FupDup, on 20 December 2016 - 10:53 AM, said:
I decided to finally make a Dasher theorycrafting spreadsheet because people have some kind of fixation about it.
So basically, you're forced to use the Alternate D pods all the time (because not enough tonnage for missiles), except maybe sometimes using the Alternate B arm instead for ECM.
I guess it's actually quite comparable if not slightly favorable to the Mist Lynx (except jets), but that's not really something to brag about.
Keep in mind that the Dasher is humanoid, and will thus have more surface area than the Lolcust (volumetric scaling hurts humanoids). Its arm geometry will likely be very similar to the Mist Lynx's except flipped upside down, and I think we all know how that turned out...
So possible Useful/Semi-Useful hardpoint loads for the FRM as follows:
6E: cERSL, most likely. If only for heat concerns. 5x cSPL is possible as well, though that might be better suited to Cheetahs. 6x cSPL would be hella pushing it.)
4E/2B/ECM: 4x cSPL, 2x cMG w/0.5t ammo, and shave for ECM could be an interesting variant on dagger rogue. Less heat issues than 5/6x cSPL, still a 24-damage poke, some MGs for backup, and ECM. COuld also sacrifice the ECM for more armor, if you care about armor on a 20-ton actual paper doll of a 'Mech.
3M: Not ideal, but you could do something like 2x SRM-2 and 1x SRM-4, for eight tubes w/3t ammo. Or otherwise weight your missile launchers for better burst vs. ammo endurance. Frankly I don't see it working as well as even the Locust - this guy
needed that fourth M hardpoint to get missiles right. Oh well. There's always the PiranhaTech Hero pods to potentially consider.
2E/2M: 2x cERSL, 2x SRM-4 w/2t ammo. Not amazing but reliable, with all the missile burst of the 3M 8-tube set-up but also a couple of backup cERSL for some forlorn pokery when your missiles run dry. I've actually run semi-similar on the Mis Lynx to the occasional ~400-damage game, and considering it's a Mist Lynx and I'm me, I'd call that pretty dang good. Still.
Thinking 6E or 4E/2B/ECM would be the go-to fits here. I could see a cERSL version of the latter doing relatively well, or even a 4x cERML w/ECM supermobile pokist with some extra distance to it. The dagger range SL armaments would at least be equivalent to a typical Lolcust with an extra 30kph in the tank, and frankly the high-slung arms might turn into an advantage if people insist on shooting center-mass. The arms, being way the hell away from center mass, might actually last longer than a Dissed Lynx, to say nothing of what they do for ML/ERLL pocket snipers.
If they did a FRM pack, with a particularly juicy Hero. I may honestly consider it. Just because, much like the Locust, this little sucker would be hilarious fun.