Gas Guzzler, on 07 December 2016 - 04:36 PM, said:
What does preclude your knowledge of the game is your comments about "meta or gtfo" in Tier 1.
I run all sorts of weird builds that I wouldn't take into a comp drop, and the only times I really struggle is when I am tired and/or impatient. More of a mindset issue, not a build issue. I can cherry pick some examples but...

I like to run silly builds, things like LRM60 KGC with machine guns just for shits and giggles. its not meta in the least and I dont care if I win or not, sometimes I just want to watch 60 missile smack a KDK in the face.
I also like to brag, Back in Cata our guild was 3rd in server for 10 man heroic fall of deathwing. we ranked 6th in our entire server for heroic fall of deathwing (we were in the top 10 for all heroic clears for the server all through cata). I raided plenty in vanilla, but had my account hacked, started a new account when BC launched and have been playing mostly on, sometimes off for most of the game. Raided in BC but that was not a rather painful expansion to raid. cleared all the raids with a casual guild in LK but got tired of dealing people dying to dumb **** every week and move into a progression raiding guild early Cata, spending 4 hours a day raiding 5 days a week. Then the progression guild fell apart early pandaria and took a break from the game. Got back into it late pandaria going into dreanor but couldnt find a consistent raiding guild (populations on wow were near dead by that time). took another break and came back to it late draenor and found a good raiding guild, not progression raiders but sure as hell not casuals. Cleared EN on heroic for awhile now, gotten TOV mostly cleared up to helya.
Been with MWO since the founders program. Seen all the different salt flats that have made the forums one hell of a salty desolate hellscape that I sometimes go and visit the LoL forums just to wash off the salt with toxic waste. While I may not be a pro league of legends player (I am merely a competent player, or terrible player when Southern Comfort or Jack Daniels calls my name), when it comes to MWO I am a ******* brain surgeon with an AC20.