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[No I Am No Trolling] Nerf The Good Team/players Please

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#121 ingramli


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 03:26 AM

View PostTarl Cabot, on 04 August 2017 - 03:18 AM, said:

What is your normal/avg FPS (F9 key)?

What is the difficult part about holding aim on a target at medium range? At close range where a light may be face tanking you that is something else. Is the mouse still moving too fast or jittery? How do you perform while in the Testing Grounds?

Also, driving an assault, even though that is where your best numbers are coming from now, they become primary targets. What assaults are you driving and their payload?

FPS : 20~25 usually

>What is the difficult part about holding aim on a target at medium range?
When i move, the mouse pointer also move, i try to relocate the pointer to the foes, but so often i moved to the higher/lower/left/right of it, and i have to do the adjustment again. I have practiced many times in training ground, but >50% of shots would miss if i try to move at anything faster than 50kph......

>What assaults are you driving and their payload?
This one presented by MetaMech.com . Find a hill, poke and shoot, then fall back + twist right at the same time. I find more success with this than other builds so far.........

Edit: The aiming issue is less serious when i moving forward and backward facing the foes, but if i tried to circle around the foes, the shots just wont hit the target.

Edited by ingramli, 04 August 2017 - 03:34 AM.

#122 Skipmagnet


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 03:34 AM

Huh. I'm really *really* not usually the one to say this, but have you considered joining a unit?

#123 ingramli


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 03:41 AM

View Posteyeballs, on 04 August 2017 - 03:34 AM, said:

Huh. I'm really *really* not usually the one to say this, but have you considered joining a unit?

I am in a (casual) unit right now. We are not very often drop together though.

Edited by ingramli, 04 August 2017 - 03:42 AM.

#124 Snazzy Dragon


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 03:42 AM

View Postingramli, on 03 August 2017 - 09:32 PM, said:

Only assault give me more armor to eat the return fire when i stand still and shoot;

I think we have found a major part of the issue! Maybe you should stop standing still?

#125 ingramli


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 03:45 AM

View PostSnazzy Dragon, on 04 August 2017 - 03:42 AM, said:

I think we have found a major part of the issue! Maybe you should stop standing still?

My shots wont hit if i dont stop and aim, my score with medium is meh because i have to shoot and move at the same time.

#126 nUUUUU


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 04:11 AM

let me simply tell you this. I am tier 1 after two years and inconsistent play, all solo queue, and just a few mechs.
If I am alive I try and co-ordinate.
If I am dead I try and communicate.
I support other players.
I aplogize for bad calls.
I listen to others when they call.
I tell people where the enemy is when I see them.
and I play on a damn laptop that has potato stats.
Do you really want to cry about this?
Or is this a troll post?

#127 ingramli


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 04:15 AM

View PostnUUUUU, on 04 August 2017 - 04:11 AM, said:

let me simply tell you this. I am tier 1 after two years and inconsistent play, all solo queue, and just a few mechs.
If I am alive I try and co-ordinate.
If I am dead I try and communicate.
I support other players.
I aplogize for bad calls.
I listen to others when they call.
I tell people where the enemy is when I see them.
and I play on a damn laptop that has potato stats.
Do you really want to cry about this?
Or is this a troll post?

I also call out the target if i see them, i dont give much suggestion though as i am so often run to the wrong place doing the wrong thing. In some aspect you are better than me, simple as that, your comment has nothing to do with the topic itself, thank you.

#128 nUUUUU


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 04:26 AM

View Postingramli, on 04 August 2017 - 03:45 AM, said:

My shots wont hit if i dont stop and aim, my score with medium is meh because i have to shoot and move at the same time.

this is a shooter you know. You have to keep moving. staying still is foolish
Maybe unlock arms and learn to shoot on the move!

Edited by nUUUUU, 04 August 2017 - 04:27 AM.

#129 ingramli


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 04:32 AM

View PostnUUUUU, on 04 August 2017 - 04:26 AM, said:

Maybe unlock arms and learn to shoot on the move!

I have done so long ago on mediums, but my aiming didnt improve much, the hit rate when circling around target is just unimpressive.

Edited by ingramli, 04 August 2017 - 04:32 AM.

#130 nUUUUU


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 04:36 AM

can't help you then. You have to move all the time. in every mech class. its true in any shooter.

start with a PPC poptart sniper, and improve with that. I guess.

#131 Luminis


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 05:00 AM

View Postingramli, on 04 August 2017 - 03:45 AM, said:

My shots wont hit if i dont stop and aim, my score with medium is meh because i have to shoot and move at the same time.

Are you sure MWO is suitable game for you?

