Brain Cancer, on 16 February 2018 - 03:59 PM, said:
But you're asking for doubling IS machine gun damage ...
Brain Cancer, on 16 February 2018 - 03:59 PM, said:
Then you simply double the IS MG's ROF.
... right there. Doubling RoF does exactly the same as doubling the damage value in terms of effective machine guns that fire at any given time. I even mentioned that in my first comment to you. The only "positive" aspect there would be that an increased RoF wouldn't also increase the amount of potential damage per ton of ammo.
Brain Cancer, on 16 February 2018 - 03:59 PM, said:
Two Clan MGs fire once and deal the same damage as one IS MG for the same tonnage. Voila, IS lights can now do the same frickin' job Clan ones do- and Clan has a pile of chassis (MLX, ACH, PIR) that outdo IS ones right now.
And the result is still the frickin' same as I pointed out earlier: You currently have an asymetric system where 3 Clan chassis can "hyper boat" machine guns to a higher degree. But ever since the initial "hype" for all three of these mechs has died down you actually don't see them that often. Your desired change would merely turn the asymetry around by providing IS with a total of 4-7 different chassis that can rival ACH and MLX in terms of machine gun damage output and with more customization available. And then there's that sixth (or eighth depending on how you count) mech chassis that'll rival the PIR-1 in terms of damage output but is also jump capable and way more tankier.
=> You're still just shifting the perceived imbalance on the high end of "mg boating" towards IS.
Brain Cancer, on 16 February 2018 - 03:59 PM, said:
This means everyone gets to have fun at the MG table.
And what you still fail to see is the imbalance your idea creates on the lower end of "mg not-boating": Every IS mech with just 2 machine guns would turn into a "minor machine gun boat" with 4 effective machine guns while their Clan counterparts with only 2 machine guns stay where they are.
Brain Cancer, on 16 February 2018 - 03:59 PM, said:
Heck, right now we can even have a Clan assault with 8B hardpoints if you really want to. And no hardpoint inflation needed.
Strawman argumentation since I nowhere suggested that there should be a hardpoint inflation on IS side on certain mechs to equalize machine gun boating possibilities. Fact of the matter however is, that having one or more IS lights in the 30 to 35t range with "inflated" ballistic hardpoints would actually be less of a "balance" concern than what you're advocating here.
=> You still have not even remotely come close to convincing me that IS machine guns should get their damage capabilities effectively doubled - neither by hard double damage like you initially wanted nor by doubling the IS mg RoF.
Edited by Der Geisterbaer, 17 February 2018 - 05:24 AM.