Luminis, on 21 June 2018 - 09:55 PM, said:
Ever considered how damn ******** are 12 man stacks when syndropped in GQ? Yet it's still there, nothing is done, GQ is deder than ded with nogames during off NA hours. All there is is a solo game with solo mech wanking, what is called GQ is a ****** mode that doesn't do its job for an average player, let alone a newbie who knows nothing about the game, how are they supposed to enjoy the game? Most people enjoy playing games with friends way more than alone, but no, not in MWO. And people wonder why the game has low population.
I'll just quote
fat4eyes, on 21 June 2018 - 12:46 AM, said:
The main reason that I believe 2-mans won't be so unbalancing is that the group size is sufficiently small that sheer random selection has a decent chance of evening out the teams' probability of winning. Even in the worst case of a 2-man of top 1% players being on the opposing team, there's a good chance that your team will get at least 1 top 1% player which should give you a decent chance of victory. As long as the MM can ensure that the 2-man teams are spread relatively evenly between the 2 teams to even out the coordination advantages (ie a team of all solos should never go up against a team of 6 2-mans), sheer randomness should be enough to even out the teams' win probabilities.
The benefits of 2-mans also extend beyond bringing new players up to scratch. It's a lot easier to retain 2 players that enjoy playing the game together, than it is to retain 2 solo players. Being able to consistently play with someone you know brings a measure of enjoyment that is beyond what sheer game mechanics can offer to both of them separately.