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Roadmap For September, October, And Beyond

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#41 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 22 August 2017 - 07:54 AM

I'm gonna bring a LMG to Solaris just to strip all the bolt-on decorations instantly...

#42 mistlynx4life


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 08:29 AM

Bolt-On Geometry - Give my Mist Lynxes actual wings...!?

New Event structure - Might be a good time to try out Koshigeddon...!


#43 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 22 August 2017 - 08:48 AM

View PostW E N D I G O, on 22 August 2017 - 07:58 AM, said:

Smoke and mirrors.

Oh! With only 4 Mechs on the field, we could have smoke effects without bogging processors too much... Smoke effects are very processor-intensive, so Solaris might be the best venue for smoke weapons.

#44 Ery


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 08:54 AM

My thoughts:
1. Special Event System
Sounds like the website-based event system is simply moved to ingame.
May be quite a bit more comfort. I do not see any real additional benefit in the sense of a really more varied gameplay.
The additional benefit from the Daily Challenges and Special Fraction Play Conflicts remains to be seen.

2. New Maps
Ok nice. To bad that they are no siege maps

3. 8v8 Quickplay
May shorten the waiting times and relieve the servers.
The first is a topic for itself (number of active players). The second is a pity that in 2017 we have such problems (Hitreg, Rubberbanding, Lags, ...).
With only 24 people on the map.
What is also bad is that the inequalities in the teams will continue to increase. Statistically, teams are more balanced when more people are involved.
My personal preferences also go in the direction of bigger teams than 12 people.
Summary => 8v8 I do not need!

4. Solaris
Is a game mode I must necessarily play, in order to come to any event rewards, but apart from it for me its uninteresting because of personal preferences
Split the already small play base once more.

5. Bolt-On Geometrie/First-Person-Mechbay
Can I eat it?
No seriously, why do I need it?

6. Supply Caches
Do not use the keys anymore. They dispense. Are we get any MCs back?

1, 2 and 6 (and the other small things) fall for me under "at least (MAYBE) something meaningful"
3, 4 and 5 may represent an additional benefit for certain groups of players, but unfortunately not for me. The time / resources you invest in there would be better invested elsewhere.
(Faction Play is in the best case described as unfinished)
Even if there are some nebulous approaches underneath, i wait for tangible improvements in faction play. And the absolutely exaggerated penalties for deserting are still there ...
Conclusion of the conclusion: so-so

Edited by Ery, 22 August 2017 - 08:55 AM.

#45 Clanner Scum


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 10:59 AM

View PostPariah Devalis, on 21 August 2017 - 06:20 PM, said:

11 tons of pod space on a 55 ton mech once you fix the horrible armor situation the stock mechs have.

Have fun with your 55 ton mist lynx. Without the ballistic spam. Or jump jets.

With the ECM IFR, it is a redundant mech. Pretty sure the IFR is better at the job, overall, too.


I mean, if people want it for nostalgia reasons, I can kinda get behind that for their sake. But anyone thinking that mech will be good is smoking the good stuff and really needs to share it.

All they have to do is quirk it heavy and then, voila, problem solved.

#46 B0oN


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 11:27 AM

JUST 1 NEW MAP !??!?!?!?!?!?????!!


Edited by The Shortbus, 22 August 2017 - 11:28 AM.

#47 SFC174


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 11:29 AM

8v8 is a very bad idea. Without a fix to the matchmaker, this will mean that a complete potato (or disco, or troll build player) will have an even larger negative impact. Yes, a high end player with huge skills and experience will have a better chance of carrying, but being more subject to extreme swings based upon the impact of one good/bad player is not a good thing for general game enjoyment/entertainment. The idea of going to even more players (16v16) has merit, but I don't know if the community is large enough.

8v8 might be fine for group queue, but for quick play? No way, no how. Don't do it.

#48 Jiyu Mononoke


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 12:34 PM

... Still no chat improvements ...
~ (Another Salty One)
- There are so many useful tools that could be being used by individuals (Profiles, friends list notes, etc etc), by Units (Coordination with other units, recruiting tools, member tools, CW planning, etc etc etc), By Factions (Voting, CW/FP planning, etc etc etc).

