lordtzar, on 27 May 2015 - 12:29 PM, said:
Yeah that's what I was hoping for too. I like to think the forum warrior elites suck so bad at the game, their crutch is the forums and not cheats......or they'd actually be playing the game instead of accruing 500,000 posts.
Some folks accrue big post counts because they post at work, while they can access the forums on the sly but can't run the game.
Something I've totally never done before, by the way.
ANYWAYS. Interesting to see Piranha take this stance with account bans. I've never been part of a game that did its own public name-n-shame with cheaters - they
banned cheaters, absolutely, but you never knew who unless other players did some sleuthing. Discussing bans for any reason tended to result in more bans.
Gotta say, this Hall of Shame approach is kinda refreshing. Only recognized one name outright on the list, had a few faint twinges of a few others, but nevertheless, sixty-four accounts (and about forty players, based on obvious dupes...) who will no longer trouble MWO. I like this. Like someone said earlier in the thread, cheats harm the MWO playerbase as a whole. Only feels right that the playerbase as a whole (or at least the forumite userbase) gets to get a few of their own licks in.
No sympathy for cheats, beeteedubs. You all knew just exactly what you were signing up for when you installed third-party hacks; if you wanted to gamble your account status on a few extra legs up, then you have no grounds to complain when the dice come up snake-eyes for you. Enjoy starting from scratch, and/or (hopefully not) be seeing you in other games.
As for concerns over TeamSpeak...that's not any kind of issue. TeamSpeak does not, as I recall, even interface with the MWO client at all, it's no more a third-party cheat tool than keeping Chrome open to a Smurfy tab or an online strategy guide is. It's just another program you're running concurrently with MWO, and with the introduction (and subsequent complete fizzle) of the game's own integrated VoIP, you're not even gaining any advantage the game doesn't explicitly replicate. Except, perhaps, for
quality voice software; the integrated system is not really the tippy-top of the heap
But yeah. I like where this is going, I'm curious to see where it ends up. Threads like this from PGI will be great 'learning' tools for the Steam crowd when they eventually show up and inevitably start trying to wallhack their way to illegitimate success.