Karl Streiger, on 18 March 2015 - 06:27 AM, said:
look its like in the game - somebody has to be the first in the breach. Maybe the first two weaks/months after that fix would be interesting - but if the drawback is as huge as you fear - they will give balance stuff out - for example with quirks
No doubt they'd
try. How effective or successful said balance would be is an
entirely different issue. I, personally, have little confidence in PGI getting it right. The past has been nothing but band-**** and overly complicated hodge-podges such as ghost heat, Gauss charge delay, and so on, and nothing much has really changed in that regard.
I agree that it's already in and we can work with it, not much choice in that manner. That's not really the point though. As I joked about in my brick, they keep hitting us with the nerf hammer without throwing us a bone. The rate they're going, PGI is content to screw us collectively over and not give a flying you-know-what if the results are less than acceptable so long as the IS player base is content, which IIRC is substantially larger (don't quote me on that, though, as I'm not entirely sure).
Something has to give. This is why I back the IS Light Engine suggestion so whole-heartedly it. Here's just some advantages I thought of off the top of my head:
-Allows us Clan players to keep our Clan XL Engines the way they are, which some are already dissatisfied with.
-Gives Inner Sphere players even
more build variety (As a former IS light pilot, I could see LFE's being
extremely viable on lights such as a Jenner; offers an excellent compromise between free tonnage (aka firepower) and survivability).
-If I recall correctly, LFE's are also a middle point in price between XL's and Standards. This means the new IS player on a budget can get something into his BattleMech that isn't a Standard and become a little more competetive. This helps the new player experience as well, and sets up a sort of Standard -> LFE -> XLFE 'progression', though some chassi/builds will usually be more viable with one of the three in particular.
Honestly, I don't see a downside. Everybody wins! Because let's be frank, if you take a ST out on any Clan omni, including the oh-so-dreaded Timberwolf, the loss of ~50% of the firepower and a heat management hit as well already does enough damage. Sure we're not dead, but we're pretty damn close, and that heat impairment makes our already-hot mechs pretty much spontaneously combust.
Disclaimer: I'm not claiming to be an authority nor do I say that I have the answer. I would honestly love to debate the point.
Edited by GroxGlitch, 18 March 2015 - 02:49 PM.