Posted 29 September 2016 - 06:10 AM
I found apparent discrepancy concerning Targeting Computers bonus to critical percentage.
Lets lay some ground rules first. In normal unmodified conditions the crit chance is static 42% on any given weapon.
This great illustration is borrowed from this crit-related topic:
Now to the real question:
What is the total critical chance with the Targeting Computer?
Why I ask about the total critical chance, and not only the additional chance? The following apparent discrepancy got me thinking if I had understood the whole crit groundwork wrong all together, and so these differentiating percentages could somehow still mean the same.
In this case I use the Targeting Computer VI as an example. The MWO in-game mechlab tooltip shows as follows (29.9.2016):
This tooltip gives us three critical chances: 7,5%, 4,25% and 0,925%. Which makes up to total of 12,675% additional crit chance.
Combine 12,675% with static 42% and we get grand total of 54,675% of critical chance with TC VI.
On the other hand the MWO wiki http://mwo.gamepedia...geting_Computer tells us the following about TC VI:
Increased crit chance for projectile and beam weapons: [+23.5]%
So if we use this value instead, we would get grand total of 65,5% of critical hit chance with TC VI.
So which one is it? There is apparent 10,825% difference between the crit chance of these two sources.
Over ten percent is huge amount when weighing the pros and cons of using six tons and six critical slots for TC. And if you are wondering why TC VI, it's for Night Gyr with gauss and two erPPC's Critical ripping FTW!
Posted 29 September 2016 - 06:35 AM
Posted 29 September 2016 - 06:38 AM
If you just add the TC values to the listed chances of the second roll you wind up with values over 100, so that doesn't make sense and increasing the base 1x chance would actually be a nerf, not a buff to crits. The TC must be impacting the first roll in some way to make the 42% crit chance higher and then there may be something going on to impact the second roll but the tooltip info is as clear as mud.
Maybe McGral can share some insight on how the code is setup on the backend for these?
Edited by Lostdragon, 29 September 2016 - 06:39 AM.
Posted 29 September 2016 - 07:08 AM
My view it does it per weapon so really the extra few percent really didn't matter. Fire 8 clan lasers at something it's going to crit. I normally take the 1 ton for the beam range anyway.
Edited by Monkey Lover, 29 September 2016 - 07:09 AM.
Posted 29 September 2016 - 07:15 AM
In MWO, most effects are multiplicative and not additive.
For example, if something says that the TC provides a 23.5% boost to crits then it probably means:
Crit chance = 0.42 + 0.42*0.235 = 0.5187
This method prevents multiple effects that boost the same stat from getting out of hand whereas if you simply add them up it can get unbalanced.
Ok .. so the TC pop up lists 7.5, 4.25 and 0.925%
The base crit probabilities are
Total crit chance = 0.42
0.42*0.595 = 0.2499 *1.075 = 0.2686
0.42*0.333 = 0.1399 *1.0425 = 0.1458
0.42*0.0714 = 0.0299 *1.00925 = 0.0302
Total crit chance after TC if multiplicative = 0.4446 = 5.85%
0.42*(0.595 +0.075) = 0.2814
0.42*(0.333 + 0.0425) = 0.15771
0.42*(0.0714 + 0.00925)=0.0387
Total crit chance with TC if additive: 0.4778 = 13.7% increase
So whether applied additively or multiplicatively, the numbers listed on the in game pop up are significantly less than were originally advertised for TC ... which probably means that TC crit chances were nerfed at some point (though all of this is a guess as to how it is actually implemented in the game ... I'd also add that PGI has demonstrated in the past that math is not their strong suit).
Posted 29 September 2016 - 07:24 AM
Posted 29 September 2016 - 07:29 AM
I'm not convinced they are.
I only use them when i have a slot left that i cant put anything else in.
...If they get a boost, I'll think again,
Posted 29 September 2016 - 07:52 AM
Edited by Requiemking, 29 September 2016 - 07:52 AM.
Posted 29 September 2016 - 08:01 AM
Mawai, on 29 September 2016 - 07:15 AM, said:
In MWO, most effects are multiplicative and not additive.
For example, if something says that the TC provides a 23.5% boost to crits then it probably means:
Crit chance = 0.42 + 0.42*0.235 = 0.5187
This method prevents multiple effects that boost the same stat from getting out of hand whereas if you simply add them up it can get unbalanced.
