MischiefSC, on 21 March 2015 - 08:00 PM, said:
Caustic. If a build pre-unlocks can kill all 8 on caustic in less than 3:30, it's solid enough to try. After double-basics it needs to go under 3 minutes. A rock solid build runs 2:45. Means it's got a good balance of speed and firepower.
That's... kind of brilliant, actually. While I spend a bit of time with new mechs in testing grounds to feel em out, I've never really looked at timed runs killing stuff. It's a hot map, so heat is tested, but all the mechs are positioned fairly evenly around the caldera so you can run around ganking stuff.
As to Smurfy's... It's very accurate, but you need to understand what exactly the number means. It's purely a measure of your rate of dissipation vs. generation. Where it tends to fall down, though, is when you've got low heat generation
and low dissipation. Your ratio may be good (giving you a high percentage) but your actual dissipation rate is still low, so once you've built up heat, it takes forever to get rid of it. It also, of course, doesn't consider heat cap, which can be very significant.
Personally, I tend to Smurfy-Evaluate based on mostly time to overheat. All mechs (or very nearly all mechs) shed heat at the same rate and have the same capacity for a given number of DHS, so I know roughly how fast my heat will go down for various amounts of DHS. I generally don't field mechs where TtOH is <20s using all my primary weapons, and prefer around 25s. I want to know, when I want to push, I can
push. Sucks to push and hit your heat cap pretty much instantly.
Also, Smurfy doesn't really quirk, so depending on the mech it can be horrifically wrong.