Viktor Drake, on 03 August 2017 - 05:25 PM, said:
I agree. I myself had a match where my team decided Nascar'ing was more important than protecting the base and since I was in a slow assault, trying not to get left behind in the Nascar, I hardly managed to contribute anything to the match when we made a much too late, mad dash back to defend our base. I have also been headshot and killed before even firing a shot before but these sort of scores should be few and far between for any experienced player. I mean if one person on my team didn't break 100 damage, I would say it was just bad luck but when you got 3-4 players on your team not breaking 100 damage, that isn't just bad luck, that is bad skill.
The issue I am having it most of my matches are like this anymore and it is just frustrating. My teams are scattered all over the map or are blobbed up so bad that they are tripping over each other and dying more to friendly fire than to the enemy. I mean it is almost Keystone Cops or Benny Hill levels of comical and pathetic game play and I don't understand why. I mean I haven't seen this level of incompetence since back when I was ranked Tier 4 and only had a few complaints all through tier 3 and 2. It wasn't until I hit Tier 1 that the wheels seemed to have come off. Lately it seems I have only managed to be on about 1 competent team out of about every 5-10 matches.
So either everyone is such a good player that their egos are getting in the way and causing them to play in a fashion without any semblance of skill or there is something wrong with the MM and it is toss a few token Tier 1s on teams of primarily 4s and 5s and matching them up against teams comprised of mostly 2s and 3s and expecting those Tier 1s to carry the newbies to a win. Sorry but even the best players in this game have to have at least a semi-competent team to back them up. At least this is how it seems and feels but who knows, maybe it is just bad luck but wow, day in, day out, 80% of your teams being like this is sure a hell of alot of bad luck if this is so.
Again, for the last time, this is
what PGI wants.....mindless, close up, thoughtless and actually meaningless BRAWLING... The era of "Rock-and-Sock'em-Robots" is here !!!! It is halarious to watch Ctimson Tide's tunnel with 16 players in the tunnel with LBX-20's, short range missles and RAC's in an all out "Picket's Charge" brawl. All that are left is pieces and a few, highly damaged mechs that are picked off by the survivors.... Over and Over and Over again. Skill: at 40 meters? Right. Sure does sell mechs though.....
All of their efforts in the past 6+ months has been to de-evolve the playstyle, the actual battlespace and gameplay dynamics.....
The skill tree changes, nerf's, quirk mods and lethality changes all are aimed at: reducing preceision in all aspects; increasing surviabilty and gameplay times, reductions in mobility and agility that can not be skill tree returned; increasing close combat multipliers while reducing long range weapons effects; introducing new, slow and heavily armoted mechs (sometimes called anchoring platforms); and, introducing new weapons systems that support linear, close quarters fighting styles..........
You are wondering why you can find a team anymore?
You don't need a team anymore to achieve anything; and, many teams have already left or are now playing "other games" as their first choice games and MWO occasionally. With this reduction of skilled players, you now are experiencing all of the affects of a low population; which,very well increases the
rejction versus the
retention rates of new players......... Oh, you old salts will stay.........
The problem is, you very well might be pretty much alone. Just an opinion from someone looking in with an eye towards "systems" causes and effects....