Johnny Z, on 07 July 2017 - 08:47 AM, said:
So who are you calling out here?
Who are these imaginary mechwarriors you AND ONLY you see every match? They seem awesome i need to meet them one day.
KekistanWillRiseAgain, on 07 July 2017 - 01:51 PM, said:
Rebalancing the Tier reward system... -600 damage/-350 Match Score is just even & -300 damage/-200 Match Score is a Negative on Win, reducing PSR even more on -500 damage/-300 Match Score on Loss. Make it HARD to level your Tier not the inevitable XP Bar it currently is.... not be dragged upwards while not accomplishes much and being carried by the good players. It needs to be made crystal clear to people they are not good, putting up terrible numbers consistently but still going up Tiers gives them a false sense of accomplishment and knowledge. They cling to the few good games they have and blame the rest on their team or it just being a bad game for them as a singular event.
But people lack even the basic level of knowledge to path themselves correctly on the map at the very start let alone accomplish anything like real time understanding of enemy movements or the counters to that movement. Like watching headless chickens running around and calling it fighting, so many games (even victories) are depressingly sad & pathetic. People play absolutely atrociously yet will crow about it because the enemy team managed to accomplish an even more impressive feat of actually being WORSE which should not be possible. Yet every time I think I have seen the lowest possible potato, super potato shows up to prove that they can in fact be even more incompetent & clueless.
In a nice 12 man brawl where everyone is shooting the same target and burnning things down there is only about 250 dmg per mech to go around.
This system would actually reward being selfish more and working as a team less and reminds me of the way it used to be.
Cant let it be based on dmg and stat ho' things other wise you get what we used to have and guy who jut waited around to steal your kill and look they they are good. I agree 100% that making it based SOLEY on the win is dumb and you should have to have done something to benefit from the W or your should Lose Sum.
Making it based off Kill assists and then making sure you do like 1/3rd of the best dmg scorer in the game. So if they did 1000 and 3 kills your better have your 2 assists and at least 350dmg or you dont gain much at all.
Edited by Revis Volek, 07 July 2017 - 03:55 PM.