Necessary Roughness Event
Posted 23 April 2017 - 09:38 AM
To those who don't ever want to see Incursion again, take heart. If PGI can't increase how likely it comes up, then once the event is over, you should still only see it once or twice per hour anyway.
Posted 23 April 2017 - 10:17 AM
Posted 23 April 2017 - 10:18 AM
First time I'm so tired of game mode which give no fun and everyone suicide, kill teammates in rage, blow you or do nothing just to make everyone bad... Team play?? No such thing right now.
I'm really upset...
Posted 23 April 2017 - 10:51 AM
Posted 23 April 2017 - 11:01 AM
SaintLucifer, on 23 April 2017 - 10:51 AM, said:
- I see that last 6 incursion games... no one even bother to take cell... why? Make mech like target?? No way... so I really give up trying... that sad and frustrating...
Posted 23 April 2017 - 11:04 AM

I'm at 8 of 9 right now, and can't get a chance to "Kill An Enemy Fuel Cell Carrier". I've tried Mechs in every weight class. PGI has once again set a challenge that's dependent on too much random chance and/or luck. I'm very likely going to be unable to finish this Event, along with all the other people who are having this particular issue. We either need that particular item to allow Kill Assists and KMDD, or to have more time on this Event, or for the requirement to be changed completely. Right now, as it stands, THAT SPECIFIC CHALLENGE IS UNFAIR AND UNBALANCED!!!

~D. V. "Slightly off their mental rocker now..." Devnull
Posted 23 April 2017 - 11:07 AM
So, I've played about 100 battles since the event started and 11 or 12 of them were Incursion mode, with 3 of those in the group queue. For me, the problem with group queue is that I'm somewhere below PSR 5 (my ranking bar has ZERO shading on it) and most of my unit are tiers 1,2 & 3, therefore it very quickly turns into a ROFLstomp against us.
So that leaves 8 or 9 solo drop Incursion modes I've been able to acquire in the first 72 hours of the event from about 95 solo queue battles. First point - Incursion is appearing a lot more often in the group queue than the solo queue, either that or it was the mode of the hour when we did our group drops. Solo drops it's around 10% of battles are offering Incursion, and with only 5 other game modes (assault, conquest, domination, escort, skirmish) that means it's appearing at slightly less than the same frequency as those others, during a mode-introduction event when it should be appearing more frequently.
I've managed to complete four of the elements (First Foray, I've got the power, Delivery Failed, and Raid Complete). Most of the others I'm over half-way done, with the exception of destroying the 4 base elements (only one element destroyed).
My "Failed Delivery" kill was pure luck - a legged and navigationally lost Bushwacker popped up on sensors on the other side of a tourmaline stack on Tourmaline Desert and I was in one of my faster Wolfhounds. I also got lucky by going the right way round the stack to arrive behind him. I could have had a triple lucky - I was also carrying a battery at the time ... reckon that's worth a special prize

Beyond that, the event has been almost impossible since after the first few hours of it starting. This appears mainly to be due to Molten Metal and Cuddles Time posting base-rush videos of how to win Incursion mode in 2 minutes 17 seconds flat! But as Cuddles Time says in his video, "Fix this **** PGI, this will get boring as hell very fast" (or words to that effect).
Another indicator of why Incursion is failing is from a solo queue game a few hours back - we had a record number of PUG players on VOIP comms ... FOUR people with microphones and headsets/speakers. How in hell two thirds of the player base expect to play a team co-ordination battle game without communications equipment is beyond me.
PGI - please introduce a game-loading test sequence where the loading screen says aloud a random number that the player then has to speak back into the microphone. Use one of the public domain freeware voice recognition apps to verify the correct number was repeated back. If NO number is read back then restrict the player to the Training Grounds until they are able to log in with voice comms equipment. Force the issue of team communications for the sake of co-ordination and tactics!
(Back on topic) I'm with all the posters above - due to limited availability of Incursion mode during mode rotation during the event, extend it at least another 24 hours to give people the chance to finish the event.
Edited by Gazbeard, 23 April 2017 - 11:09 AM.
Posted 23 April 2017 - 11:11 AM
"Delivery Failed" - Run 50 incursions or achieve 1 kill / KMD against a "Mech carrying a Fuel Cell".
Still a challenge, yet way more doable that what we have right now.
Posted 23 April 2017 - 11:49 AM
SaintLucifer, on 23 April 2017 - 11:11 AM, said:
"Delivery Failed" - Run 50 incursions or achieve 1 kill / KMD against a "Mech carrying a Fuel Cell".
Still a challenge, yet way more doable that what we have right now.
I don't think PGI cares anymore at this point. The weekend is almost over and I think they are just trying to figure out how to put a band-aid on the whole situation.
Posted 23 April 2017 - 11:54 AM
And the badest UNLUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
But after 2,5 hours i habe really luck with a jenner iic and end the challenge

Edited by Gernot von Kurzmann, 23 April 2017 - 12:35 PM.
Posted 23 April 2017 - 12:07 PM
Posted 23 April 2017 - 12:16 PM
Posted 23 April 2017 - 12:23 PM
Posted 23 April 2017 - 12:35 PM
Posted 23 April 2017 - 12:45 PM

Otherwise, it seems okay. I actually kind of like the game mode.
Sadly, I will probably will run out of time before I can finish the objectives.
Posted 23 April 2017 - 01:07 PM
Iron Lemur, on 22 April 2017 - 05:44 PM, said:
With regards to the taking out 5 base items... the trick is to let go of your preconceptions, and just rush the base. In a halfway decent medium+ mech, you should be able to skirt the main battle, break through their walls, and destroy some of the base before anyone can do anything about it. Once I realized that, I got the "All Your Base" thing in 2 games.
Thanks. Good advice. I finally got them just rushing in all kamikaze.
Posted 23 April 2017 - 01:12 PM
Posted 23 April 2017 - 01:19 PM
Posted 23 April 2017 - 01:23 PM
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