This is an honest question, so don't take this as an attempt to be offensive. But... Not every game is for everyone. I'm rubbish at RTS games like StarCraft, I lack the APM and the multi tasking skills to do so. I'm no good at fighting games either, I can't really memorise all the combos and strings and whatnot, nor is my timing good enough to execute frame-perfect inputs reliably. At some point, you probably just have to accept that you're not cut out to be good at certain genres and either accept that you'll never raise above potato level or move on. Personally, I'd argue that MWO is actually somewhat less demanding in terms of twitch reflexes, aiming and such compared to other, faster first person shooters. I'd also say that the average population in MWO isn't as competitive and / or tryhard as it is in some other games.

Now, while I typically wouldn't advocate to just drop MWO, I do have a feeling that some players stick around because the game still scratches the BattleTech / MechWarrior itch, so... There's Harebrained Scheme's BattleTech coming out soon if you really want a BattleTech / MechWarrior game (you could pick up the early access version even now, I guess). And that one doesn't require you to be somewhat competent at playing a first person shooter. So you might do well for yourself when its PvP releases.

Now, on a side note... This might come across as me being rude, so apologies in advance. But I do want to say that I take issue with the approach you chose to take here. There's a nearly blind and deaf man who's playing CS:GO, for example, and he's actually very, very good at it. I have mad respect for people who - like him - overcome such handicaps by virtue of their adaptability, tenacity and overall mindset - a winner's mindset. Asking for everyone else to be dragged down to your level, however, is the exact opposite and not a mindset I appreciate. Neither in games, nor in the real world. Because, at the end of the day, you're quite simply not entitled to being equally good at something as someone else. You have to put in the work and make it so or just accept that you're not on the same level.

#132 Bud Crue


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 05:21 AM

View Postingramli, on 03 August 2017 - 04:45 PM, said:

I disagree, after 1 year of playing, i didnt advance beyond T4, which i think PSR is doing its job, i am not good enough to complete with those T3 or above, simple as that.

Though I cite the above for context, I am approaching the following commentary to your collective comments in this thread. I shall endeavor to give you the benefit of the doubt as it seems that your collective commentary is more a cry for help than trolling so here goes:

You, my friend are a terribad.
Welcome. I too am a terribad.
I am nearing T1 after more than two years of terribadness. There is away out of the underhive and here for you to take or leave is my advice on how I learned to live with my terribadness and even perhaps a little, start to overcome it.

First some background: I am a barely functional alcoholic and I usually play inebriated and on weekend evenings suffering from the DTs. I have bad vision, arthritis, absolutely no patience, zero impulse control and the hand eye coordination and reflexs of a sedated tree sloth. My aim is awful. I charge in when I shouldn't. I almost always forget to twist. I practically race to be the first one to get shot.

So, how to compensate for all that?

FIrst thing is: accept your terribadness. Accept your limitations, your stupid habits, all of it. Own up to your crappiness.
Now, start out with something that lets you take advantage of your short comings. For me it was light mechs. Perfect for charging in raising hell, and causing trouble. Doesn't much matter what you shoot or even if you hit anything. Your presence is often enough (especially at low tiers) to cause enough havoc with the enemy as to help lead your team to a win. Drop a couple UAVs and some arty and boom: less down arrows and more equal signs and even...yup some up arrows.

What? You always die in lights?

Fine. In that case play defensively quirked mechs and embrace the face tank. See being a crappy player, you need all the help you can get. So own that, and only play the most heavily quirked mechs. That means often you will be short range but high damage. Play to it. Get in there. Pick a target and kill or cripple it even if you die doing so...you suck after all so if you can take at least one enemy with you or negate that one enemy's contribution for a good chunk of the match then that is probably the best you can hope for. So take mechs that can take a beating and can get in there and survive long enough to do some hurt. This means some of the worst mechs in the game are the best mechs for you: Cataphracts, Dragons, Gargoyles, etc.

Next thing: stop worrying about the meta. Again, you suck. The meta assumes a level of competence that you lack. Thus ignore it. See, when you can barely hold a mouse, trigger control is hard, and so to is properly running the often very hot meta builds that this game has. So if you want to play mechs that actually need to get into the fight, and do something other than create havoc by their mere presence then again focus on your faults and accept them. For me, I did that by building low heat, 1-2 button builds. No PPFLD, because my aim is bad. I went with LBX, and UACs, and lasers with long burn times (so I could at least get some damage on the target) and often chain fired (since I could then get an idea of how to compensate my aim), SRMs, etc. It doesn't matter that your builds suck as long as you can fire off the weapons and occasionally hit something.

Next, don't LRM. Just the don't. Again, know thyself, and based on your comments you are as shi7y a player as I, and I will tell you right now that LRMing my be an occasional panacea but more often it is just a waste of a mech and even your minimal contribution will be made less so with LRMs. Ignore the Sirens' call of the LRM.

