Ralgas, on 20 January 2015 - 04:49 AM, said:
ok - than you have indeed a challange.
Those 6 MLAS shouldn't hit the same spot?
Nor should any of the 6 MLAS in the other arm hit the same spot?
Should two lasers in similar locations from each arm hit the same spot?
OK - while i was thinking - i can remember some curious "realistic" shootings in the Beta. For example the AC 20 from the Atlas - with old convergence delay - the shot leaves the hip cannon and could hit a Catapult right in the head. You didn't have to aim.
While I can remember a fight with a Thunderbolt were i did run into a BattleMaster - my machine Guns were able to hit the Masters head - although it was right in front of me - (there was not angle to achieve that)
So I did start thinking a Cone of Fire may help - and i doesn't understand the skill problematic. Its not given.
The cone is increased based on cross hair movement and speed - so a Light Mech will have a huge cross hair all the time -but that shouldn't be a problem because of the average combat distance.
And you know where your weapons are - two MLAS in the left arm will hit next to each other - while two lasers in the other arm hit another spot - but still 4 beams instead of a single death star laser.
While torso weapons try to hit the same spot but with lower cone shrinking speed.
Slow moving and turning assaults may have a smaller cone, because they are stable weapon platforms that can't move fast.
I think in former discussions the Hunchback 4P was named Lase Shotgun - and thats exactly how it should work. Its called swayback for a reason. Because currently a 6 MLAS hunch is more as capable of dealing the same damage as a AC 20 hunch.
Edited by Karl Streiger, 20 January 2015 - 05:02 AM.