- Basically your still ignoring that "Third Pillar" (remember community?) in order to manufacture stuff to buy. Hint: Making more stuff to buy while not working to expand the player base through fundamental community resources is self defeating and lazy. Your have a community that is forced to use third party programs in order to be connected, again, lazy and even irresponsible.
- Like me, I am sure many simply log on, play a few QP and log off... why? what is there to do? I cant really hang out nad chat with my friends, unit or group. I cant share mech designs with friends/unit members ... Hell, I don't even really know who's who in my friends list because I have NO WAY TO IDENTIFY THEM!!!! - Super freekin lazy, and frankly a bit concerning that this subject receives such lack-luster attention from the devs, when the game franchise itself has a large devoted following, and many come from roll-playing (board-game) background who's centered on socialization and "community" ... yet it is this very function you deny us - and then wonder why you cant freekin fill your silly buckets... well, you just keep on ignoring t, and a lot of us will keep hoping someone else gets the title someday that actually cares about community, and real membership/team management... it's obviously not you, and you obviously don't care about that third pillar - the one pillar that prompted me to become a founder back before the game was publicly available. - I guess you'll never be anything more than a robot FPS game.

#49 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 01:33 PM


Initially, it is likely that Quick Play matches on the live servers will undergo a temporary switch to an 8v8 structure for a period of time in order for us - and you - to gather practical feedback on its impact.

Why 8vs8? Why not 10vs10 and let the Clans feel some luv!!!

#50 Bad Karma 989


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 03:06 PM

View PostFREDtheROLF, on 22 August 2017 - 07:03 AM, said:

Clan IIC Hero 'Mechs (Store)
Same old stuff new clothes
Special Events System
Same old stuff new clothes
Mad Cat MK II Animation Improvements
Its called bug fixing and your duty
Clan Diamond Shark Sub-Faction and Items
Same old stuff new clothes
Various fixes and improvements
Its called bug fixing and your duty
Balance pass
Same old stuff new clothes
Start of the MechWarrior Online World Championship Semi-Finals
Nothing to see here
2017 Annual Rewards Program Announcement
Same old stuff new clothes
Civil War: Escalation (Store)
Same old stuff new clothes
Various Fixes and Improvements, focused toward addressing long-standing or high priority issues and desired improvements
Its called bug fixing and your duty
Patch Date: November 14th
Thanatos (Store)
Same old stuff new clothes
A new, mid-sized, Tourmaline-style Map, with support for all Quick Play Game Modes, their Faction Play counterparts, and Scouting.
Continued Fixes and improvements, again focused toward addressing long-standing or high priority issues and desired improvements
Its called bug fixing and your duty
2017 Annual Rewards Program Content Release
Same old stuff new clothes
Evaluating a Return to 8v8 Quick Play
This could be cool(evaluating usually means its not gonna happen)
Upcoming 'Mechs
• Unannounced Inner Sphere Medium
• Unannounced Clan Ligh
• Unannounced Clan Medium
Same old stuff new clothes
Mech_Con 2017 and the 2017 MechWarrior Online World Championships
Same old stuff new clothes
Special single-variant Patterns (December)
Same old stuff new clothes
A new City Map (Early 2018)
YEP THATS SOMETHING NEW (early 2018 means Q3-4)
Solaris Mode! (Spring 2018)
YEP THATS SOMETHING NEW (early 2018 means Q3-4)
Bolt-On Geometry
BYE BYE FPS one more time
First-Person MechBay
This is what you think your player base want you to put your coding/design/performance resources on?
New Supply Cache system
This is what you think your player base want you to put your coding/design/performance resources on?

To sum that up.
Nothing to see here.
No improvements made
CW/FW/FP still dead
FPS goes down.

Well that didn't take long. Never does. There's the whining child.

#51 Kyrie


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 03:20 PM

SO the new Event system will save CWFP ....

Uh huh.

#52 Trenchbird


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 04:20 PM

Oh, I fully don't expect it to save the burn pit that is CW. But that's a pretty damn good update for other game modes. I'd say CW's saving grace will be, it will be the only 12v12 playlist/gamemode in MWO after 8v8 is instated.

#53 Odanan


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 04:23 PM

View PostPariah Devalis, on 21 August 2017 - 06:20 PM, said:

11 tons of pod space on a 55 ton mech once you fix the horrible armor situation the stock mechs have.

Have fun with your 55 ton mist lynx. Without the ballistic spam. Or jump jets.

With the ECM IFR, it is a redundant mech. Pretty sure the IFR is better at the job, overall, too.


I mean, if people want it for nostalgia reasons, I can kinda get behind that for their sake. But anyone thinking that mech will be good is smoking the good stuff and really needs to share it.

People said the same about the Linebacker, and it's one of the best Clan mechs. Big engine is not a problem in MWO.

Black Lanner can spam a lot of lasers (has many hardpoints), some SRMs and that with the speed of a light mech, ECM and armor of a Stormcrow. It will be a blast to pilot and an absolute terror to enemy light mechs.

