Really the Thanatos?
Will you ever learn? The guys that played MW4 as childs don't remember anything else but their MW4 toys.
But I only need to look a little bit to the left...the other game with Mech in the title and a 2 instead of a 4 - and I see a IS Heavy that would have been a worthwhile addition for this game.
Yep the Lao Hu.
At least you only need to modify 3 out of 5 Cannon Versions not modify 3 of 4 cannon versions, ignore the 4th and bring 3 own designs - and one of them is obviously breaking the characteristik - to put Gauss Rifles in the torso is a nice move for the game (maybe) although the mount look like its in height with the arms - and there the LGR would have to be fitted.
Why is there nor 6S derivate? Because 6 Improved JumpJets take the same weight and space as 12 STD JumpJets - without XL Gyro you only had to drop it to 10 or 11 (because of C3S)
Please who ever do those variants stop it, who ever decides wich Mechs to come stop it
I fear for the the next two announcements - I bet its the Blood Asp and the Hollander..... considering all those releases in the past there are only a couple that showed some guts.
Edited by Karl Streiger, 04 August 2017 - 12:06 AM.