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How Is There Such A Big Diff In T1 And T2?

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#21 Fobhopper


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 05:03 PM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 07 December 2016 - 04:36 PM, said:

What does preclude your knowledge of the game is your comments about "meta or gtfo" in Tier 1.

I run all sorts of weird builds that I wouldn't take into a comp drop, and the only times I really struggle is when I am tired and/or impatient. More of a mindset issue, not a build issue. I can cherry pick some examples but...

Posted Image

I like to run silly builds, things like LRM60 KGC with machine guns just for shits and giggles. its not meta in the least and I dont care if I win or not, sometimes I just want to watch 60 missile smack a KDK in the face.

I also like to brag, Back in Cata our guild was 3rd in server for 10 man heroic fall of deathwing. we ranked 6th in our entire server for heroic fall of deathwing (we were in the top 10 for all heroic clears for the server all through cata). I raided plenty in vanilla, but had my account hacked, started a new account when BC launched and have been playing mostly on, sometimes off for most of the game. Raided in BC but that was not a rather painful expansion to raid. cleared all the raids with a casual guild in LK but got tired of dealing people dying to dumb **** every week and move into a progression raiding guild early Cata, spending 4 hours a day raiding 5 days a week. Then the progression guild fell apart early pandaria and took a break from the game. Got back into it late pandaria going into dreanor but couldnt find a consistent raiding guild (populations on wow were near dead by that time). took another break and came back to it late draenor and found a good raiding guild, not progression raiders but sure as hell not casuals. Cleared EN on heroic for awhile now, gotten TOV mostly cleared up to helya. http://us.battle.net.../Galxias/simple

Been with MWO since the founders program. Seen all the different salt flats that have made the forums one hell of a salty desolate hellscape that I sometimes go and visit the LoL forums just to wash off the salt with toxic waste. While I may not be a pro league of legends player (I am merely a competent player, or terrible player when Southern Comfort or Jack Daniels calls my name), when it comes to MWO I am a ******* brain surgeon with an AC20.

#22 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 05:08 PM

View PostFobhopper, on 07 December 2016 - 05:03 PM, said:

I like to run silly builds, things like LRM60 KGC with machine guns just for shits and giggles.

I don't always run LRM60, but when I do, I throw a cGauss and 2 cERMLs on it for good measure.

And yeah, that's a ridiculous build, that transcends "not taking meta", and is intentionally sandbagging yourself.

#23 LordNothing


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 05:16 PM

its lonely at the top. i would get very salty if i had to carry potatoes day in day out. and it seems like that in t2 sometimes. you probibly also get terrible wait times too, since the game is going to have a hard time finding enough t1 and 2s for an interesting game. i seem to recall everyone calling out their tier a couple nights ago, everything was there t5 to t1. if you have to wait for those valves to open ever time, you are going to be salty. i for one never want to be a t1.

#24 Fobhopper


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 05:19 PM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 07 December 2016 - 05:08 PM, said:

I don't always run LRM60, but when I do, I throw a cGauss and 2 cERMLs on it for good measure.

And yeah, that's a ridiculous build, that transcends "not taking meta", and is intentionally sandbagging yourself.

and thats the reason you will never see me in tier 1. Honestly I am just a few pixels away from being tier 2, and I intentionally do dumb **** like LRM60 KGC because when you have been playing this game for so damn long, you either burn out, do silly ****, or quit the game like so many people already have (and they proudly proclaim they have quit the game and refuse to come back, and yet they come to the forums to ***** about the game they refuse to play. Doing silly **** with mechs (I wish I could think of the silly **** Th3B33F does) is the only thing that keeps me playing this game with all the salt in the player base. I like this game, I buy mechpacks (I look forward to my Marauder IIC, and plan on picking up the roughneck) to try more fun or silly things because playing the meta is boring as hell. If you cant kill a mech within an alpha strike they lose their ******* minds in voice chat.

I like the game (even with all its flaws and missteps), but I have gotten so damn tired of the players.

#25 The Lobsters


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 05:25 PM

View PostAloha, on 07 December 2016 - 04:16 PM, said:

If MM is working properly (as in there's enough people playing), T1 will ensure that you do not get T4 and T5 players. T1 also means that people are less tolerant of non-optimized builds because you're expected to kinda know what you're doing.

