in Canada). I was just wandering aimlessly until I saw the Mech Commander box in the clearance bin for $10. I'm sure up till that point my plans for that money had only been to save up for more Beastwars Transformers but that immediately changed. I took it to my brothers and they had the same reaction, one of them pitched in the other $5 (money was pretty tight so this was actually quite a leap for us). We played the **** out of that game. We'll watch the opening sequence to MC1 still from time to time, I love it.

I remember a year down the line when we saw MechCommander 2 at EBGames, it was something ridiculous like $70-80. I was against it (again, money issues) but my other brothers were hooked enough at that point where they threw everything they had at it right away to get it (again a huge deal since up to that point, we'd only buy clearance/garage sale games for $10-20).

Since then we've pretty much played all the MechWarriors, Mech Assaults, etc.

Fast forward to the present, I learned about MWO a week ago and I've been fiending for more information since (only finding morsels here and there, damn you Piranha Games). Told my bothers about it and they're onboard. We'll all be getting founders packages (one is considering the legendary, while the other one and I are set on the Elite). It's funny coming from all those money issues to now, all three of us would have no problem throwing the full $120 each at the devs if we could just get some kind of a roadmap for the game (maps, game modes, etc.).

EDIT: Wow, how did I type that much.

Edited by Nutchos, 26 June 2012 - 09:25 AM.

#86 MachineHead


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 09:35 AM

That warhammer image on the TT version had me hooked, then i read and played anything I could that was mechwarrior. Have not played MC though. I remember having to play one of the early games in wireframe so that it would run. Also remember dispatching a number of battlemasters i think they were with single head shots!

The description of the marauder in decision at thunder rift is i think the reason that these "unseen" mechs are so tied to the mechwarrior name.
I wish that the rumour of james cameron directing a mech movie would come true, especially of that trilogy. It is an untapped source of movie greatness.

loved playing online and played by MachineHead handle, worked my way into HEL clan and went on quite a tear going undefeated. Played constantly and for a very long time. I got my value out of that game and built pcs just to play those games.

Moved over to the Chiken Confederation as HotRodChiken. Great group of people and first time i thought that it is possible to make friends only through online communication.

as mektek updated the game I wrote my own battle guide and it was hosted on a number of sites, can not find it online now. The guide was great for designing loadouts and task specific mechs.

My machinegun loaded Talos was loathed/respected in any battle/team battle game i played.

I love this game and love the story and the idea of the story (that older is better).

and those are the reasons i shelled out the money for the LF tag, i want this franchise to live up to the potential as i see it in my imagination.

I can not even play right now as I dont have a pc!, only an ipad.....

#87 Teirdome


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 10:32 AM

I went into HobbyTownUSA with my dad once back in the early 90s to look at RC cars and stumbled into the BT miniature section accidentally. I saw a Marauder mini and was hooked from that moment on.

In the 90s when I was ten or so, a neighbor friend with an older brother was really into wargaming, and he had a pretty sick collection of BT minis. Essentially me and my friend were used as cannon fodder for the older brother playing out the clan invasion, but we had one hell of a time. Sagus Teirdome was the pilot I came up with, drove a heavily modified Griffin and was the only pilot in my little IS lance that could stand up to the brother with his clan tech. Teirdome has been my callsign since for everything from Wing Commander 2 to my first college email.

The neighbor's dad got stationed elsewhere, so I saved up enough to buy the classic Battletech starter, then eventually Citytech. Bought MW2 on release day (because Best Buy used to give $10 off games purchased on release day), and have stuck with the IP ever since.

#88 Khushrenada


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 11:22 AM

my first encounter was back in the late 80`s, when i went into a book store to randomly pick up another sci-fi novel, when i saw that incredible looking cover of riposte from michael a stackpole (the german translation with the warhammer firing its ppc).
i read the summary on the back and i was instantly hooked.

since then i bought every battletech novel i got my hands on (all 61 battletech novels, some classic battletech and all 30 dark age novels, though the dark age series seems to just break up at novel 30 with lots of unfinished story lines ;) ) and played every battletech computer game.

only thing i never played was the table top game... bought a starter pack once, but none of my friends could muster the patience for that kind of game :P

#89 MilitantMonk


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 11:32 AM

When I was about 8 or so the neighbor boy who was a few years older than me brought over TRO 3025 and that pretty much cemented my love a big robots. To be fair Robotech, Voltron, and the Transformers help set the stage, but it was the grittiness and realism of the universe that fascinated me. My actual first games were Citytech.

#90 Rayah


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 11:43 AM

MechAssault and my dad's praise of MechWarrior 2.

#91 sbogo


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 11:56 AM

Started with the original. Mechwarrior (DOS) and I was hooked. Played 2,3,4, Mechcommander 1,2, Mech Assault 1,2 (just for the love of the universe). I'd even admit to enjoying Mechwarrior (SNES) but not Mechwarrior 3050 (SNES), I have to draw the line there. I tried to get to the Dave and Busters in Ontario, Ca when I was stationed at Fort Irwin, Ca to play the Battletech VR system the had there. I believe it was an 8 pod system, but it may have been 12. I have a basic familiarization with the tabletop, but I never really got into it and the Mechwarrior Dark Age just for display purposes. I was even fortunate to find the Mechwarrior Handheld game from Tiger Electronics one day at the Fort Polk, La PX. It was just sitting by itself back in 2000 or so and I picked it up and it's still sealed up.
Posted Image

Edited by sbogo, 26 June 2012 - 12:03 PM.

#92 CommanderOSIS


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 12:06 PM

started off in third grade with mechwearrior 2. then moved on to mercs which I played religiously instant action blowing up as many mechs with unlinmited ammo until I finally died. then mw 3 then mw 4 vengeance on msn gaming zone. even joined clan cloud cobra.got the two expansions mech discs and ran the kodiak all the time. played mw4 mercs in college and still have it laying around somewhere.

