CaveMan, on 14 December 2011 - 08:58 AM, said:
Can you please break up your text a bit more? I hate to be a grammarian about stuff, but it's getting really hard to parse those big blocks of text and pick out details for the story. Instead of two huge paragraphs that last post should really have been about six smaller ones.
Also, it reads like you're rushing through trying to narrate the story. There are a lot of missed words and errors and it makes it a lot harder to read the posts. Take your time and we'll all be a lot happier with the results

This last bit is more based on my experience as a GM for RPGs:
I think you're being a little over-specific on certain details. "82.94% strength", really? Who could tell that from a glance? You're also giving us a lot of info the player characters have no way of knowing (the exact weapons loadout of the mystery Shadow Hawk, the size of the lasers on the modified Jenner, what the Shadow Hawk pilot is seeing on his displays).
Don't get me wrong, details are great, I love details, but they have to be relevant details. Maybe I'm wrong and there's a good reason why you're telling us what the Shadow Hawk pilot is seeing on his displays, but you haven't made that obvious yet. We don't necessarily need to have the inner motivations of NPCs. Give us their actions and maybe some dialogue and the players can figure it out for ourselves.
Second, I'd like to know a little more about the actions of the other troops the DCMS is throwing into the fight. 'Mechs are cool, this is a Mechwarrior story, so obviously 'Mechs are the focus of the action, but it seems like all you want to discuss is the 'Mech battle.
Keep in mind, as a GM/narrator, that only two or three of the characters are 'Mech pilots and none of them are presently anywhere near a 'Mech. Right now it sort of feels like our characters are watching the story unfold rather than participating in it.
Having said all that, this is a pretty cool start. Things are getting interesting fast. Just find a way to hook us all in together and it will be awesome.))
(( I'm sorry, I wrote those posts near the end of the day when I am half asleep and my creativity is at it's peak, for some reason. I didn't really mean for it too go in such a manner as it is going. And further more I left what happens too the bar fight too those that are there, if I am reading this correctly. But, I digress: I do need too add more interaction between the DCMS instead of focusing on the unnamed 'mech pilot. I think I will wait for a few more posts before I make my own, though I will have to revise and edit it before hand..)