Arcanoz, on 21 February 2016 - 07:27 AM, said: are asking us to play some CW...with garbage builds? no-meta..maybe full flamers..just to let the "other 12 guys" have some fun and loyalty points and c-bills shooting at us? what next? standing still and powering down until they re ok with dmg and let us power up and shooting back with only one small laser? I cant really understand the meaning of your post.
To improve, people must play harder, fix builds, learn to tank...not hoping to find "friendly enemy units" who let them have some fun.
There is no game where an enemy play as you wish for your personal fun.
you can try to play against yourself soon if that suits you more. thats what you achieve.
there is more than meta. its called experiments.
the full flamer thing is already enough for me to just stop getting into any useful conversation with you.
you have not understood anything and im not even surprised about it.
not everyone is playing competitive.
not everyone wants to play your way.
not everyone CAN play as you want everyone to play.
you only think meta is fun but it is by far not.
even a black knight with 2 er ppc and 7 small laser is incredible fun once you understand how to use it.
stuff like this is what makes alot of people here fun.
but you just wont let them have fun.
if people have no fun they will go away from it.
and once they are gone they wont learn anything anymore.
as sad as it is, i already got some response from players that played with and against your unit and openly admitted that they stopped playing CW because of how your unit play and act.
i have nothing against you personally you can play the way you want to but its up to us players to solve things that include other players and hopefully open the eyes of some to change and make this game better than any patch can do.
the fun thing is that i in person often play alot of fun mechs with mixed weaponry.
they work just fine. in CW, everywhere. if i am damaged enough i go out and get me killed.
yes i do that because i care about the enemy as well if its already a won battle for me.
its not the majority that should change, its the minority that has to (and units like yours are the minority)
note: i apologize for everything against the TOS. i tried to be as diplomatic as i can and nothing should be seen as personal attack. (the bane of not getting the correct grammar done /o\)