Fantastic. I go away for dinner and come back to a 150+ post threadsplosion, where everyone is still arguing with each other about completely different situations.
Time to Kanye this sucker. *ahem*
"Now I'mma let you finish but...
Just so we're all clear:
Powering down in Conquest because you're going to win on points as long as you stay alive, no one has an issue with that.
Powering down in Conquest while losing, utterly useless but the other team can still cap you out with minimal fuss.
Returning to your base for a last stand with turret back up in Assault, no one should have any issue with that.
Powering down in Assault because you pussed out/ left your team to die/ got ignored by the other team - moderately useless but not a huge biggie because the other objective in the match is to cap the base and doing this usually isn't an issue. Unless you're hiding from a crippled Jenner or something....
Powering down in Skirmish to get the drop on someone, it's all good - you're powering up behind someone to murder them.
It would be wise to inform your team that you are doing this.
Parking yourself in a corner and powering down to stare at a cliff texture like its a Monet for the remainder of a match, you're being a ponce and you're going to be reported.
Running as far as you can from the enemy for the remainder of a match, with clearly no intention of fighting any more is not making the enemy team work for the kill, you're being a ponce and you're going to be reported.
Doing what Kjudoon was doing here:
Kjudoon, on 12 February 2015 - 07:36 AM, said:
I just spent a match where the last 5 minutes was me and a Thunderbolt in a hide and seek tango because one of us was going to die real easy. Not a shot was fired for almost 4 minutes because we were trying to get advantage on each other. Now, I'd be reported because I was not playing stupid and charging. It was on assault.
Assault or not, you're still doing something useful and stand-offs like that are good and tense, no one should have an issue with that.
Calling out an AFK/DC players location, I don't think anyone has issue with that.
Calling out a players location who is still clearly trying to engage the enemy, you're being a ponce and you're going to be reported.
Many ongoing arguments in this thread have one person citing one situation with the other arguing about a different one entirely.
I may have missed some obscure situations off here, I'm sure there'll be a rules lawyer here soon to tell me one I've missed and because of that I'm wrong etc.
Basically, don't be a ponce. You know when you're being a ponce and everyone with at least two firing neurons knows it too and will respond in kind.
...of all time!"
OK, you guys can continue wailing and gnashing now.