Black Arachne, on 13 January 2015 - 02:15 PM, said:
All systems are refined - don't think I've ever seen a a finished product on version 1.0.
Serpieri, on 13 January 2015 - 02:12 PM, said:
Ditto,,its why clans use stars and is uses lances - most of those games - would end up being 12vs10, unless you used some of the really old IS designs then it was even possible to see 16vs10...and you get an idea why the IS was so hard pressed.
"Combat Value (CV), the system's earliest (official) incarnation, was introduced in 1994 in the Tactical Handbook and values were included in several FASA-era record sheet products.
There were many problems with Combat Value, and so it was replaced by the Battle Value systems.
Previously, the "Combat Efficiency Factors" system by Joel Bancroft-Connors had been published in the BattleTechnology magazine, an official BattleTech magazine which was canon in its time, but is not counted among the canonical sources anymore. The Combat Value system is thought to have been developed independently from the Combat Efficiency Factors system.
Battle Value
BV 1
Battle Value (BV), the successor to CV, is a more refined system that takes more factors into account. The original BV formula was released in 1997 in Maximum Tech and has been tweaked a number of times since. An upgraded BV formula was presented in BattleTech Master Rules, and that version was also used in the FanPro reprint of Maximum Tech. It is now generally referred to as "BV 1".
BV 2
The formula underwent a substantial revision in TechManual, leading fans to dub it "BV 2.0". It was again tweaked for the reprint of TechManual where the multiplier table for pilot skill was changed.
While work was being done on the MUL project (which includes providing BV 2.0 values for all units)
it was found that the BV rules were inconsistent or unclear in some cases, leading the MUL team to implement further improvements. Their update has jokingly been referred to as BV 2.1 internally, though the system is still generally referred to as BV 2.0.
The values provided by MUL are the official values.
BV 3
Since 2012 Line Developer Herbert A. Beas II repeatedly said that he was considering changing the BV system into a much simpler system, and that the developers were tentatively exploring various ideas. However, the overhaul of the BV system, often called "BV 3", was apparently put on the back burner and in a BattleChat on 26 January 2013 said that the
current plan was to patch BV 2 and give it "one more chance" with an upcoming set of errata; in a later BattleChat (20 April 2013) he remarked that they had "put the brakes on the new BV system to see how well received the latest errata holds." He also remarked that redoing BV would necessitate a rework on the upcoming Alpha Strike (ruleset)."
Because they give working systems "one more chance" all the time.
"Although the new BV2 system addressed some problems, it created chaos among the designs. Older books listed only the BV, the new readouts only the BV2, and there were some interrim products, like the TRO3075, that contains a lot of miscalculated BVs. Miscalculation in official products remains a problem, but nowadays it works somewhat better"
etc etc etc
But I am sure the majority of the gaming industry, including CGL's line developer lead, are wrong.