#93 Sn1per5566


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 12:12 PM

I started by playing Mechwarrior 2 when i was like 8 or something. I really enjoyed the game, but never played pc games much after that until Mechwarrior 4 mercenaries. Since i played mercenaries i have been waiting for another Mechwarrior game. I found hawken and it sparked my interest again in mech games again and then i found Mechwarrior Online which I think, based on what i have seen so far, has a better Mech experience. And here i am now waiting for this game to drop

#94 Chet Manley


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 12:15 PM

I started playing Battledrome.

I saw Robot Jocks.(cheesy I know, but I was young)

Starsiege really helped seal the deal in my love for huge mechs(read: HERCS).

Edited by Chet Manley, 26 June 2012 - 12:16 PM.

#95 LordHarco


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 12:21 PM

started playing tt in the mid 80 along with mw2 online when it came out. Joined Jade Wolf and played on Mplayer and lamespy skipped mw3 and had all of the mw4 games and add on let them all go with the kiddos when i got devorced. 3 an 4 had better look to them but the gamplay of mw2 was much better less hide and snipe more dance of death hopeing mwo goes that way instead of the one shot kill games that 3 an 4 where

Edited by LordHarco, 26 June 2012 - 12:22 PM.

#96 John411


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 12:22 PM

I have been stomping through the MW universe for what has to be a quarter of a century. Started on pen and paper. Moved on to one of the early computer iterations as our group eventually all aquired computers. We all followed the PC MW and played the MW version of the TT when time would allow, however most TT sessions would eventually turn into LAN parties. I recall the early years of "Mechwarrior" for xbox. I have to admit that even though I liked the gameplay and ease of access to online opponents, it did NOT represent the true canon from the PC versions that allowed modular (or better) creation of personalized 'mechs. All in all, the most memorable games of "MW" are of the table top game and a few from the "clickable base" first season. My brother and I would burn through an entire weekend playing and describing the hits that each others units would take. Use of my imagination allowed me to retain the memory of several GREAT games. I don't really recall any that were screen generated, I am the same way with the early "text-only UI" games like Trinity and Ballyhoo (sp.). By the time it became ALL little plastic figures, the tourneys started cropping up and some people with deep pockets and crafty movement abilities started showing up with "rule-pushing" tactics and an attitude to match. So it was back to the PC and MW4. Once a month if lucky, someone will suggest a P&P session but as priorities shuffle with social development, many fell through. I think most of the old crew is on board with MWO or is at least aware of it. Naturally, expectations are very high to unattainable (as the human brain does its' best to remember the good times), so any delays are acceptable to me and it seems to be the trend for most of the people that have been playing since FASA started.

#97 Kilgore Bane


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 12:44 PM

Played all the MechWarrior games (MW2, Ghost Bear) MW3, Mercenaries, MechCommander, etc.-loved all of em (well, except for MechCommander)

Played Crimson skies .. loved it
Anything to do with a big robot has intrigued me. (Anybody remember the Exo Squad cartoon?)

Couldnt ever do the Battletech Solaris (?) due to never having a good internet. When I finally got cable internet, the games & the Mech were gone. I got an email about the Founder's Pack going on sale .... so here I am milling around & waiting like the rest of you.

Oh, somebody in the earlier post was asking if they made MechWarrior models ... type in mechwarrior on Amazon (just saw a bunch of mechwarrior stuff from toys to books to games)

Edited by Kilgore Bane, 26 June 2012 - 12:47 PM.

#98 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 01:03 PM

The TRO3025. I fell hard for it in '86. I had no idea that my favorite Mechs were from another universe entirely but they grabbed my soul and never let go. I had nearly every book ever for the TT game, I've read most of the novels, I played several of the video games. I was a FanPro Commando, Playtester for Rick Raisley's Heavy Metal Pro series of programs. My daughter is a named character in the Merc Handbooks, I was(am?) a member of the BattleCorps FanFic unit that became Canon, I resigned my membership so I don't know how long Joe will last, I only hope he dies heroically to rival Bear's death or in a ridiculous fashion in his Hat! I playtested the core rules for the first 2 1/2 books. My name's even in the credits!

I'm going to try my hand at my first MMO because it's a BattleTech game! Yes BattleTech... I'm old school like that.

#99 CmdrSpider


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 01:20 PM

Battletech was a SciFi dream come true for me. I started playing the table top version in the mid 80's and I was about 30 years old. I ate, slepted and breathed BT. I purchased ever BT computer game that came along and read every single BT book that came out. I have over 400 personally hand painted mechs and about another 100 unfinished mech. I had tech manuals and game guides galore. I was a BT junkie. Unfortunately other games became harder and harder to find in my area as they moved on to other game or grew up (lol) and gave up gaming all together.

Recently I heard that someone was bringing BT back as an online game and now hear I am. I'm so looking forward to mixing it up again BT style in this new venue.

Good Hunting,


#100 Colonel Wolfe


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 01:27 PM

I started playing mechwarrior on my snes, from there i was addicted, played mechwarrior and anything close to it(Nothing is ever as good) for years, got Mechwarrior 2 when it came out as well as every other title, still own SNES Mechwarrior, actually started playing it again last night..

Never have played the pen and paper mechwarrior, would have loved to, but never knew anyone to play it with

Just got my founders pack and I am hoping to play this game very soon, sooo very excited, the graphics look amazing and Im very glad I just upgraded my computer 2 months ago..

I have also played MWLL a little but didnt get very into it as there was never anyone online to play with

See you all on the battlefield!


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