Matt Newman, on 17 August 2018 - 02:17 PM, said:
Details are up now...
Hope you like the format... If not leave feedback in this thread

Hi there, Matt... You've got a good format, give-or-take the possible need to make each part of the fighting a tad longer (
Like, 36 to 48 Hours per segment... I know I would try to keep the queues populated if you're avoiding putting people through the proverbial 'Pressure Cooker', because I appreciate when things are not made too short!), but I see a big problem hiding in the "Personal Challenges" Event Section. If they're all supposed to be able to get completed at any time, then one of the Challenges has an active issue in it. You'll find it at...
Scouting Challenge > Earn 1 First Capture
...and the problem is that it
requires the Conquest Game Mode, preventing it from being done on all but 2 Days of this Event's runtime. Is there any chance we could have that exchanged for something like...
Get 1st sight of 3 Mechs
Accumulate 10 Intel Collected those would not be restricted by when they can be done, but would still present a Challenge that could take a lot more than just 1 Match to complete? Further, is there any chance that Previous Matches can be parsed as well, in order to account for everyone's effort that has been put into this already? I understand if that counter could not be retroactively updated, but it would really be appreciated if it could be.
If you're looking for a Rating Number from me, then considering between...
- The well-designed Event Format, as you made sure the many of the Challenges are NOT heavily time-restricted (Thanks!!! Seriously, I think this is a really awesome move. Please do this again in the future. It definitely gives more respect to anyone who doesn't happen to be considered a 'Top-Tier Competitive'-type player, unlike the format of the previous "Davion vs. Kurita" and "Jade Falcon vs. Clan Wolf" Faction-based Events.)
- A feeling like each part of this Mini-War is too short, given the time it would actually take to battle and travel from world to world (Really, each Zone Of Battle within the scope of the Entire War could use more time. Particularly for all those still somewhat new to Faction Warfare. We don't want to lose them because they didn't get time to understand!)
- The above-noted hiccup with the "Scouting Challenge" portion of that Challenge Set
...then I'm thinking I would put up a...
...and look forward to the fixes, be it either in the Current Event, or in Future Events of this kind. This kind of Event definitely has the ability to get even better than it currently is.
~Mr. D. V. "
Looking to help improve this kind of Faction-based Event Format..." Devnull
p.s.: In case you're wondering, too many people took advantage of my not being able to post all my thoughts clearly during the last Event. Their toxicity became too much to handle while I was strapped for time, so I was NOT able to provide a Final Review Rating there. Sorry about that, and please disregard the "5.0/10" that I had to leave behind over there! I think I would have bumped up my final result a little for that one anyway.)