Next, if and when you start to get the occasional win (not before then). Start playing with others. Be honest with them and your own status as a terribad. They will almost universally be accepting of you in any TS server room (save those dedicated to comp play). Ask for their advice, and take it. Just shut up an listen and most importantly do what you are told. If you ever respond with "well, I don't like bringing ________________ because ____________ works better for me" take a large mallet and smash it into your face because as a terribad you are not entitled to have such preferences or opinions.

Finally, once you get a modicum of confidence and start actually hitting things, getting an occasional kill, maybe even ~300 damage per match, start making little efforts at doing thing like looking at the paper doll of the target and trying to actually hit the red spots. Try pulse lasers instead of long duration lasers, then eventually PPFLD weapons.

There is obviously a lot more to it, but the basic idea is to accept your faults, and first embrace them and then start compensating for them. Most people have to walk be for they can run; you are still learning how to crawl. So if you can't get up, then do what you can do while down on that floor. Eventually you will get to a point were you can stand on your own. The walking and the running will come later.

#133 ingramli


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 05:43 AM

View PostBud Crue, on 04 August 2017 - 05:21 AM, said:

Though I cite the above for context, I am approaching the following commentary to your collective comments in this thread. I shall endeavor to give you the benefit of the doubt as it seems that your collective commentary is more a cry for help than trolling so here goes:

You, my friend are a terribad.
Welcome. I too am a terribad.
I am nearing T1 after more than two years of terribadness. There is away out of the underhive and here for you to take or leave is my advice on how I learned to live with my terribadness and even perhaps a little, start to overcome it.

First some background: I am a barely functional alcoholic and I usually play inebriated and on weekend evenings suffering from the DTs. I have bad vision, arthritis, absolutely no patience, zero impulse control and the hand eye coordination and reflexs of a sedated tree sloth. My aim is awful. I charge in when I shouldn't. I almost always forget to twist. I practically race to be the first one to get shot.

So, how to compensate for all that?

FIrst thing is: accept your terribadness. Accept your limitations, your stupid habits, all of it. Own up to your crappiness.
Now, start out with something that lets you take advantage of your short comings. For me it was light mechs. Perfect for charging in raising hell, and causing trouble. Doesn't much matter what you shoot or even if you hit anything. Your presence is often enough (especially at low tiers) to cause enough havoc with the enemy as to help lead your team to a win. Drop a couple UAVs and some arty and boom: less down arrows and more equal signs and even...yup some up arrows.

What? You always die in lights?

Fine. In that case play defensively quirked mechs and embrace the face tank. See being a crappy player, you need all the help you can get. So own that, and only play the most heavily quirked mechs. That means often you will be short range but high damage. Play to it. Get in there. Pick a target and kill or cripple it even if you die doing so...you suck after all so if you can take at least one enemy with you or negate that one enemy's contribution for a good chunk of the match then that is probably the best you can hope for. So take mechs that can take a beating and can get in there and survive long enough to do some hurt. This means some of the worst mechs in the game are the best mechs for you: Cataphracts, Dragons, Gargoyles, etc.

Next thing: stop worrying about the meta. Again, you suck. The meta assumes a level of competence that you lack. Thus ignore it. See, when you can barely hold a mouse, trigger control is hard, and so to is properly running the often very hot meta builds that this game has. So if you want to play mechs that actually need to get into the fight, and do something other than create havoc by their mere presence then again focus on your faults and accept them. For me, I did that by building low heat, 1-2 button builds. No PPFLD, because my aim is bad. I went with LBX, and UACs, and lasers with long burn times (so I could at least get some damage on the target) and often chain fired (since I could then get an idea of how to compensate my aim), SRMs, etc. It doesn't matter that your builds suck as long as you can fire off the weapons and occasionally hit something.

Next, don't LRM. Just the don't. Again, know thyself, and based on your comments you are as shi7y a player as I, and I will tell you right now that LRMing my be an occasional panacea but more often it is just a waste of a mech and even your minimal contribution will be made less so with LRMs. Ignore the Sirens' call of the LRM.

Next, if and when you start to get the occasional win (not before then). Start playing with others. Be honest with them and your own status as a terribad. They will almost universally be accepting of you in any TS server room (save those dedicated to comp play). Ask for their advice, and take it. Just shut up an listen and most importantly do what you are told. If you ever respond with "well, I don't like bringing ________________ because ____________ works better for me" take a large mallet and smash it into your face because as a terribad you are not entitled to have such preferences or opinions.

Finally, once you get a modicum of confidence and start actually hitting things, getting an occasional kill, maybe even ~300 damage per match, start making little efforts at doing thing like looking at the paper doll of the target and trying to actually hit the red spots. Try pulse lasers instead of long duration lasers, then eventually PPFLD weapons.

