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07 Bacon Redefines "play2Win; Inaugurates A Weekly Faction Warfare Operation Code-Named: W.a.s.p.; Wins A Planet To End 8 Week Long Fw Stalemate!

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#101 Bishop Six


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 10:32 AM

View PostdenAirwalkerrr, on 13 November 2018 - 09:55 AM, said:

Just out of curiosity I went and Jarl listed guys who were roasting bacon in this thread: https://leaderboard....D%0AGrus+%0D%0A

As for FP 'elite' they don't play this game for competition. They play FP because they love this kind of gameplay where you just hang out with relatively good players for this game and don't get on brawl mechs on Polar or are tonnage handicapped as I said. Sure they enjoy good games but if they wanted to challenge themselves in this game they would play comp.

So i dont think i roasted Oregon, but ok.

Jarl's List is QP only and with this account i mostly troll and test.

Here you can see more serious play of me, because with this account i need cbills and SP, but still FP is the main activity.

#102 Marquis De Lafayette


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 11:20 AM

View PostNightbird, on 12 November 2018 - 08:55 PM, said:

Good match on Emerald Taiga Bacon o7 if you didn't have two pugs that LRMed all game, it may have ended differently given how much health was on Omega at the end.

The reason that we poke fun at you though is because win or lose, most pilots can only take being one-sidely shot at for so long before saying enough is enough, I want to shoot back. Because of this, veteran pilots tend to be recruited away from units like yours (MS/HHOD/ARKB) etc that gen rush a lot. Gen rushing is a mechanic, but not a rewarding one in game. You get no cbills, no EXP, no LP/RP.

If you want to continue to be one of many trainee units that build up members only to lose them to an 'elite' unit around, it's your right. Our view that you should focus more on getting kills, even if you end up not damaging a single gen, is really for you to keep your members and grow as a unit. GLHF

Yes...nice match....well defended...we tried all we could to pressure and bait you, but you guys showed the discipline and skill to not let us cheese it. Which was our only visible pathway to victory considering the personnel on both sides. The PUGs we had with Lrms weren’t going to help us no matter how we might have played it. But, we aren’t just going to let the other team have the W, without trying to find a way. Kudos again for the well executed defense

I do want to acknowledge (and add) here a couple of things. The criticisms of 07 as a gen rush unit were valid in 2016-2017....when planets mattered more because MC giveaways were sparse. We did it, gained MC...but pilots got bored and left. Including me. I was willing to come back, because the overall direction of the unit changed this year. That doesn’t mean it’s not in the arsenal....it’s just rare for us to call a wave 1 gen rush nowadays. I have been part of 2 this year (including last night) where that was the initial call. Also, I haven’t seen a 12 man 07 in 2018....we have gotten to 10 once or twice and are basically we are mostly 4-7 these days. So, yeah...if we run into a super-stacked 10-12 man we are going to do our best to win in whatever way we can. Apart from that....we are going to try to kill 48 now and if we get too far behind we might try to finish the objective to pull it out. There is nothing unique to 07 about trying to pull out a win like that, but I get that folks will still get salty if they were ahead on kills and lost like that.

The old days were about planets and if those days return, I’m gone again. Gen rushing for planets is waste of everyones time and hurt the game. Event MC > planet MC these days and it isn’t even close. Just to clear up misconceptions here about Heavy and the MC: 07 gives out MC proportionally to members based on activity. So, heavy only got a tiny faction of the MC...maybe 10-15% at most...if anything he took too little. As we aren’t rushing for planets any more that meager stream is now even less.

Again...all to say this year I have seen us go more traditional as a unit...with our own tactical spins. We are concerned with growing the playerbase and I think (for the most part) recognize now that doing what we did in 2016-2017 wasn’t good for FW or for the unit (as you say we don’t want to lose our better pilots and we lost a few). We welcome folks who are willing to both go traditional tactics or to try stuff to pull out a match where traditional tactics are unlikely to achieve victory.

#103 C H E E K I E Z


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 12:43 PM

View PostdenAirwalkerrr, on 13 November 2018 - 09:55 AM, said:

Just out of curiosity I went and Jarl listed guys who were roasting bacon in this thread: https://leaderboard....D%0AGrus+%0D%0A

As for FP 'elite' they don't play this game for competition. They play FP because they love this kind of gameplay where you just hang out with relatively good players for this game and don't get on brawl mechs on Polar or are tonnage handicapped as I said. Sure they enjoy good games but if they wanted to challenge themselves in this game they would play comp.

I've tried out comp, and played it. i do enjoy it more than CW. Unfortunately between work and wife, the only times i can get on each week is completely different, I mostly work nights being in the Culinary industry, and especially all weekends. And if i dont work on nights, then i spend my nights with the wifey.

