However, please put more effort into planet atmospherics. Some items are simple, like finishing the planet descriptions and statistics! It's been over a year now and we still only have less than 10% of the worlds with data entered. That's just embarrassing.
Others will take a little more effort, like factory worlds and worlds with specific supplies of minerals. How about instead of only MC rewards, select production worlds across the Inner Sphere (and Clan space) for items such as medium lasers and heat sinks. Give members of that world's controlling faction a 20% discount on those goods and charge members of factions that do not control a component/mech/munition producing world an additional 10% tariff for that item. That would return some of the "feel" of the BT universe's scarcity and desperation. It would add much more to the meaning of taking Alshain if it means your unit gets discounts on medium lasers or Locust 1Es (and that your enemy consequently will pay more for them).
Third, make Solaris VII, Outreach off-limits and representative of special game options. Open up the Clan worlds and Periphery to play. Pirate defense/hunting, exploration, arena fights, contract negotiations, Clan trials and duels, and the opportunity to strike at the real Clan home worlds would be outstanding additions to the game.
Edit: one more thing, work in specific gravity, temperature, and map changes. Some worlds just shouldn't have Boreal Vault and other shouldn't have Grim Portico. Having high gravity and low gravity worlds will also make games much more interesting (and surprising).
Edited by Emilio Lizardo, 19 April 2016 - 09:15 PM.