Widowmaker1981, on 23 December 2014 - 04:05 AM, said:
Its not even a bit warm. its fine.. STD 290, 3xERPPC, 16DHS. People running XLs in Thuds are doing it wrong.
And if you want super range hitscan ERLLs try 5SS with 4xERLL. 911 meter range, 15% heat reduction..
911? Try over 1 klick before falloff, because if you're running that build, you're running the +range ERPPC module, too.
TDR ERPPCs have greater range than clan ERPPCs, have 50% of the heat generation, run at 75% of the recycle time of clan ERPPCs, and do the same damage.
But, Artifact! Clan ERPPCs do 15 points of damage so it all balances out! No, no it doesn't. Clan ERPPCs do the same damage as IS ERPPCs, except they uselessly splash a few points of damage to otherwise undamaged areas.
TDRs are blatantly broken. It's not even close. The damage per second and damage per heat accounting makes it absolutely absurd to argue otherwise. For those comparing TDRs to TBRs? Dude, TBRs are 10 tons heavier. Compare TDR damage to HBR damage since they weigh the same.
HBRs are 15-ish kph faster. TDRs have FAR higher sustained DPS. They have FAR higher PPFLD. TDRS are also much tougher than HBRs, because of the slot layout.
Next, we'll talk about how Clan chassis can't mount two GRs unless you want to bring a warhawk or dire wolf.
Oh, and for the record, I've given up playing Clans in CW, for the time being. I'll go play in the FRR, which is a cool enough faction in canon literature anyhow. As it stands, there is no comparison. IS lights are far and away better, TDR-9S's are, pound for pound, probably the best long range mech in the game, and if I want to run ECM on a 100 ton assault mech, I can do that.
Edited by Artifact, 23 December 2014 - 06:31 AM.