Faction Fights! 15 Days Of Faction Play Events And Sales!
Posted 30 October 2018 - 11:25 PM
What is your advise guys
Posted 31 October 2018 - 12:16 AM
DeadWeight18, on 30 October 2018 - 11:25 PM, said:
What is your advise guys
There is only one queue in CW/FW/FP (Community Warfare/ Faction Warfare/ Faction Play). There is no distinction between solo or group.
Posted 31 October 2018 - 12:50 AM
Posted 31 October 2018 - 02:20 AM
Posted 31 October 2018 - 02:57 AM
Vargancy, on 31 October 2018 - 02:20 AM, said:
Won't work, i guess. Too many buckets.
Posted 31 October 2018 - 03:24 AM
Thanks for the events
its great
ignore the loyalists, they have to choose to participate, or miss out, its that simple, like buying is or clan mechs. BTW the sale is good too for those starting out.
I also had the idea of allowing people to do "faction" without having to choose a loyalty side as a solo drop and just getting the achievements as the SOLO players help the game to start.
Many thanks
Posted 31 October 2018 - 03:38 AM
You set up 21 different events as follows (for example):
Rasalhague vs Kurita
Rasalhague vs Marik
Rasalhague vs Liao
Davion vs Kurita
Davion vs Marik
Davion vs Liao
Steiner vs Kurita
Steiner vs Marik
Steiner vs Liao
Those 9 events cover all IS players, the event length and rewards are set as you see fit, but all six factions should start and end at the same time. This way, any IS faction is valid at any time against somebody.
Wolf vs Jade Falcon
Wolf vs Smoke Jaguar
Wolf vs Steel Viper
Ghost Bear vs Jade Falcon
Ghost Bear vs Smoke Jaguar
Ghost Bear vs Steel Viper
Nova Cat vs Jade Falcon
Nova Cat vs Smoke Jaguar
Nova Cat vs Steel Viper
Diamond Shark vs Jade Falcon
Diamond Shark vs Smoke Jaguar
Diamond Shark vs Steel Viper
Those 12 events cover all the clans, again making any clan faction valid against somebody all of the time.
This way, absolutely everybody can play for the faction of their liking. Those who really want to, can swap factions and get a bit more rewards, but EVERYBODY gets to play (at any time during the events). I realize the buckets could be a bit tricky, but the most loyal player base has already been through a lot and I am pretty sure we could sort things out among ourselves, if the events had long enough run times.
Posted 31 October 2018 - 04:33 AM
Major Major Catch 22, on 31 October 2018 - 03:24 AM, said:
Thanks for the events
its great
ignore the loyalists, they have to choose to participate, or miss out, its that simple, like buying is or clan mechs. BTW the sale is good too for those starting out.
I also had the idea of allowing people to do "faction" without having to choose a loyalty side as a solo drop and just getting the achievements as the SOLO players help the game to start.
Many thanks
I know you play a lot of faction play, but my point earlier about joining a unit takes that choice away.
Over 5M for my unit to allow me to join, I'm not the leader so I can't change the faction myself.
I'm doing family stuff for the next two days but that point stands.
Community helps maintain a game.
Posted 31 October 2018 - 05:12 AM
I see this from two perspectives:
First as a former lorehole, there are folks who simply refuse to leave their faction and when you “force” them to do so in order to participate in an event as another faction or worse, a mercenary, they resent that. It makes them simply not play and rather than see your event as some sort of opportunity to gain a reward, but as an insult to the manner in which PGI has encouraged them to play the game (i.e. as a loyalist to a single faction). This feeling of insult is exacerbated by the fact that the loyalist is fully cognizant of the fact that the majority of the playing population (i.e. filthy mercenaries or folks lacking all honor who willingly jump from faction to faction to harvest LP rewards) are able to take advantage of the event and get several times the rewards that they can get, again, all because of the choice they made at PGI’s encouragement to play as a loyalist in their faction play mode vs that of some other play style.
Tangentially related to this outlook, is that these same sort of folks want an event that “means something”. To put it another way: a player playing as a mercenary or one that merely plays with a mercenary outlook is in it for the rewards, and events like this give them plenty. A loyalist however is in it for their faction. Rewards are nice but it is the advancement of the faction that matters. These sorts of folks are looking for a pretense of immersion and some sort of “big” faction specific consequence. As historical examples: think back to the Tukayyid events. Loyalists don’t care what they got for winning. They only care that “they” won. That their faction surrounded terra. Etc. (regardless of the fact that certain merc unit(s) made that victory possible). Events such as the current one do nothing for these folks in terms of encouraging them and their loyalist perspective to engage with the game to a greater degree than they already do. It’s just another evening of play, but it doesn’t “mean” anything to them.
