I do not want to open a new topic, so I put this here:
Would you pay for
Alpha-Lance Reinforcement packs? There are a number of canonical variants for the Alpha Lance Mechs which are possible with MWO. Some of them would be quite different and new, other just would be differently quirked and perhaps given a different HP-inflation. Here is what I have in mind (and why):
WHM-6Rk: the higher base engine rating (350) for much greater speed would allow for a Cavalry Mech.
WHM-7A: the different hardpoint-layout, especially the CT HPs, may be used for a more zombie-like build.
MAD-5S: technically it is possible to replicate it with the -3R, however I would like to see ER-PPC and Gauss Rifle quirks to emphasise its long range sniper role. And I think it is a shame that only one MAD so far has PPC quirks...
MAD-3D: again technically possible already, but even modest hardpoint inflation and quirks may turn this into a laser boat without resorting to the super-slow BH.
ARC-2W: Having (at least) 4 missile HP in the torso plus laser HP in the arms is something I miss.
ARC-2K or
ARC-5R: actually a version that would justify laser quirks, but otherwise unremarkable.
RLF-2N: With a combo of PPC and ACs in the arms, plus at least 4 laser HP in the torso, this variants would depend on quirks, especially PPC quirks.
RLF-5M: With UAC/5s being the stock load-out, there would be some quirks for it providing a dedicated UAC dakka build with less jamming.
I am not going to lie, quirks would make or break these packs, with the exception of the Warhammer (and Archer to a lesser degree). But as a Marauder-fan, I would love to get my hands on a properly quirked MAD-5S, and a Rifleman with UACs less prone to jamming would improve the design considerably.
Since the models exist already Alpha Lance Reinforcements should be relatively quick and easy work for PGI. Question is... would I pay for them? I would surely buy the Warhammer and Marauder packs, even for the regular 15$, but I am be a bit more hesitant when it comes to the other two. However I do not totally deny the option.
What about you?