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Arty Strikes/airstrikes Op

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#121 JagdpantherX


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 07:11 AM

View PostShifty McSwift, on 25 June 2017 - 11:36 PM, said:

So just never stop moving ever in every game and every situation, despite any calls that are made etc, just keep moving, yeah sure that will totally apply 100% of the time.

Posted Image

I know this is hidden knowledge and everything, and I'm not supposed to say this because its a big secret, but -


#122 R Valentine


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 07:25 AM

View PostShifty McSwift, on 25 June 2017 - 11:36 PM, said:

So just never stop moving ever in every game and every situation, despite any calls that are made etc, just keep moving, yeah sure that will totally apply 100% of the time.

Posted Image

Hold still if you want. I'll 1 shot your light with my Night Gyr.

#123 Iron Heel


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 08:57 AM

9 back armor in the side torsos and an XL engine, yeah, i can see you being one shot by that.

That statement in no way agrees with OP's assertion that arty and air strikes are over powered.

#124 Gwahlur


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 09:13 AM

Oneshotting without even firing your weapons is OP

#125 Dee Eight


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 09:14 AM

i had a game with a warrior of ill repute... who was complaining about double cool shots being OP... and when I got to spectate his mech...as he was the last player...who did ZERO damage...and ran away to hide when everyone in the chat turned on him for voicing his idiocy.... he was carrying double strikes, double UAV and a cool shot.

#126 Clownwarlord


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 09:16 AM

I dropped an arty the other day on a group of 4 enemy mechs. A friendly light mech ran into the strike. I believe none of the strike hit the enemy but it did do 90 damage to the friendly light mech. So are they OP ... nope because they should not be used in pug matches because ... pugs.

Edited by Clownwarlord, 26 June 2017 - 09:29 AM.

#127 Savage Wolf


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 10:02 AM

View PostFedayken, on 26 June 2017 - 06:48 AM, said:

Worst Meta ever. Needs a increase in costs or a nerf in dmg. Its simply stupid if each map has at least 10 of those. Loosing about 40% ~ HP before you can even shoot at a mech shouldnt be a thing.

An increase in cost only limits who can afford them, but there will always be someone who can afford them. Price tags does nothing to balance, only makes it available to fewer people who will then still have access to the same overpowered equiment. It's like saying the Kodiak wasn't OP because it was expensive.

So balance them. Balance them well and make them available to all by making them a one time investment and not the most expensive weapons in the game.

#128 FireStoat


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 10:15 AM

My only complaint with Arty / Air Strikes would be playing on night time / fog setting maps where a person is outright forced to used Nightvision or Thermographic vision or not be able to shoot anything at all. In these conditions, you have no chance to see the smoke. None.

#129 Cyrion


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 11:06 AM

View PostFireStoat, on 26 June 2017 - 10:15 AM, said:

My only complaint with Arty / Air Strikes would be playing on night time / fog setting maps where a person is outright forced to used Nightvision or Thermographic vision or not be able to shoot anything at all. In these conditions, you have no chance to see the smoke. None.

There are plenty of ways to keep the enemy from seeing the smoke.

Place your strike on an enemy UAV (Thanks for the tip, B33F!) and the smoke spawns in the air. Your enemy will be none the wiser.

Enemies in front of you behind some cover? Place your strike behind the wall/hill/etc. The smoke will be obscured by the terrain. Yes, the first shell/bomb/whatever in your airstrike will hit the terrain, but you'll walk the rest right onto your oblivious opponents.

Edited by Cyrion, 26 June 2017 - 11:06 AM.

#130 Ryllen Kriel


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 11:20 AM

I see nothing wrong with air strikes. The balance is good now in my opinion. They are both a c-Bill and Skill Point investment, and can either make a difference or fail miserably at a significant cost. The only part I dislike about them is when you are setting up a strike and a teammate jump jets past, their ankle just barely getting in the crosshairs and then you have to emergency evacuate the position. It's kind of a hilarious situation and part of the double edged sword that balances their use.

#131 Grus


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 01:01 PM

View PostGwahlur, on 03 June 2017 - 03:15 PM, said:

Because it's ridiculous to be able to kill people behind cover like that. Aren't everyone complaining about how it takes no skill to use lurms? And this is so much worse than lurms
they are fine. When used to keep reds from camping a hill they work well. What's overpowered is the WSAD hacks to avoid them... #inbeforecarlvickerspostsapotato

#132 DANKnuggz


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 01:12 PM

So let me get this straight.... Your saying that indirect artillery fire and air strikes, which have been used since the dawn of modern warfare, are OP??

Honestly all things considered if this was real war we'd be getting shelled by arty and air MUCH MUCH more than we do now. So we're sorta getting off easy right now all things considered...

#133 Gwahlur


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 01:21 PM

Yes, I am saying air strikes and arty strikes are OP, as you can see by the thread title

#134 FireStoat


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 01:24 PM

View PostCyrion, on 26 June 2017 - 11:06 AM, said:

There are plenty of ways to keep the enemy from seeing the smoke.

I think you missed what I was trying to say. My point is that the smoke plume and time delay are both there for players to take advantage of in being aware something is coming, and have a chance to do something about it (move away). The map play modes that literally force a player to use the two crappy vision modes of Nightvision and Thermograph make the smoke plume warnings absolutely pointless if they don't show up on those two vision modes.

It's like telling players who are getting shot by LRM's "Hey. Move behind a building or a hill." and then take the buildings and hills away from them. It's a very poor play design.

If it's a good visibility map & mode I have no complaints. People married to using the Zoom module deserve to get nuked.

Edited by FireStoat, 26 June 2017 - 01:26 PM.

#135 Prototelis


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 01:27 PM


They're fun, they are not pay2win (because they don't cost real money), but they can be abused.

Think they should tone down the damage a little, but the cost does make you not wasting them.

Coolshots are clan-candy. If you aren't running them on your Ebon Toaster or Marauder 2saucy you aren't going to have as good of a time.

#136 Morticia Mellian


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 01:44 PM

It is more like they are being used more often in a match, especially when you can equip two arties or air strikes with the Auxiliary skill tree. It is a pain, especially against a coordinated team, but not impossible to overcome or avoid.

One match yesterday on polar would have had a hill completely obliterated if terrain destruction was possible. Both teams kept to their side of the hill as they kept lobby arties and air strikes in attempt to get at poptarting mechs. It looked like there was a near perpetual series of explosions for a few minutes. It was pretty.

#137 Dee Eight


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 02:14 PM

View PostCyrion, on 26 June 2017 - 11:06 AM, said:

There are plenty of ways to keep the enemy from seeing the smoke.

Place your strike on an enemy UAV (Thanks for the tip, B33F!) and the smoke spawns in the air. Your enemy will be none the wiser.

Place it under the terrain they're standing atop of. The basement of HPG is great for this but it also works in the trench of river city, or under the ramps on crimson.

#138 Gwahlur


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 03:56 PM

Fun? I don't think so

#139 G4LV4TR0N


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 04:21 PM

Now it's much better than before, those people who just ball up and wait finally can be hit without return fire.

#140 Wattila


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Posted 26 June 2017 - 04:33 PM

View PostClownwarlord, on 26 June 2017 - 09:16 AM, said:

I dropped an arty the other day on a group of 4 enemy mechs. A friendly light mech ran into the strike. I believe none of the strike hit the enemy but it did do 90 damage to the friendly light mech. So are they OP ... nope because they should not be used in pug matches because ... pugs.

I've never killed anyone with a strike...before this event dropped, that is. Yesterday, no fewer than 3 overly eager pugs in light mechs ran into my strikes and died a horrible death.

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