Will9761, on 06 March 2018 - 09:04 PM, said:
Victor Musical Industries, Inc.
"These images by Victor Musical Industries, Inc. were created for BattleTech but were removed to prevent the possibility of future legal issues. Note that while the IIC images (with the exception of the Jenner IIC) are obviously inspired by images taken from SDF Macross, they were removed only because they were created by an "out-of-house" source.
It was FASA who were responsible for the panic categorization for most of the IIC mechs. Some of the "unused concept art" of the mechs that you listed can arguably be traced back to the macross mechs (IE the stone rhino being similar to the macross monster according to Sarna and such).
All in all, it shouldn't matter since PGI is using the reseen concept artwork with their own touch ups to the original designs.