MonkeyDCecil, on 04 October 2014 - 06:43 AM, said:
I would love to see melee myself. And if the community pushes it, it may be possible. But what I really want is a time jump to the Fedcom Civil War ear. But Only after two or three seasons of CW. Depending on how long a season is.
That would be a very short sighted move by PGI.
After Operation Revival ends on Tukayyid in May 3052, there are several notable to momentous events:
-3055: Assassination of Melissa Steiner and the Red Corsair Event
-3056: 4th Skye Guards attempt to foment revolt in Isle of Skye/Second Skye Rebellion
-3057: Marik/Liao attack the FedCom in Operation Guerrero, Clan Wolf and Jade Falcon engage in Refusal War, FedCom Split and Chaos March formed.
-3058: Jade Falcons invade Coventry, Victor Steiner Davion leads multi-national task force to remove them. Word of Blake conquers Terra.
-3059: Operations Bird Dog, Bulldog and Serpent are launched, beginning the Twilight of the Clans.
-3060: Smoke Jaguars annihilated, Great Refusal fought on Strana Mechty
-3062: FedCom Civil War begins, Draconis March invades the Draconis Combine.
So a HUGE amount of CW related events, and defining history would be skipped, and just as importantly:
-TRO 3055
-TRO 3058
-TRO 3060
accelerating the timeline to the FedCom CivWar, would severely limit their time and ability to maximize introducing and releasing the designs from these TROs, which would be bad marketing. And the attendant fervor of the slow reveal of things like the Clans ATM launchers, MRMS, Inner Sphere er and LB-x and ultra weapons, Light Gauss, etc.
And greatly reduce time to make needed balance adjustments to minimize power creep in the interim.