Ok .. so the TC pop up lists 7.5, 4.25 and 0.925%
The base crit probabilities are
Total crit chance = 0.42
0.42*0.595 = 0.2499 *1.075 = 0.2686
0.42*0.333 = 0.1399 *1.0425 = 0.1458
0.42*0.0714 = 0.0299 *1.00925 = 0.0302
Total crit chance after TC if multiplicative = 0.4446 = 5.85%
0.42*(0.595 +0.075) = 0.2814
0.42*(0.333 + 0.0425) = 0.15771
0.42*(0.0714 + 0.00925)=0.0387
Total crit chance with TC if additive: 0.4778 = 13.7% increase
So whether applied additively or multiplicatively, the numbers listed on the in game pop up are significantly less than were originally advertised for TC ... which probably means that TC crit chances were nerfed at some point (though all of this is a guess as to how it is actually implemented in the game ... I'd also add that PGI has demonstrated in the past that math is not their strong suit).
After doing some more research I think I was wrong the way it actually works is there is one roll, not two. Baseline is 25% 1 crit, 14% 2 crit, 3% 3 crit.
Multiplicative it would be:
Which would be 44.75% crit chance or just 2.75% increase.
But I think it is more likely to actually be additive and yield:
Or total crit chance of 54.7 for a 12.7% increase.
Edited by Lostdragon, 29 September 2016 - 08:04 AM.
Posted 29 September 2016 - 08:11 AM
Posted 29 September 2016 - 08:17 AM
Posted 29 September 2016 - 08:57 AM
Now if we just could get some blue input on this.
As I was afraid, as of now we have 1-7 tonnes of potential crap, because nobody actually knows what they deliver. Even in TC1 it would be nice to know the actual crit% bonus it provides.
Posted 29 September 2016 - 09:00 AM
1x,2x,3x chances after a crit is called are not modified. They all remain the same as base values adding up to 100%.
The numbers in TC stats popup for each crit type is the total increase of each crit type after being multiplied by the total crit probability
- First, 1x Crits:
Since 1x crit always has 59.5% crit chance after a crit is called, the original crit chance would have been as following:
0.3249 / 0.595 = 0.546 (54.6%)
- Now lets check the 2x crit type:
Since 2x crit always has 33.33% crit chance after a crit is called, the original crit chance would have been as following:
0.1825 / 0.3333 = 0.547 (54.7%)
- And finaly, 3x crits:
Since 3x crit always has 7.14% crit chance after a crit is called, the original crit chance would have been as following:
0.03924 / 0.0714 = 0.549 (54.9%)
As you can see, the original crit chance leads to the same number which is the actual increase in crit chance. crit type chance is then calculated using the base 59.5%, 33.33% and 7.14% after a crit is called)
Rounding errors aside, the TC mk VI increases the crit chance from 42% to a total 54.7% (which is about 13% additive increase, or 30% multiplicative increase)
Edited by Navid A1, 29 September 2016 - 09:06 AM.
Posted 29 September 2016 - 09:21 AM
Navid A1, on 29 September 2016 - 09:00 AM, said:
1x,2x,3x chances after a crit is called are not modified. They all remain the same as base values adding up to 100%.
The numbers in TC stats popup for each crit type is the total increase of each crit type after being multiplied by the total crit probability
- First, 1x Crits:
Since 1x crit always has 59.5% crit chance after a crit is called, the original crit chance would have been as following:
0.3249 / 0.595 = 0.546 (54.6%)
- Now lets check the 2x crit type:
Since 2x crit always has 33.33% crit chance after a crit is called, the original crit chance would have been as following:
0.1825 / 0.3333 = 0.547 (54.7%)
- And finaly, 3x crits:
Since 3x crit always has 7.14% crit chance after a crit is called, the original crit chance would have been as following:
0.03924 / 0.0714 = 0.549 (54.9%)
As you can see, the original crit chance leads to the same number which is the actual increase in crit chance. crit type chance is then calculated using the base 59.5%, 33.33% and 7.14% after a crit is called)
Rounding errors aside, the TC mk VI increases the crit chance from 42% to a total 54.7% (which is about 13% additive increase, or 30% multiplicative increase)
You are assuming the same thing I did, that you roll to see if there was a crit then you roll again on a successful crit to see how many crits there are. I believe that is incorrect based on how PGI has said crits work, I think it is just one roll with a total crit chance of 42%, so if you roll >58 and <=83 you get one crit, >83 and <=97 is 2x, >97 is 3x.
