1453 R, on 10 August 2016 - 04:24 PM, said:
This is the issue, Hotthedd.
The whole forced-chainfire thing, where you can fire one UND PRECISELY VUN weapon accurately at any given time and trying to fire even so much as two small lasers simultaneously results in your 'Mech spontaneously exploding into a pile of flaming confetti with the word "Idiot" written on each and every little piece that all the old TT folks are so keen on...destroys virtually every existing playstyle.
That is not even remotely
close to what I was suggesting. Firing 2 small lasers simultaneously would cause a very small crosshair bloom with the weapons hitting within the cross hairs.
I have no idea what hyperbole you are referencing.
1453 R, on 10 August 2016 - 04:24 PM, said:
Ranged sniping is gone. Outright, cannot-do-it-anymore gone, because a ranged sniper trying to stop an SRM guy from closing on him with one single Gauss rifle is unable to deal more than the most minor of token damage before that SRM guy is all up in his face with something like forty times his DPS and eating him like a ham sandwich.
Does that sniper HAVE 2 gauss rifles? If not, your hypothetical situation is pointless, and if so, the amount of damage that sniper can do has not changed. The only difference is each individual round would have to be aimed instead of getting the two-for-one deal.
1453 R, on 10 August 2016 - 04:24 PM, said:
Energy-centric 'Mechs are gone. Completely done. One AC/5 out-deepz's any number of lasers, of any type, at any range, in forced chainfire mode. One guy firing one AC/5 mounted on a Panther will deal more, and more effective, DPS than a Dire Whale configured with a dozen lasers, of which it can only ever fire one at a time without suffering the Wrath of the Old Ones. The Whale gets less DPS, less damage, less focused damage, more heat...everything bad you can think of, the Whale gets that end of the stick. Get two AC/5s, so you get a faster cycle rate on your forced chainfire? Well, that Blackjack will become an unstoppable nightmare beast to all energy-centric assaults who dare to show their faces before it!
First of all, I never said
forced chain fire. What I am advocating is for chain fire to have its advantages and group fire to have its advantages, and full alphas to have its advantages, each with its own drawbacks.
1453 R, on 10 August 2016 - 04:24 PM, said:
C'mon, man. How can you possibly look at the game in its current state and say "if only everything was forced into chainfire mode at all times for all players forever, all of our balance problems would just vanish overnight and we'd Make MWO Great Again"?
I never
did say that. However perfectly precise alpha striking has led to: Doubling armor, increasing ammo because of the doubled armor, ghost heat, and many other band-aid fixes. PGI has tried to balance alphas with heat penalties, but without an actual heat scale, it doesn't really work. Accuracy is the issue, accuracy penalties are the solution.