This needs to be settled. Now.
I've seen IS stomp Clans and Clans stomp IS. I've seen Units stomp Pugs and Pugs stomp Units. Balanced.
Here are the only reasons why CW is imbalanced: Timezones, Units, and Contracts.
The current game mechanics rely on there being an equal # of players on each faction AT ALL TIMES. Can you guess why?
Offense and Defense is decided purely by player count.
It works like this: Each planet has a queue for 2 opposing factions. The first faction to fill up a company of 12 in the queue gets placed on attack/counter attack, and the other faction's next company of 12 gets placed on defense/hold territory. Repeat for each subsequent group of 12. The only exception is when there's nothing to attack for one faction, then they get placed on defense regardless of who finishes the queue race earlier.
So what happens if one faction has too many players? They always win the queue race, so they're always on offense, and opposing factions are always on defense. Wait... if a faction is always on defense, how are they expected to ever gain territory?
How can one faction end up with a surplus of players? 3 ways:
- A majority of their players live in one timezone and play at the same time, while other factions have their units spread throughout the day. This causes an imbalance of players at a specific time.
- A very large unit can suddenly switch contracts to another faction, creating a huge and instant power shift that is impossible to predict or defend against.
- The availability of contracts is in NO WAY influenced by the ratio of players between each faction. You can still join a faction even if the number of players in the faction is doube, TRIPLE the other factions.
In order to fix CW each of these problems need to be addressed:
- If timezones are a problem, there needs to be a way to track this activity and use the collected information to ensure that each timezone has evenly distributed players per faction.
- Even with timezones addressed some units can become too large to predict. IMO this game may eventually need a cap on # of players you can recruit to a unit (IMHHHO, 12).
- Contracts for a faction should be unavailable if joining that faction would cause an imbalance. Your timezone and unit size would be considered at this point. Thus, lone wolfs would have an easier time switching between different factions, becoming more difficult (but still possible!) for larger units.
This is how we can rebalance CW using the current game mechanics. Specifically, the balance ratio for each faction should be determined by the number of offensive and defensive fronts the faction has. Example:
Faction player limit = [#activeplayers] x
..[#factionbattlefronts].. + {coefficient of acceptable imbalance, ie. 6}
Problem solved.
This may mean that some players/units won't get to play their favourite faction, and it may mean that some players may get kicked from a faction or put in a waiting line, but the only other option I see is scrapping CW altogether...
Unless people enjoy playing an imbalanced game, in which case keep enjoying CW for another month or so before the whole thing implodes...
Edited by Repasy, 05 January 2015 - 10:09 PM.