Source: http://mwomercs.com/...14#entry1474814
Edited by Lostdragon, 29 September 2016 - 09:23 AM.
Posted 29 September 2016 - 09:39 AM
Lostdragon, on 29 September 2016 - 09:21 AM, said:
Source: http://mwomercs.com/...14#entry1474814
Thanks for the source regarding the crit calls
However, the calculations are still valid
Posted 29 September 2016 - 09:43 AM
qeurul, on 29 September 2016 - 08:57 AM, said:
Now if we just could get some blue input on this.
As I was afraid, as of now we have 1-7 tonnes of potential crap, because nobody actually knows what they deliver. Even in TC1 it would be nice to know the actual crit% bonus it provides.
Check the game files themselves
-<Module faction="Clan" CType="CTargetingComputerStats" name="TargetingComputerMkI" id="9013"> <Loc iconTag="StoreIcons\TargetingComputerMkI.png" descTag="@TargetingComputerMkI_desc" nameTag="@TargetingComputerMkI" shortNameTag="@ui_TargetingComputerMkI"/> <ModuleStats health="10" tons="1.0" slots="1" amountAllowed="1"/> -<TargetingComputerStats moduleDestroyedHudWarning="eHUD_TARGETING_COMPUTER_DESTROYED"> -<WeaponStatsFilter compatibleWeapons="SmallLaser,MediumLaser,LargeLaser,ClanERSmallLaser,ClanERMediumLaser,ERLargeLaser,ClanERLargeLaser,SmallPulseLaser,ClanSmallPulseLaser,MediumPulseLaser,ClanMediumPulseLaser,LargePulseLaser,ClanLargePulseLaser" tag="BeamWeapons"> <WeaponStats critChanceIncrease="0.05,0.0275,0.0055" operation="+"/> <WeaponStats operation="*" maxRange="1.04" longRange="1.04"/> </WeaponStatsFilter> -<WeaponStatsFilter compatibleWeapons="AutoCannon2,ClanAutoCannon2,AutoCannon5,ClanAutoCannon5,AutoCannon10,ClanAutoCannon10,AutoCannon20,ClanAutoCannon20,GaussRifle,ClanGaussRifle,ClanUltraAutoCannon2,UltraAutoCannon5,ClanUltraAutoCannon5,ClanUltraAutoCannon10,ClanUltraAutoCannon20,PPC,ERPPC,ClanERPPC" tag="ProjectileWeapons"> <WeaponStats critChanceIncrease="0.05,0.0275,0.0055" operation="+"/> <WeaponStats operation="*" speed="1.05"/> </WeaponStatsFilter> </TargetingComputerStats> <Audio OnDestroyedDialogue="BB_Targeting_Computer_Destroyed"/> </Module>
Note the additive Crit multiplier, and Multiplicative Range
You have your answer
Posted 29 September 2016 - 10:18 AM
If im using primarily PPCs or UAC5/10/20 i fit a large TC if i have the tonnage. If im using lasers / gauss i fit a TC1 for the 3% range/small crit boost. I do not use a TC for (S)SRM builds, and i do not use LRM, LBX or MG builds.
Posted 29 September 2016 - 10:21 AM
I use TCs as a way to buy Projectile Velocity and Sensor quirks with tons and slots.
Posted 29 September 2016 - 10:30 AM
Widowmaker1981, on 29 September 2016 - 10:18 AM, said:
If im using primarily PPCs or UAC5/10/20 i fit a large TC if i have the tonnage. If im using lasers / gauss i fit a TC1 for the 3% range/small crit boost. I do not use a TC for (S)SRM builds, and i do not use LRM, LBX or MG builds.
Prosperity Park, on 29 September 2016 - 10:21 AM, said:
I use TCs as a way to buy Projectile Velocity and Sensor quirks with tons and slots.
I use them for 2600M/s Goose Waffles, and the 20% chance to blow faces out.
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