I play CW because i can log in, drop 2 games then be done at any time of the day. Not be on a routine schedule 3 times a week for only 3-4 hours during a certain time.

#104 K O Z A K


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 02:54 PM

View PostC H E E K I E Z, on 13 November 2018 - 12:43 PM, said:

I've tried out comp, and played it. i do enjoy it more than CW. Unfortunately between work and wife, the only times i can get on each week is completely different, I mostly work nights being in the Culinary industry, and especially all weekends. And if i dont work on nights, then i spend my nights with the wifey.

I play CW because i can log in, drop 2 games then be done at any time of the day. Not be on a routine schedule 3 times a week for only 3-4 hours during a certain time.

Ditto. Trying to play at upper levels is a 2nd job (unless you're already playing mwo 6 hours a day I suppose), and anyone who says it isn't is lying

Playing comp at lower levels where you can just show up, doesn't look that much different from group que so I don't know what's the point, unless you just want to tell people you're a "comp player"

#105 C H E E K I E Z


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 03:11 PM

Also, I'm surprised my qp stats aren't way ********. Qp is where I go to test my troll builds, and just generally go so silly things. Not to say I don't troll in cw as well, i mean **** I troll just as much if not more I'm cw. I honestly don't care about my stats. If I did I'd make an alt spend 60 bucks on 2-3 mechs and farm stats. But that just sounds so boring. I'd rather yolo around in my rocket 120 mrm80 archer, try and spot someone I know on the other team and splat them. Maybe I kill them, maybe I don't. Gsurentees I die, but it's halarious to me so I'm gonna do it. Who cares if it hurts my stats lol.

#106 justcallme A S H


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 03:13 PM

Lol @ 2nd job...

During world champs the past few months it was 6hrs a week. 2hrs or 4hrs practice and 2hrs or 4hrs practice with total of 6hrs a week. Now it's close to finals it's 4-6hrs a week just practice. Most weeks were only 4hrs honestly - and this is at the highest level.

Hardly a full time job or huge time commitment of actual game time. Anyone that says that is largely making excuses. Especially when they play 10hrs+ over a week. Which many do.

The only thing is if you cannot do a certain day/time with regularity, only time an issue comes in.

Edited by justcallme A S H, 13 November 2018 - 03:14 PM.

#107 K O Z A K


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 03:53 PM

View Postjustcallme A S H, on 13 November 2018 - 03:13 PM, said:

Lol @ 2nd job...

During world champs the past few months it was 6hrs a week. 2hrs or 4hrs practice and 2hrs or 4hrs practice with total of 6hrs a week. Now it's close to finals it's 4-6hrs a week just practice. Most weeks were only 4hrs honestly - and this is at the highest level.

Hardly a full time job or huge time commitment of actual game time. Anyone that says that is largely making excuses. Especially when they play 10hrs+ over a week. Which many do.

The only thing is if you cannot do a certain day/time with regularity, only time an issue comes in.

Lol @ not 2nd job...

Between theory crafting, constantly figuring out the meta because we have to have **** changed every fkn month, scheduled practices, scheduled scrims and scheduled comp drops + you really need to play outside of that to maintain a certain skill level. A large portion of your free time needs to be scheduled around MWO. As I said, if that's already the case, it's probably not so bad for you, but if you have 10 hobbies you love and MWO is like #8 on the list, then it just doesn't work.

It's the same as everything else in life: in a competitive environment you need to commit the time and effort, or lose to those that will

#108 November Juliet


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 03:53 PM

Everyone chill on and listen to John. Use some of your recreational beverage or substance of choice. #Serialnumberthisisyourfault #hooked

#109 Gully D


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 04:13 PM

View PostNovember Juliet, on 13 November 2018 - 03:53 PM, said:

Everyone chill on and listen to John. Use some of your recreational beverage or substance of choice. #Serialnumberthisisyourfault #hooked

Best thing on the thread, thankyou

#110 justcallme A S H


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 04:20 PM

View PostHazeclaw, on 13 November 2018 - 03:53 PM, said:

Lol @ not 2nd job...

Between theory crafting, constantly figuring out the meta because we have to have **** changed every fkn month, scheduled practices, scheduled scrims and scheduled comp drops + you really need to play outside of that to maintain a certain skill level. A large portion of your free time needs to be scheduled around MWO. As I said, if that's already the case, it's probably not so bad for you, but if you have 10 hobbies you love and MWO is like #8 on the list, then it just doesn't work.

It's the same as everything else in life: in a competitive environment you need to commit the time and effort, or lose to those that will

Well I'm just telling you, straight up, how much time I've put in over the past 5-6months.