#54 Jep Jorgensson


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 04:36 PM

"Clan Diamond Shark Sub-Faction and Items
Following up on the introduction of Clan Steel Viper and Clan Nova Cat in our July patch, Clan Diamond Shark has been called from reserve status and is now joining the fight for the Inner Sphere as a sub-Faction of Clan Wolf. As with Steel Viper and Nova Cat, Pilots are able to take Contracts with or pledge Loyalty to Diamond Shark as normal. However, Diamond Shark are not eligible for claiming territory of their own, nor do they cast a War Planning vote for their own Faction. As Diamond Shark are considered a sub-Faction of Clan Wolf, War Planning votes are cast under the banner of Clan Wolf."

Say what now? Clan Diamond Shark reinforced Clan Ghost Bear in the Lore, not the wolves. The wolves later got the Hell's Horses. So what is up with this?

Edited by Jep Jorgensson, 22 August 2017 - 04:37 PM.

#55 Trenchbird


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 04:56 PM

I'd imagine it's because Clan Wolf didn't get a pet Clan backup yet, and there are more Wolf players. That's my best guess. but then, PGI's gotten Ghost Bears and Wolves mixed up a lot for some reason. Remember the Executioner Hero?

#56 Doktorbike


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 05:05 PM

View PostThe Shortbus, on 22 August 2017 - 11:27 AM, said:

JUST 1 NEW MAP !??!?!?!?!?!?????!!


If your read all of the roadmap you will see that 4 new maps are there in total, 1 in November, 1 early 2018 & 2 for the new Solaris game mode in development which we will be able to see at mechcon.
Read it, understand it!! then shitpost. That's how it's done....

#57 Jep Jorgensson


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 05:07 PM

View PostCatten Hart, on 22 August 2017 - 04:56 PM, said:

I'd imagine it's because Clan Wolf didn't get a pet Clan backup yet, and there are more Wolf players. That's my best guess. but then, PGI's gotten Ghost Bears and Wolves mixed up a lot for some reason. Remember the Executioner Hero?

I try not to remember too many of PGI mistakes. Otherwise it would overload and fry my brain.

Edited by Jep Jorgensson, 22 August 2017 - 05:08 PM.

#58 Nelos Kniven


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 05:21 PM

Amazing plans! I am excited and don't let the whiners get to you.

#59 Hawk819


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 05:31 PM

View PostOdanan, on 22 August 2017 - 04:23 PM, said:

People said the same about the Linebacker, and it's one of the best Clan mechs. Big engine is not a problem in MWO.

Black Lanner can spam a lot of lasers (has many hardpoints), some SRMs and that with the speed of a light mech, ECM and armor of a Stormcrow. It will be a blast to pilot and an absolute terror to enemy light mechs.

amen, brother. With 13 tons of Pod Space. I can see a 2 SRM/6 with HVY Mediums

#60 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 22 August 2017 - 05:35 PM

View PostOdanan, on 22 August 2017 - 04:23 PM, said:

People said the same about the Linebacker, and it's one of the best Clan mechs. Big engine is not a problem in MWO.

Black Lanner can spam a lot of lasers (has many hardpoints), some SRMs and that with the speed of a light mech, ECM and armor of a Stormcrow. It will be a blast to pilot and an absolute terror to enemy light mechs.

I have a problem with that statement. It "only" took armor quirks that bumped it to the CT protection of an assault mech to make the mech viable. To be clear, it took incredibly severe durability quirks to make the mech worthwhile. I mean, it is undeniably fun to pilot for a mech its size, but it only manages to leverage its limited firepower with the combination of its innate speed and a disproportionate degree of durability via quirks.

Mind you, this is on a mech that already has extra external DHS and nearly 50% more pod space than the Lanner. The Black Lanner lacks any DHS beyond the in engine 10, meaning it is going to run hot unless you invest those precious few tons into DHS. Being stuck at 11 tons (10, if you take ECM) means you are going to do, what, exactly? A half dozen ERSLas and a couple mid sized SRM? You certainly cannot support ERMLas boating, since you'd run too hot to have a significant enough rate of fire (by that, I mean pop out, shoot, hide, cool off, repeat) in a given match to do much more than "secure" a kill here and there. Forget about carrying ballistics at all. It's going to be a larger target than the 45 ton options, no matter how you slice it, just due to volumetric scaling, so that speed isn't going to help it too much when it comes to damage avoidance.

Offensively, I'd really like to see a case for the mech. Otherwise, I'm just seeing Ice Ferret builds in a 55 ton mech package, except the IFR has higher sustained speeds than the Lanner due to a faster base speed and no reliance on MASC, the same ECM capabilities, similar payloads, and a relatively thin body plan which assists in damage spread tremendously. For a 45 ton mech, it would be solid. For a 55 ton mech, it is anemic.

It would absolutely require PGI give it the sort of durability quirks the Linebacker received in order to even approach consideration.

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