Second) As someone who no longer plays FP, primarily because those I play with either detest the mode for various reasons or simply don’t have the time to play it (no need to get into why I left the mode in the first place), and so don’t bother with decks, or learning the maps, or in any way making an effort to engage with the mode; I gotta tell ya that events like this are just not enough motivator to get such folks interested. Contrary to the loyalist perspective above, these kind of folks need not only rewards, but big rewards, to even consider playing the mode (the MC might do it for some but certainly not a majority that I know). No one likes to lose and the casual players of MWO know fully well that dipping their toes into FP casually is a recipie for a good beat down (the FP warning sign makes that clear). Is 50 MC a pop enough motivator to get such folks to play night after night, of near guaranteed losses, for the length of the event? I suspect not.
Posted 31 October 2018 - 06:07 AM
Will the sales include Mech Bays though? (just checked, nope, still not on discount)
Edited by Acersecomic, 31 October 2018 - 06:10 AM.
Posted 31 October 2018 - 06:12 AM
Posted 31 October 2018 - 06:27 AM
Posted 31 October 2018 - 07:21 AM
InnerSphereNews, on 30 October 2018 - 12:58 PM, said:
This Item is modeled after authentic Mech_Con 2018 Vancouver rainclouds.
For almost half a century those menacing Vancouver clouds have looked down on me. Even today I look out my window and see them spanning the sky, blocking out the sun. Soon I will be able to harness their power inside my cockpit and I will be able to look down on them!
Posted 31 October 2018 - 07:30 AM
I personally like this event a lot and think loyalist units are silly.
To fix the loyalist exclusion issue while preserving that "civil war" 3057 lore year flavor, maybe do "crusaders" vs "wardens" instead of 1 clan vs. 1 clan. I.e., Wolf, Ghost Bear, Diamond Shark on one side vs. the others (sorry don't remember which clans are actually wardens). Same thing for IS: could do FedCom vs. all others for example. This way, loyalist units would be excluded from far fewer matches.
prizes could be similar - you could get a mix of warden cockpit items for completion of objectives, for example...
This would make the event better for those loyalist players while not making it suck for me
Edited by Anton Fetladral, 31 October 2018 - 07:32 AM.
Posted 31 October 2018 - 09:20 AM
I don't own enough Clan mechs to make a decent Drop Deck, so I'll try to get in on some IS action this weekend.
Posted 31 October 2018 - 10:33 AM
Matt Newman, on 30 October 2018 - 03:21 PM, said:
Explain to me how to make an event that doesn't make them feel ignored or punished?
I am asking because is genuinely don't want that to be the sentiment when I create events.
I know this set of faction events isn't particularly creative but i wanted to include all factions and i also wanted to do more Clan vs Clan and IS vs IS as it has a positive response in the past and Faction Play is the only place I can do that.
Re: Probation Period - I am having this investigated to see if and when it could be removed from the game as it also comes up every time a faction play event is created.
Regular Faction Play is turned off to reduce the number of matchmaking buckets
I can tell you why i will not be playing this. Frist i cant play any but the one because my unit does not switch(thats ok with me) . 2nd, Marik being one if not the smallest faction I basically have them all on my friends list. Come the 10th Marik and Liao will be full of people under our flags. Never playing with us before just here for some warhorn or cbills. I will not be playing this event.
Edited by Monkey Lover, 31 October 2018 - 10:43 AM.
Posted 31 October 2018 - 10:55 AM
ERescue, on 31 October 2018 - 03:38 AM, said:
You set up 21 different events as follows (for example):
Rasalhague vs Kurita
Rasalhague vs Marik
Rasalhague vs Liao
Davion vs Kurita
Davion vs Marik
Davion vs Liao
Steiner vs Kurita
Steiner vs Marik
Steiner vs Liao
Those 9 events cover all IS players, the event length and rewards are set as you see fit, but all six factions should start and end at the same time. This way, any IS faction is valid at any time against somebody.
Wolf vs Jade Falcon
Wolf vs Smoke Jaguar
Wolf vs Steel Viper
Ghost Bear vs Jade Falcon
Ghost Bear vs Smoke Jaguar
Ghost Bear vs Steel Viper
Nova Cat vs Jade Falcon
Nova Cat vs Smoke Jaguar
Nova Cat vs Steel Viper
Diamond Shark vs Jade Falcon
Diamond Shark vs Smoke Jaguar
Diamond Shark vs Steel Viper
Those 12 events cover all the clans, again making any clan faction valid against somebody all of the time.
This way, absolutely everybody can play for the faction of their liking. Those who really want to, can swap factions and get a bit more rewards, but EVERYBODY gets to play (at any time during the events). I realize the buckets could be a bit tricky, but the most loyal player base has already been through a lot and I am pretty sure we could sort things out among ourselves, if the events had long enough run times.
Match maker is a pos, so they cant do more than 1 event at a time. Been like this for years now. We have to see at mechcon,if they fix it when they add in the basic elo match making.
Edited by Monkey Lover, 31 October 2018 - 11:00 AM.
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