What if you just can't be arsed that day?

#26 RestosIII


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 05:28 PM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 07 December 2016 - 04:25 PM, said:

The Warhawk is okay, I run my Prime "metafied" by removing the LRMs and stacking on MOAR DHS. It's okay, you really just have to be that guy that stands out in the open from 1000m away, listing lazily to the left, slamming people with ER PPC blasts until they actually start shooting back.

Timber Prime is laser vomit plus lurms so it does okay, just not optimized. Mad Dog Prime is way too hot for me... For those lore builds you kind of just have to stay in the shadows of the big scary bears on your own team and be really patient and make smart trades.... kind of like how you do with meta builds, you just win less of your trades is all I suppose.

I try to play carefully and let others take the big hits while poking where I don't think the enemy will suspect, but I still get out-traded/bwapped almost every time. My main problems with the Warhawk though are a mixture of me being a target the size of a Dire Wolf, with people prioritizing me as such, and the always reliable PPCs smacking invisible boundaries on hills/corners, even though I almost never have that problem in my Adder and Linebacker. I really wish I could learn how to deal with being a huge target in an assault, since the Direwolf and Warhawk are some of my favorite mechs in Battletech, but I just can't figure them out.

Also, taking the LRM launcher off of the Warhawk is blasphemy. Still, if PGI could move the LRM launcher to the shoulder joint like every form of art I've seen, I wouldn't complain.

View PostCarl Vickers, on 07 December 2016 - 04:28 PM, said:

I play my timby prime in a stockish build, changed out the lurm 20s for alurm 15s, made the lasers 4 meds in the arms and packed it full of ammo, been pulling some decent numbers in it with the quirks for the lurms, fires quite quickly.

Calling that "stockish" is akin to calling the 6 SRM 6+A Mad Dog "stockish". Technically those would be similar to the Mad Dog A build, but it's a huge leap from being stock/lore based.

View PostEl Bandito, on 07 December 2016 - 04:57 PM, said:

As long as your WLR is above 1:1 in T2 (which yours is), you deserve to climb to T1. Nothing out of the ordinary.

But yet, WLR has almost nothing to do with personal performance in 12 vs 12, outside of people actively hurting the team/carrying harder. I'm definitely not doing the latter, and I worry that sometimes I'm doing the former, but I keep getting carried. And I've only dropped maybe... 5 times in group queue in the last 4-6 months, so that's not why.

#27 Lyoto Machida


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 05:39 PM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 07 December 2016 - 03:57 PM, said:

Eh **** happens, I get pretty grouchy close to bed time sometimes, and for that I am sorry. Sometimes its hard not to get frustrated though.. like when your team splits up for "caps" and the other team balls up together and just steam rolls your team because their playing the caps, and then people say "I've been playing this game for 2 years, I know how to play conquest" when they clearly do not. Or when you have an ENTIRE lance of assault mechs that all go to cap a point. Its like... hardcore facedesk.

Also willing to bet that some blaming and insults come in when someone is being aggressive and don't get supported by their team.

Actually, I remember seeing you in match recently. Hopefully it wasn't one of THOSE games for me..

I could be wrong but isn't the prevailing wisdom on Conquest still to kill mechs first and then cap, unless you're on Polar? People run off to cap like you say and then get picked off one by one and wonder why the team loses...

#28 Cato Phoenix


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 05:47 PM

I've been playing in T5 on an alt account for Ed Steele's challenge now for a few days and it is a completely different place. People are so much nicer - talking on comms, playing objectives, having good old mech fun. Maybe it's more relaxing when the matches are so forgiving that you can shut down in front of an assault and not get instakilled. (The evil part of me wonders what would happen if I was in a murdersome mech and not a stock PHX-1. Probably reminiscent of that Atlas picture.)

I think too, as you advance in skill tiers the skll gap just widens. You have T1 players with T3 and sometimes lower folk, but even some T1 players just got there by time and # of matches played (since tier is mostly related to time and weighted towards improving) who are just not on the level of some of the people hunting in that queue. And the team makeup is super important - you can easily have your team crumple because 1 or more mechs are goofuses, or the old 'Charlie Lance' all pulling sub - 100 damages.That lends to the perception that some team mates aren't pulling their weight (I'm looking at you, 160 damage Kodiaks) and the salt is generated because even the best player can't carry a terrible team in this game, so losing in those circumstances stings.

