The6thMessenger, on 06 January 2017 - 09:03 PM, said:
Mine has ECM too
As does a hero Locust and Archer(maybe others by now? Haven't really cared enough to keep up). Else I never would have put it there. Well admit I optimised the Heil out off the hard points.
Trying to figure what Dakka-Boy wants...8 ballistics is going to be AC5 & 2s, on a mech singularly bad at dps builds.... Talk about a Hero no one in their right mind would buy..... *SMH*
Hit the Deck, on 06 January 2017 - 09:06 PM, said:
Though the other KGCs can do 2Gauss+2PPC, which has more firepower than it.
Bishop probably intended it to be so and threw ECM for good measure.
Cuz you know how I love to meta.....
The6thMessenger, on 06 January 2017 - 09:10 PM, said:
It's less powerful, but that ECM provides unprecedented defense against the bane of KGC, lurmz. Pair that with high-mounts, and it's a world of high-survivability king-crab.
Would you be okay with 4x AMS instead? Is it okay to necro the pulsar?
I'd but a quad AMS Krab. But not a pure pewpew one.... Just not a litebrite ranger. Gimme SRMs!!!!
Levi Porphyrogenitus, on 06 January 2017 - 09:41 PM, said:
I'm anticipating that, should PGI ever create one, it will end up with 3-4 energy on each arm and ballistics on the side torsos. Alternatively, it'd have 3-4 missile hardpoints on each arm and ballistics or energy on the side torsos (probably energy for this one).
PGI tends to be lazy, so I'd expect them to recycle the PPC /LB-10X /SRM6 model as a Hero. Which is a cool variant, I just hate stock models being used as Heroes