MischiefSC, on 15 June 2018 - 04:38 PM, said:
Except it is about getting an advantage.
Again - quit trying to make cases for 'well, this guy doesn't have to play by the same rules and gets an advantage' crap up. It's terrible and it never works.
Why is it you always go right to the assumption that someone is trying to get an unearned advantage over you, no matter who mentions it? Do you just assume that everyone is looking to screw you over somehow? Is that actually how you think about playing? It's not a healthy worldview to have. I mean seriously, there is no grand conspiracy to screw over QP. People are searching for a way to make things a little better in MWO, not rip you off or ruin your QP fun.
I still have yet to see anything that even hints that a pair of players dropping into the same game tier as they are ranked in QP is going to significantly screw anything up more that already happens with the random grouping of a couple of players that know each other or sync drop into QP now.
Our two theoretical God Level players are only likely to affect the outcome of the match if their team does not die by the 3 player margin that seems to be the limit at which it becomes very hard to come back from
and their team effectively defends allowing our God Level Tryhards to do their thing. Our Godly dynamic duo is also unlikely to carry the team all on their own and almost never rescue that team if they are down by 3 or 4 players no matter how godlike their playing prowess is. You are also assuming that the other team does not get their own set of Godly MW Gamers, either by another very small group or chance. It is still a team game, solo QP or not, and you are not going to win it or lose it all on your own or with a buddy every time. Finally, the masses are the ones that are going to use it most. The bulk of our population is in the average to good players, not the Godlike players.
We have never tried adding single two mans groups to QP, why is there this almost rabid fear to try it? Even in a PTS?
MischiefSC, on 15 June 2018 - 04:38 PM, said:
You find a solution that doesn't involve messing with solo queue in any way save letting people volunteer for group queue and sure. That'd be great. Otherwise you're going to need to play by and with the same standards as everyone else and not try to screw the game up for any other player segments so that you can win more without doing what everyone who is winning more is already doing.
Okay, how about this. We say you have proof that two mans are bad for solo QP, we play tested it, whatever. Fine. How about we have a small group QP Queue that lets 2-3 or maybe even 4 man groups drop together. It still has the current QP matchmaking filters (or ideally something better), averages tiers skewing to the higher end of the group to find matches, (or something better) balances tonnage, and keeps the same groups from dropping together on the same team more than once for every 4 games or so. You allow singles in to round out the small groups.
QP isn't touched aside from letting solos play in groups, GP gets to go back to a more balanced tonnage scale for large groups. Small groups get some kind of MM sorting and hopefully a middle ground to play on. The drawback- you will pull players away from those other queues.
If that doesn't work for you, how about offering a "gud" alternative for fixing very small group play, beyond "git gud" and play in GP. Offer something constructive other than shooting down all other ideas. Anything really. I am totally open to hearing about solving the issue presented beyond saying it doesn't exist because it doesn't happen to me.
MischiefSC, on 15 June 2018 - 04:38 PM, said:
So if I make a smurf account and drop with someone like Proton do we get to drop in QP in that model?
As opposed to Tryhards making alt accounts now to club Tier 5 baby eyed seals? How is it different? How is it worse? Why do people even do this or think this way? Does it actually stoke their ego? I dunno.
As for the model I would think that in the two man drop you'd have to put them into the highest tier of the two players to keep it sane.