admiralbenbow123, on 08 July 2018 - 07:21 AM, said:
I am a mostly IS player myself as well but I totally agree with you. I also don't understand why er smalls got a damage reduction. In my opinion, as of right now er smalls are right where they should be in terms of damage.
Who the **** do they think they're going to hurt by nerfing the clan ER small lasers, the Deathstrike?
Newsflash, light and medium mechs take small lasers and mediums lasers because it's all they can fit because they're so small. They don't have much weight for tons of big weapons. For the most part for lights and mediums they can boat:
a) Multiples of small weapons such MGs, Small Lasers, and Medium Lasers.

One large laser with one or two tons of backup weapons
c) Two large energy weapons
or d) A mixture of smalll missile weapons (SRM4s) with small energy weapons
There's outliers of course but that's what most light and medium mechs can run. They overwhelmingly rely upon small and medium lasers, far more than any other weight class. Many of them run
only small and medium lasers because they can't lug around an AC20, actually do well with the weapon, and actually have enough ammo for it to last the match. These sorts of laser buffs will be harmless to assault mechs that can mount four AC10s or two gauss rifles or four PPCs. A ton of the weight that clan lights and mediums have are taken up by jumpjets that can't be removed to give extra weight for weapons and a lot of them have Ferro so that even if they have the weight they couldn't fit a larger weapon anyways. How do you expect them to perform when you cut their weight down, cut their crit slots down, and nerf the only weapons they can boat.
I know a lot of folks will respond to this by saying that clan lights and overpowered compared to IS lights and yeah, there's truth to that. I love my TDK but it has four medium lasers that fall off if you sneeze at it and it can't go toe-to-toe with any clan lights except for the ones locked at 97 KPH. That isn't a justification for nerfing the entire clan weight class, it's a justification to give IS lights a hardpoint pass and a quirk pass.