Max 6hrs a week, average of 4hrs. And that is at the top level, which you claimed would take more time (without actually knowing).

The fact is what you are saying there is totally incorrect. No other way to put it.

#111 K O Z A K


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 04:31 PM

So you spend a grand total of 4 hours a week in MWO?

Ok, if you say so :)

#112 W4R GOD


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 04:42 PM

Want to gen rush go ahead and play your game, its designed for you to do this if you want.
Want to play and a unit and be "leet" because you coordinate go ahead, its designed for you to do this if you want.

I hate gen rushing but it is viable and lets face it if you beat a really good group can be good for morale in the short term. Do it all the time and the results are predictable against experienced players. We generally do not gen rush as its boring and PvE isn't our thing.

Saying Evil/BCMC do nothing but PUG stomp is extremely disingenuous when the same people that ***** about it do it to PUG groups themselves. I drop solo frequently including against my unit mates. I have been farmed by MS/10D/GNX/NTEX/CSPS/KCOM/420/07 you name it. Its part of the game and all the power to them for grouping up. I will heckle the crap out of all of them because I enjoy it and then happily join their groups and heckle my own unit.

Also...Praise Tanner and his wisdom.

#113 justcallme A S H


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 05:06 PM

View PostHazeclaw, on 13 November 2018 - 04:31 PM, said:

So you spend a grand total of 4 hours a week in MWO?

Ok, if you say so :)

Where did I say that? Oh yeah, I didn't

You said that trying to play at upper levels is almost a 2nd job. Fact is I spend 4hrs a week playing competitively / against high level players / in a high level team. The other hours I play MWO I'm simply playing. Trolling with LRMs, doing the NASCAR in YoloQ, playing drunk off my coconut - whatever, but it ain't comp related at all. I'm not in the mindset of every shot matters, cause it doesnt.

Once you are good, staying good is not actually that hard TBH. I could not play for 2 months and nothing would change there.

Your claim that it is like a second job to be good/stay at the top level is absolutely incorrect. You're actually commenting on something as if you know about it when the fact of the matter is you actually don't because you don't play comp. I'll always correct falsse statements like that when I see them.

Edited by justcallme A S H, 13 November 2018 - 05:07 PM.

#114 K O Z A K


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 05:33 PM

View Postjustcallme A S H, on 13 November 2018 - 05:06 PM, said:

Where did I say that? Oh yeah, I didn't

You said that trying to play at upper levels is almost a 2nd job. Fact is I spend 4hrs a week playing competitively / against high level players / in a high level team. The other hours I play MWO I'm simply playing. Trolling with LRMs, doing the NASCAR in YoloQ, playing drunk off my coconut - whatever, but it ain't comp related at all. I'm not in the mindset of every shot matters, cause it doesnt.

Once you are good, staying good is not actually that hard TBH. I could not play for 2 months and nothing would change there.

Your claim that it is like a second job to be good/stay at the top level is absolutely incorrect. You're actually commenting on something as if you know about it when the fact of the matter is you actually don't because you don't play comp. I'll always correct falsse statements like that when I see them.

I tried playing comp for a bit, in a div B team, that miraculously got pushed up to div A after because half the div A players left the game or comp. I couldn't maintain it because of the reasons I described above. It took more time and effort than I was willing/able to spend on MWO, and I couldn't keep up with the scheduling requirements. It takes a lot more than 4 hours a week to play at that level. A lot of things I've described above you're choosing not to include in your "comp time" but are none the less necessary to be a high level comp player.

I have great respect for you as a player, especially given how much effort you're contributing to keeping the game alive, but I also like to correct false statements when I see them.

Before this game dies off completely, I am just enjoying FP because I can drop in a few nights a week for a drop or 2 with some fun people that enjoy the franchise I loved as a kid and like being good at whatever it is they do, as do I. This is not possible playing comp, so you can call that making excuses if you like, but that's how it is.

#115 Kwea


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 05:33 PM

View Postfenomeno, on 13 November 2018 - 09:01 AM, said:

I mean I've not played as much in recent months, but getting 24+ pilots on at the same time was always incredibly rare in the last couple of years.

Not really, not until recently.

#116 Vxheous


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 06:22 PM

View PostHazeclaw, on 13 November 2018 - 05:33 PM, said:

I tried playing comp for a bit, in a div B team, that miraculously got pushed up to div A after because half the div A players left the game or comp. I couldn't maintain it because of the reasons I described above. It took more time and effort than I was willing/able to spend on MWO, and I couldn't keep up with the scheduling requirements. It takes a lot more than 4 hours a week to play at that level. A lot of things I've described above you're choosing not to include in your "comp time" but are none the less necessary to be a high level comp player.

