TheArisen, on 23 March 2016 - 02:58 AM, said:
Question for you guys.
Would you consider a mech viable to be added to MWO if it's not in production but exists?
For example, ComStar has some Nightstar 9J's before & after the invasion, but the Nightstar doesn't go back into production until 3057.
I got no problem with this, To a degree the Couldron Born was a similar situation as it was in MW: O at 3050 on the dot. When it was barely being produced and plans for it to go to the IS was being made- not even seen in combat yet upon release.
Or the famous example of Orion IIC... quite a few things here and there.
MeiSooHaityu, on 23 March 2016 - 03:49 AM, said:
Besides, PGI is adding the Kodiak. Doesn't some of its variants extend to 3061 or something like that?
Well one of them is 3068.
Odanan, on 23 March 2016 - 08:37 AM, said:
I think Pouncer is too slow for the tonnage. :/
Odanan, on 23 March 2016 - 09:12 AM, said:
Stormcrow is 55 tons and Pouncer is 40 tons. The lighter the mech, the more it depends on speed.
You say the Adder survives at the same speed. Hmmm... I thought Adders were extinct in MWO.

As long as it's not a Std. Engine medium omnimech, it will be just fine.
Well I personally see that a lighter mech does not depend on speed. It just depends on not getting hit. (Indirect fire, long range fire, fighting in co-injunction with other mechs (like how a hunchback fights, it only pokes out after the atlas does)
I do quite well in the Adder personally and I recently made a copy of the MW4: Mercs 'hero' Raven build in solaris (Cl LRM 20, Cl ER large laser, ECM) and had quite a few decent games (300+ damage) despite using the larger, heavier, elss damaging LRM 20 and ER large laser and would have been better if I simply went with a 15 at max. But that is me striving off the point.
Slow lights to me is quite fine. Sadly in the MLG/ meta/ competetive/ cheese/ etc, scene it isn't the best.
To me they perform similar to some of the medium mechs that mount similar speed/ firepower for more armour but the trade off being profile/ size/ agility. The Pouncer is quite swell for a sniper mech for it's tonnage. The combo of JJ and ER PPC's to me makes it worth it for the speed drop. To be honest however popularity of mechs is odd. Some people love a certain mech yet not play it within the past year or so (evident in the founders event less than a year ago, a lot of founders express how thankful they are to PGI to remind them they loved playing their hunchie, jenner, atlas, or catapult. As due to how MW: O goes. A lot of the time you spend your time grinding the next mech instead of play your favourites forever.)
I am personally oblivious to speed and I do not let that judge the mech I want to play. Speed is just one of the hundreds of factors in BT, you also got weapons, ammo, weapon types, weapon hardpoints, hard wiring, tech, just to group things up. if a mech is 'slow' I do not let that ruin everything else.
(Also I really would love a Std engine omnimech for clans. However I am more interested in the ones in heavy class to be the ifrst instead of the lights... hm... is there enough STD omnimechs for clans to make a whole package off it?)
CK16, on 23 March 2016 - 09:34 AM, said:
What is your guys opinions for using build ideas from MW:LL to fill out options if the 4 and 6 variants do not work out?
I think using MW: LL as inspiration should be considered jsut as much as what they've been doing when taking examples from the journals and MW:4. It won't be a copy paste, but it will be inspired which is fair as MW: LL breaks construction rules, Some mechs in MW: LL carry 10 to 20 tons to much weapons and equipment and sometimes this is ignoring ammo.
Bishop Steiner, on 23 March 2016 - 03:31 PM, said:'s so.....ugly and boring....

Well lots of ugly mechs in MW: O, However this is the most unique looking mech I can imagine that can be added to MW: O. It's profile is similar to the Sunder and blood asp in a quirky way and I think it could look kind of bad arse in MW: O redesign. I mean this would be something I would be scared to come across up close to be quite honest. those large ballistics and it's tanky appearance.