That's when I get salty, at least - when you and one or two other mechs are cranking out the pain and your team is just wet blanketing.

Edited by Cato Phoenix, 07 December 2016 - 05:48 PM.

#29 Lyoto Machida


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 05:52 PM

View PostFobhopper, on 07 December 2016 - 04:07 PM, said:

T1 is literally just for tryhards and meta builds. If you like having fun with your mech or running wierd 'non-meta' authorized builds, you are going to be miserable in T1. The same people Complaining about FLPPID are usually the same ones running the gauss+2 ppc+ pulse laser disco boats. Want to use LRMs? get ready for rage from your team. Like running 'underdog' mechs like the wolverine or other sub tier2 mechs? get ready for some rage and probably instant death.

If you aren't playing to alpha strike 40+ damage every time you hump a hill or turn a corner, you dont belong in T1, because thats all you are going to see. If you want to enjoy the game, stick to tier 2 or 3.

View PostFobhopper, on 07 December 2016 - 04:27 PM, said:

I have been playing this game since beta. And have literally thousands of matches under my belt. I have over a thousand matches played between 3 King Crab variants. When you play a game for years, you take breaks sometimes. Before you call out my recent play logs, take a look at the total games played.

I have played WoW for almost 12 years (I have had to take a few breaks, like a 9 month break when I was deployed to afghanistan), that doesnt preclude my knowledge of the game.

I'm not saying you don't have a ton of drops under your belt but how are you able to comment about Tier 1 play if you aren't in Tier 1 and only have six drops under your belt in the last few months?

Sure, some things like fundamentals never change but it would be like a single guy taking dating advice from a guy who has been married since before the advent of social media.

#30 Gaden Phoenix


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 06:01 PM

View PostEl Bandito, on 07 December 2016 - 04:57 PM, said:

As long as your WLR is above 1:1 in T2 (which yours is), you deserve to climb to T1. Nothing out of the ordinary.

I want to refute that but the darn game threw me into T1.

#31 Carl Vickers


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 06:04 PM

I think getting to tier 1 is about matches, but more about how you do in your teams losses, if you get more = to psr going up on losses you get to tier 1 quicker. Your tier will basically stay the same until you start getting = to positives on losses.

#32 Fobhopper


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 07:06 PM

View PostLyoto Machida, on 07 December 2016 - 05:52 PM, said:

I'm not saying you don't have a ton of drops under your belt but how are you able to comment about Tier 1 play if you aren't in Tier 1 and only have six drops under your belt in the last few months?

Sure, some things like fundamentals never change but it would be like a single guy taking dating advice from a guy who has been married since before the advent of social media.

I was in the upper tiers before in the previous system, hence why I got burnt out on the game. Running meta or cheese builds over and over again for hundreds of matches kills a lot of the enjoyment. When the new PSR came out (no more epeen's to stroke) I just started playing for fun instead of playing for kills.
(my old mic was garbage and made me sound like some teenage bootlicker, I recently got a completely new rig and new headset an plan on recording more matches now)

While I will freely admit I am a wood tier player when it comes to light mechs, when it comes to heavies and assaults I will curb stomp most players in the same class....when I am actually playing seriously. As you can see in my Spirit Bear video, I was not taking the mech seriously at all and ruined a few people's day. I wouldnt go so far as to say 'I'm too pro to be stuck with you scrubs', but more often than not I am playing above my PSR even with ****-fits.

#33 davoodoo


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 07:10 PM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 07 December 2016 - 05:08 PM, said:

I don't always run LRM60, but when I do, I throw a cGauss and 2 cERMLs on it for good measure.

And yeah, that's a ridiculous build, that transcends "not taking meta", and is intentionally sandbagging yourself.

I can say that this kgc actually works, in cw, i drop this thing and unless we arent spawncamped i usually end with 1000-1500 dmg on it alone.

#34 MauttyKoray


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 07:36 PM

View PostGaden Phoenix, on 07 December 2016 - 03:52 PM, said:

Hi All,
Just curious. I just got to T1 from T2 2 days ago. I really got to ask... where did I make the wrong turn and come out in crazy / rage town?

