Blueduck, on 06 January 2015 - 08:02 PM, said:
"A very strong medium? You mean like in my drop deck..... I have 2 Thunderbolts, one with 7 med pulse lasers and one with 2 ERPPC's and three medium lasers, A firebrand jager i just got, and a Blackjack X-1 ....hmmmm
Doesn't seem like that strong of a medium to me. And if the Thunderbolts are just so freaking OP why am I not running another in my drop ship? If Erppc's are so great with the quirk...why am I not running 3 of them in my Thunderbolt, and all three that have the quirks?"
So you get to have 2 ppc thunderbolts and a pulse laser thunderbolt; pretty strong eh? Or you have the 2 thunderbolt, awesome, and small pulse laser firestarter, again, really strong hung?
I'm not biased though in that I think the 3 stormcrow, 1 Timberwolf dropdeck is just as dumb.
And this isn't about "your" drop deck, but a coordinated team that takes out 3 thunderbolts or 2 and an awesome.
I have several choices, but on my IS account right now I am only running two Thunderbolts because I am trying to finish mastering them and will end up selling one of them and keeping two as long as they don't get nerfed into the ground. Point is that its not what I normally run in my drop deck. Normally my deck varies, from 1 Victor, Jager S, Cent A, and the BJ-X1 with 8 small pulse lasers. or I can run 2 Tbolts, Jager FB, and BJ-X1. I have the two firestarters, the A and the ember, they are benched right now. I also have the Locust PB, and the 3E, but at this point with the very limited maps and modes we have in CW, not really sure about a set drop deck.(zerg rushing with lights really isn't my thing either)
I am running 2 Tbolts right now, Both have 2 ERppc's and med lasers. I am really not a ppc kinda player, they are ok I guess, but normally I don't run builds with them. One reason I did is to counter the Range advantage the Clans have always enjoyed. In CW, keeping targets at range can be a very important tactic at times and other times its not. This is the point, players have to find ways to counter any given mech, weapons, or you can just complain about them until PGI nerfs them into the ground. I tend to stick with short to mid range brawlers, SRM builds, small pulse lasers/med pulse lasers builds.
I have seen unskilled players that can't hit anything with PPC's, and then I have seen skilled pilots that can. Some of you act like just because of the quirks on the Tbolt its OP or the quirks are to much. Even with only 2 erPPC's and three med lasers one has to watch heat or the mech will shut down. Nerfing the clans or the IS into the ground is not the answer to fix things guys. Does it suck to get pounded on by a team that brings 3 Tbolts each.....sure I bet it does. However, if try hards are willing to bring them, chances are even if the quirks get taken down a notch or just nerfed into the ground, they will find a replacement that will wind up with the same end result, your dead and they win.
I just tried to play CW tonight, and I dropped with some fellow Smoke Jags, and it seemed as if the goal was to hit planets that had no defenders to get the easy win. Well this really isn't my style either, and I find it to kinda suck for several reasons. It seems there will always be players in this game that try to find ways to get a edge over others or exploit the game. Best thing I have found to do is adapt, try new tactics, and if you can, kill them fast. Same thing happened with the Timbers... seemed everyone started to focus on mechs that are deemed as OP. Players really should not be starting threads on how OP something is, or begging for nerfs. They should be talking it over with their teammates and finding weakness in their opponents choice of mechs, or weapons they bring, no matter how good they seem to be. There are always weakness's in every mech, I don't care what they are.