Gyrok, on 23 March 2015 - 06:09 AM, said:
1.) Balance can be done from multiple angles, but there will always be variables in play that cannot be properly compared side by side. The only way to avoid this is to do something along the lines of SWTOR or another MMO where both sides are the same classes and same abilities EXACTLY with slightly different aesthetics sprinkled on top (also tends to be boring, but I digress).
2.) Regardless of all things being equal, there will always be a class/build/weapon/ability that is the "Flavor of the Month" or the strongest in the evolving meta game. Once that build is "tuned" something else will take the place of that one.
3.) Some things will never be top performing. This is something many of you must learn to accept, and just deal with it. The AWS will never have FS9 hit will always be a tier 2 mech unless it is buffed to be so overpowered it has to be tuned back down. Why? Because even the Gargamel Clan mech has better hit boxes...and the Gargamel is worse than the AWS. This can be the result of poor hardpoints, poor hit boxes, bad equipment, or, in the case of clan mechs, over/under engined, no endo, limited hardpoints, bad hardpoint locations, etc.
4.) The meta is going to evolve, sometimes rapidly, sometimes not. Anyone else remember the jump snipe meta? Remember the QQ over it for an entire YEAR?! Now, we are down to several emergent meta games that depend on what you are bringing to what map. The current state of the meta game now is more diverse and balanced than it ever has been in the entirety of MWO's history. How people are complaining about that is beyond me...however, to each their own.
Hopefully this at least enlightens some of those making all the QQ threads with some insight from a developer. Balancing things is not easy, especially something like this. Frankly, the fact that this game has a performance delta around 5-ish% between the 2 tech trees is an achievement for this team. When you consider what was...this is a time where more chassis are viable, and more play styles are viable, than ever have been at once in the history of MWO. Enjoy it, and stop complaining. Go shoot stompy robots.
Well said sir!