T1 seems to have more salty people and more rage. More infighting, finger blaming, insults, etc. Or did something change between last week and after mechcon?

Also seems like my armor is more paper-like now. I get cored in one shot.... like what the... happened? Also seems to have huge differences in skill level in teammates (me included in potato tier).

Or is it just because of the new lurm meta? Or the holidays? Or the air...???

Welcome to 'Meta-Hell' where T1 players bring nothing but Meta-Alpha Strike/DPS mechs and everyone thinks they're 'good' more often than not because they just weapon spam their meta-builds. :D

I'd recommend attempting to just play some mechs for fun, try sub-optimal builds for the sake of experimentation and just sheer enjoyment. Hopefully you'll get back down to T2 before you lose your mind.

#35 Fobhopper


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 08:25 PM

Just took this tonight. Still trying to get my rig fully squared away away to vidcap (couldnt get my mic to capture the audio very well, still working on that), but here are the results of a match I did in a quickplay solo drop.

my accuracy is a little off, still trying to get use to a 27 inch monitor when I am use to playing on a 17 inch monitor, but overall a good match.

Edited by Fobhopper, 07 December 2016 - 08:27 PM.

#36 Lyoto Machida


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 08:26 PM

View PostFobhopper, on 07 December 2016 - 07:06 PM, said:

I was in the upper tiers before in the previous system, hence why I got burnt out on the game. Running meta or cheese builds over and over again for hundreds of matches kills a lot of the enjoyment. When the new PSR came out (no more epeen's to stroke) I just started playing for fun instead of playing for kills.
(my old mic was garbage and made me sound like some teenage bootlicker, I recently got a completely new rig and new headset an plan on recording more matches now)

While I will freely admit I am a wood tier player when it comes to light mechs, when it comes to heavies and assaults I will curb stomp most players in the same class....when I am actually playing seriously. As you can see in my Spirit Bear video, I was not taking the mech seriously at all and ruined a few people's day. I wouldnt go so far as to say 'I'm too pro to be stuck with you scrubs', but more often than not I am playing above my PSR even with ****-fits.

All I'm saying is that it's kind of presumptious to judge tier 1 play in December 2016 when you aren't currently in tier 1 and haven't been in the last couple years. Elo wasn't shown before so there's no way we could have known what tier/bracket/etc we were in except by recognizing certain names and estimating it. Depending on when you took your breaks, you either didn't have enough data/games during the tracking period and they seeded you into tier 3 or the games you did have during that period placed you in tier 3.

This isn't a shot at your tier/skill/whatever but just a statement on your original comment.

#37 JP Josh


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 08:31 PM

you entered try hard this matters waters..... tier 3 and 4 is where the semi serious/ i wanna have fun is at.

#38 N0MAD


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 08:42 PM

I find this rather strange since in reality you are playing exactly the same people.
Going to T1 hasnt really changed the people you play with, as has been shown several times on these forums most of the time whether your T1 or T3-4 you are all being put in the same buckit, so i find it strange that you perceive you are actually playing a different crowd.

#39 Gaden Phoenix


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 09:08 PM

View PostN0MAD, on 07 December 2016 - 08:42 PM, said:

I find this rather strange since in reality you are playing exactly the same people.
Going to T1 hasnt really changed the people you play with, as has been shown several times on these forums most of the time whether your T1 or T3-4 you are all being put in the same buckit, so i find it strange that you perceive you are actually playing a different crowd.

As I was saying it might be the holidays that increased population size. Again, this is own observations, I might be wrong.

Is like my own observation that C-LRM20 is freaky accurate to CT at ~300m range in certain huge CT mechs.

Edited by Gaden Phoenix, 07 December 2016 - 09:12 PM.

#40 Vxheous


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Posted 07 December 2016 - 09:15 PM

View PostGas Guzzler, on 07 December 2016 - 04:17 PM, said:

People in my matches have been saying that they are Tier 4, not sure if trolling though..

With the way my shift-work schedules work, I sometimes play games at 4am, and I swear MM is turned off because there's definately Tier 5 Potatoes on both teams.

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