MrElusive, on 21 November 2015 - 09:32 AM, said:
this might have been a good deal if the $60.00 pack included the other 6 mech's.
I just don't see the value in spending the $60.00 for the two mech's.
But it's not JUST about the Mech's ... you have to look at the entire thing. The problem as I see it, is that the way they are promoting/advertising this is the way you just perceived it. "You are buying 2 mechs for the money and have some other stuff thrown in, but it's all about the mechs."
I think they
should promote it the other way. Disassociate the Mechs with the Package Name and concentrate on the "Digital Goodies" and that the Mech's are a bonus. People are focusing on 2 Mechs for the Money instead of all the other stuff as well. They are marketing it backwards which makes it look like a bad deal because if you look at it FOR THE MECHS vs THE PRICE then it sucks because if you spend $80 on the Mauler pack you get 12 Mechs for example.
But it's not just about the Mechs.
Take the Assault Pack for $60. The 4,000 MC is $18 ($22 if you use 179-1), the 6.5 Mil Cbills is $18 ($22), the Premium Time is $12...which is a $48($56) value already. So the additional $12($4) gets you 2 Assault Mechs + Mech Bays as well as the Camo and Colors for each. So deeply discounted Mechs + Mech Bays which would normally cost you $51 ($71) for just the Mechs and Mech Bays.
I still think that will be tough to sell to a crowd of new players that probably don't yet understand the Value of MC and Premium Time, but perhaps something like that would begin to teach them. I don't know ... the only other thing I could think that would be better would be to let each person build their own "Ala Carte" Performance Pack. Let them choose any 1 IS Mech and any 1 Clan Mech of the appropriate Weight Class, then add in the MC/CBills, etc. and discount it for ~60% of the normal price. Focus on the ~60% discount aspect, not the Mech's themselves so people don't get caught up in only the Mech purchase portion of the equation. That is what I keep seeing everyone griping about ... that they can't believe they are asking for $60 for just 2 mechs! They are totally leaving the other "Digital Goodies" out of the mix.
*note, for the $ values, I am using the best conversion value of 250 to 1 like if you purchased the 25,000 MC Bundle for $99.95. If you value the MC at one of the lower MC bundle rates, then the $ value will increases. I think that is likely the value Russ is thinking when he says it's roughly a 50% Discount on normal prices for everything in the bundle.