There is obviously a lot more to it, but the basic idea is to accept your faults, and first embrace them and then start compensating for them. Most people have to walk be for they can run; you are still learning how to crawl. So if you can't get up, then do what you can do while down on that floor. Eventually you will get to a point were you can stand on your own. The walking and the running will come later.

So i should start with Cataphracts, Dragons, Gargoyles? With long burn time laser build?

#134 Ssamout


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 05:44 AM

Cheers BudCrue enjoyed teh read. Made me laugh so hard, gonna toast one for this post tonight! (And also perhaps take a brawler phract out for a spin)

Edited by Ssamout, 04 August 2017 - 05:46 AM.

#135 Bud Crue


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 05:56 AM

View Postingramli, on 04 August 2017 - 05:43 AM, said:

So i should start with Cataphracts, Dragons, Gargoyles? With long burn time laser build?

Know thyself. I can't help you beyond that. That's where you need to start.
Know the play style that your crappy skills and bad habits will encourage and go with a mech that will allow you to play that style to the optimum.

#136 Admiral-Dan


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 05:58 AM

View Postingramli, on 03 August 2017 - 09:26 AM, said:

1. Put "penalty weight" on good players

If PGI had a system to properly rate player you wouldn’t see any of them in T4.
The only problem here is the matchmaking. In T4 you shouldn’t see any “good” players.

View Postingramli, on 03 August 2017 - 09:26 AM, said:

2. Limiting the effectiveness of team communication

Instead of improving gameplay PGI should discourage teamplay? Yeah, that will help.Posted Image

Edited by AlphaEtOmega, 04 August 2017 - 05:58 AM.

#137 LowSubmarino


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 05:58 AM

The one major problem which causes games in general to be hilariously imba is a lack of players in mwo and thus the inability to create more adequate tiers.

Youd need at the very least 20 to 30 tiers to have ppl play together that are roughly as effective as their team members or opponents.

As it is now you have ppl that are band new or simply very bad mixed with pretty good players. Thats why games are complete stomps even though there are good games too.

It say 5-6 games are complete one sided annihilations which arent fun for the losers and no fun for the victors either.

2-3 games are not complete stomps so the loosers take out a good chunk of the enemy team. Maybe a lance or possibly more.

and 1 - 2 games are very good. Hard battles and you win with 1 - 3 mechs that are dmged heavily.

So you got like 10 - 20 % balanced games. And like 50 - 60 % complete imba games.

You wouldnt have that with a he hell of a lot more real tiers.

Mwo doenst have enough players for that which is why game quality suffers so much.

#138 Skipmagnet


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 06:32 AM

The MM is also pretty poop. I've seen sub-25 game players in the same match as Tarogato. Not like tptb give a rat's bum.

#139 ingramli


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 06:45 AM

View Postoneda, on 04 August 2017 - 05:58 AM, said:

The one major problem which causes games in general to be hilariously imba is a lack of players in mwo and thus the inability to create more adequate tiers.

Youd need at the very least 20 to 30 tiers to have ppl play together that are roughly as effective as their team members or opponents.

As it is now you have ppl that are band new or simply very bad mixed with pretty good players. Thats why games are complete stomps even though there are good games too.

It say 5-6 games are complete one sided annihilations which arent fun for the losers and no fun for the victors either.

2-3 games are not complete stomps so the loosers take out a good chunk of the enemy team. Maybe a lance or possibly more.

and 1 - 2 games are very good. Hard battles and you win with 1 - 3 mechs that are dmged heavily.

So you got like 10 - 20 % balanced games. And like 50 - 60 % complete imba games.

You wouldnt have that with a he hell of a lot more real tiers.

Mwo doenst have enough players for that which is why game quality suffers so much.

Indeed. I had dropped with someone belongs to T1 recently despite i am only T4 potato.If i am lucky enough, perhaps i can drop with TheB33F and watch him one shot Sean Lang againPosted Image

#140 Antares102


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Posted 04 August 2017 - 06:55 AM

View Postingramli, on 04 August 2017 - 03:26 AM, said:

FPS : 20~25 usually

Sorry, but thats abyssmal. You have to have 60 FPS for proper playing.
I started playing MWO on my notebook where I had about 30 FPS.
When I switched to a new computer and consistently had 60 FPS I became twice as good (hitting stuff) just by the improved FPS. I got another factor of two when adjusting my mouse sensitivity to "proper" levels.

Just do a simple test in training ground. Circle one of the dummy mechs and when you see its torso from the front you HAVE TO be able to stay on the center torso with your reticle as long as your torso yaw allows it. If you cannot do adjust your settings till you can.
Then try the same thing with a friend moving around and facing you without shooting.
If you cannot keep your reticle on the same spot all the time you know what situations go south on you in battle.

20-25 FPS in a FPS game is like using a knife in a gun fight.
You are just not fighting on the same level as everybody else.

Edited by Antares102, 04 August 2017 - 06:56 AM.

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