I know this isn;t covered here, but I'll say again (and bring the hate, I don;t care, it simply must be said)
AND IS). Again, before people start yelling I HATE LRMS, and USELESS, think of their effectiveness. They can in good players hands pin down an enemy so the rest of the time can get into position. You know, like in the Movies where one soldier/cop/etc says their teammates: LAY DOWN SOME COVER FIRE, so they fire away keeping the enemy down while the rest of the squad moves up. That is what good LRM fire can and SHOULD DO!
But, often they can't because:
Of all the weapon types out there, this is the only weapon group that has multiple counters:
- COVER can completely eliminate
- ECM can eliminate or make locking twice as long
- ONLY weapon with a significant 'Travel Time'
- Only Weapon that can be 'Dodged' after it has fired
- Only weapon with a 'Stacking' weapon Counter: AMS
- Only weapon with a SKILL to Counter: Radar Deprivation
Let's cover the above:
COVER: This I have no problem with, not really any different than any other weapon really. I wouldn;t fire a PPC at a mech behind a building/hill, so a good player with LRM's should not really do so either. This is fine.
ECM: ECM hurts anyone with LRM's who does not have either for themselves, or someone on their team, TAG or BAP. ECM does not stop anyone with Ballistics or Energy weapons hitting a target they can see, but the missile support...no help. No Problems here by and of itself.
3 & 4.
TRAVEL TIME/Dodging: All other attack are pretty much instantaneous. Even the somewhat slow firing ACs cannot really be dodged, but if you see LRM's Coming in, a good player can dodge behind a building to avoid being hit. I don;t have a problem with.
AMS: Because there is not Reflective Armor in the Game, nor is there any Reactive Hardened Armor. For those that do not know, Reflective reduces/eliminates Energy Attacks, Hardened Reduces Ballistic/Missile attacks. So, only weapon that can be completed eliminated is Missiles. This works in high enough concentration 100% or LRMs (do to the long travel time), but has a lower effect on SRMs do the much closer range often fired at.
Radar Deprivation: The biggie, RADAR DEP. Missiles (and really only LRMS are penalized here) are the only weapon group that has a Skill Tree that can pretty much eliminate their effectiveness. Image the Uproar, if we introduced a Skill Tree skill grouping called
ELECTRIC WEAVE or something that had 5 Levels, with each level giving a 20% Elimination to PPC damage. Heck, I'd take that in a heart beat, but a large amount of the community would be enraged (and rightly so). Well, that is Radar Deprivation.
Now, I am not saying put LRMs back to where they were before. Nor am I asking for anything to be eliminated. Heck, I'm even FINE with RADAR DEP being in as it is, but right now, trying to fire LRMs' requires:
Step 4 is the issue here. I'm Fine with the Being In Range (no different than any other weapon Group), and Step 2, Again, everything OK here. ECM makes a little Longer...OK, Opponent has RADAR DEP and I keep Loosing the Lock - Find another target then.
Its' step 4 that is the kick in the teeth. A player has already spent maybe 10 seconds or so, just getting the lock, to then fire and have the lock go away and the shot be wasted.
All I am asking for here is...Don't penalise the shot I just made. I'm fine with everything else, but don't make the shot I spent time trying to lock down be taken away immediately after I make it. AMS and Dodging into Cover..Fine! No Problem, but losing a Lock after I made it to watch my missiles streak into oblivion...No other weapon has that penalty and frankly neither should my salvo.