Karl Streiger, on 06 October 2016 - 10:40 PM, said:
they could bring the TAG Team - while the ara militaris combination of fire falcon and black lanner doesn't make sense - because of their weird combat style (Clans = Teamwork = OP)
Karl, we've addressed the Tag Team fallacy in here and other places before. The issue is, it costs PGI the same amount of time and resources to make a Light Mech as a Heavy or Assault. Therefore making a model they can sell for 10 or even 15 dollars a chassis, vs one they can sell for 20, simply is bad business. (at least short term. It might work out better over a long term, but PGI has never been about the long game)
They might get some sales for something like a Stinger/Wasp pack, and might be able to work it some because of some shared assets in the models (could even say the same for the Valkyrie, potentially).. but even nostalgia mech sales are seeming to be on the wane, as PGI has done too good a job driving most of the last of us TT guys off through their apathy.
We see a scaling price on the Clan Heroes pack because those assets already existed, aside from the skins, and because Heroes have always had a scaling price. (Though this begs the question, will existing heroes so be on the same price scale as the new Clan Ones, or will the PGI store continue to be a patchwork Frankenstein's monster of pricing?)
I would love nothing more that to see a Wasp/Stinger two pack. In fact my "Dream Pack" in that regard?
-Base Pack: 30$
-Collecters: +20$
-Reinforcements: VALKYRIE +15$
-Heroes: +10$ (for each of 3, Stinger, Wasp, Valkyrie)
And add the Valkyrie as a Standalone for the normal 20$
Is it the ideal super socialist player friendly pack price some demand? No. It's also not PGIs pricing model. It's a compromise between the two, that IMO only works because you could likely share about 75% of basic assets between these three chassis, and in fact, MIGHT be able to use some existing Phoenix Hawk assets.
And even then you'd gt those complaining that "Lego mech laziness" is further proof of PGI's "End of Days".
Odanan, on 07 October 2016 - 08:10 AM, said:
I'm not in love with some of Shim's proportions, but I like all the basic details.
Sereglach, on 07 October 2016 - 07:07 AM, said:
To each their own. I still really like the way the primitive versions of a lot of the old unseen looked. One way or another, even if I like the true reimaged stuff more, the primitive versions I personally think are leagues beyond the "Project Phoenix" versions of the same mechs.
While there are 2-3 Project Phoenix Reseen I feel are underrated and have potential (with judicious work by a better artist), to me it's not much of a comparison point as the PP aesthetics are also, IMO anti-Battletech, in general with all the busy little projections, thingymabobs, etc, and the super sleek look to things, etc.
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 07 October 2016 - 09:10 AM.