I have great respect for you as a player, especially given how much effort you're contributing to keeping the game alive, but I also like to correct false statements when I see them.

Before this game dies off completely, I am just enjoying FP because I can drop in a few nights a week for a drop or 2 with some fun people that enjoy the franchise I loved as a kid and like being good at whatever it is they do, as do I. This is not possible playing comp, so you can call that making excuses if you like, but that's how it is.

It took your team more time than what Ash described because you're not on an established team that already has most things figured out. You and your team had to basically put in the legwork to reach a certain level/competency of play because you're learning comp. What Ash is describing is maintaining that level/competency which in today's comp scene is like 4-6 hrs a week. EmP practices 2-3 times a week, for about 2-2.5 hrs at a time. Not everyone makes it to every practice, but the bulk of attendance is probably 85% range. Probably half that group only plays MWO for those practice hours, and do not play quick play, group queue, or faction play. In fact, those modes outside of comp can actually lead to bad habits forming due to the lower skill in the general population (example is overstaying a peek because in group queue/solo queue you can out trade people for free, vs not being able to do so against true competition).

For the last season of BFM, EmP devoted a grand total of 1 hour to figuring out BFM 6vs6 Conquest. We basically decided 15 mins prior to playing the actual matches what mechs we should use, and many times people just played whatever they wanted (this is probably why we actually lost a few drops here and there).

In a way, you're both right. It takes a lot of work, dedication and innate skill to get to a high end comp level, but once you're at that level, maintaining it isn't as hard as it seems. PGI making this year's WC stock mode doesn't help things either, since only certain skills translate over from normal game to stock comp mode, which can't really be practiced outside private lobbies.

Edited by Vxheous, 13 November 2018 - 06:36 PM.

#117 justcallme A S H


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 08:11 PM

^ Yep. Once you get to the top level it is basically maintenance schedule and that is it.

The actual effort is RISING to the higher level, that is what takes a while and requires a fair bit of work/effort - totally agree there and thus disagreeing that being at the takes lots of work when it doesn't really. It's rising from the mid level to the high level is where all that effort really resides and what 'breaks' most people so to speak as they don't see the end game and just assume it's more-more-MOAR

#118 W4R GOD


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 08:21 PM

View PostW4R GOD, on 13 November 2018 - 04:42 PM, said:

Want to gen rush go ahead and play your game, its designed for you to do this if you want.
Want to play and a unit and be "leet" because you coordinate go ahead, its designed for you to do this if you want.

I hate gen rushing but it is viable and lets face it if you beat a really good group can be good for morale in the short term. Do it all the time and the results are predictable against experienced players. We generally do not gen rush as its boring and PvE isn't our thing.

Saying Evil/BCMC do nothing but PUG stomp is extremely disingenuous when the same people that ***** about it do it to PUG groups themselves. I drop solo frequently including against my unit mates. I have been farmed by MS/10D/GNX/NTEX/CSPS/KCOM/420/07 you name it. Its part of the game and all the power to them for grouping up. I will heckle the crap out of all of them because I enjoy it and then happily join their groups and heckle my own unit.

Also...Praise Tanner and his wisdom.

Also BCMC is definitely NOT recruiting. I think.


#119 Yondu Udonta


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 08:55 PM

View PostdenAirwalkerrr, on 13 November 2018 - 09:55 AM, said:

Just out of curiosity I went and Jarl listed guys who were roasting bacon in this thread: https://leaderboard....D%0AGrus+%0D%0A

I'm tier 4 scum pls don't search me :)

#120 C H E E K I E Z


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Posted 13 November 2018 - 10:26 PM

View Postjustcallme A S H, on 13 November 2018 - 03:13 PM, said:

Lol @ 2nd job...

During world champs the past few months it was 6hrs a week. 2hrs or 4hrs practice and 2hrs or 4hrs practice with total of 6hrs a week. Now it's close to finals it's 4-6hrs a week just practice. Most weeks were only 4hrs honestly - and this is at the highest level.

Hardly a full time job or huge time commitment of actual game time. Anyone that says that is largely making excuses. Especially when they play 10hrs+ over a week. Which many do.

The only thing is if you cannot do a certain day/time with regularity, only time an issue comes in.

We do inventory on tuesdays, it's one of the reasons I'm never online on a Tuesday, Thursday I'm the only chef on the line with 4 cooks beside me, so it's usually a 14 hour day, and Saturday is one of our busiest days of the week. Where I work a good 10-14. If comp was on monday/Wednesdays I'd be able to do it.

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