1) Javelin
The Javelin appears in almost every Federated Suns ’Mech regiment, with several formations employing dozens of them. "
2) Centurion
CN9-D - here an further on, in most cases, mass produced modernizations of 3050 era will be chosen over their older models.
"The Centurion is considered the unofficial ’Mech of House Davion’s BattleMech forces"
Alternatively, it can be Enforcer or Dervish, the other very significant mechs in AFFS.
3) Jagermech
"Like the Enforcer, the JagerMech is a BattleMech that has long been fundamentally associated with House Davion and its Federated Suns."
Crusader will be a better fit, but alas...
4) Victor
VTR-9B - older model is chosen because game doesnt have the Davion modernization, which is identical to VTR-9K.
"...the bulk of Victors are to be found in the Federated Suns, where they remain one of the AFFS’s primary assault ’Mechs..."
1) Jenner
"...the Jenner was a source of national pride for a single state, the Draconis Combine..."
Alternatively, Panther PTR-10K
2) Kintaro
KTO-20 - since the game doesn't have any significant workhorse for DCMS in medium class. There are a Trebuchet and Wolverine models, but Kintaro feels more iconic.
ComStar gave the Draconis Combine downgraded KTO-20 models..."
Alternatively, Crab CRB-20 or Wolverine WVR-7K.
3) Dragon
DRG-5N, since game doesn't have the Grand Dragon.
"The Dragon appears in every Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery battalion and in almost every company."
4) Hatamoto-Chi
"The Hatamoto-Chi has become one of the standard issue low-end assault BattleMechs of the DCMS"
1) Commando
COM-2D - since game doesn't have the newer model, COM-5S
"Despite a production span stretching back before the time of the original Star League, the Commando has remained a distinctly Lyran design."
2) Bushwacker
"Most of the Bushwackers in service belong to units of the Lyran Alliance,.."
Alternatively, Griffin GRF-1S, or an Uziel.
3) Thunderbolt
"Thunderbolts appear in heavy lances and even light assault forces. Houses Steiner and Marik are the ’Mechs primary users,.."
Alternatively, Thanatos TNS-4S, but it is too new.
4) Zeus
"Lyran signature ’Mech"
1) Spider
"The Free Worlds League managed to secure the Spider’s technical schematics from the ruins of the Terran Hegemony"
2) Hunchback
HBK-4G, since game doesnt have HBK-5M
"...the only Hunchback factory situated in Marik space, the ’Mech is also used extensively by the forces of the Free Worlds League."
3) Orion
"...has been in production only in the Free Worlds League for centuries."
4) Awesome
"Free Worlds League controls the only surviving manufacturing plants capable of producing the Awesome, it also operates the largest amount of Awesomes of any of the Great Houses."
1) Urbanmech
"Unlike the other Successor States, the Capellan Confederation maintains a large number of UrbanMechs in its front line forces. "
Alternatively, Raven 3L
2) Vindicator
"The Vindicator is almost exclusive to the Capellan Confederation. "
3) Cataphract
"...the 3L variant made up twenty-five percent of all of the CCAF’s newly acquired heavy Battle Mech designs."
4) Charger CGR-1A5 - since there's no better candidate.
"Considering the desperate mindset of CCAF warriors, however, it was an acceptable variant to the Capellans. The CGR-1A5 variant was a Capellan modification."
1) Commando
COM-1D - FRR using Commandos is mentioned in the Dragon article of TRO-3039. The older model seems a more logical candidate to supply a neighbor, IMO.
"Despite their mixed results in the past, the original 1D variant has maintained a regular, if low-profile, existence throughout the Commando’s history. "
2) Trebuchet
TBT-7K - since no better candidate.
Alternatively, Wolverine WVR-6K.
3) Dragon
"Because of its origins as a Combine district, the Free Rasalhague Republic uses the Dragon as well."
4) Zeus
ZEU-6S - older model, mainstream for LCAF before the 3039.
"...it is not uncommon to see the Dragon fighting alongside, instead of against, Lyran-model BattleMechs like the Commando and Zeus. "
Being an IS concept, will have IS rewards. Clans don't go mercs, most of the times.
1) Flea
FLE-15 - the model of Wolf Dragoons, pre sharing design with Liao.
2) Shadow Hawk
SHD-2H - very common mech everywhere, since no better candidate.
3) Thunderbolt
TDR-9SE - bespoke mech of Eridani Light Horse
4) Annihilator
ANH-1A - bespoke for Wolf's Dragoons.
Ghost Bear
1) Viper (prime) - since there's no iconic light mech, a small medium takes its place.
2) Stormcrow (prime) - a design secured from another clan.
3) Mad Dog (prime) - iconic heavy mech for bears.
4) Kodiak
Jade Falcon
1) Kit Fox (prime) - iconic light mech for falcons.
2) Black Lanner (prime) - iconic.
3) Summoner (prime) - iconic.
4) Night Gyr (prime) - iconic heavy, since there's no iconic assault - falcons don't deploy assaults often.
Smoke Jaguar
1) Arctic Cheetah (prime) - secured from another clan.
2) Ebon Jaguar (prime) - since no iconic mediums.
3) Warhawk (prime) - iconic
4) Direwolf (prime) - secured from clan Wolf, became an iconic partner to the Warhawk.
Very fat rewards, but no better candidates.
1) Adder (prime) - iconic for another clan (not present), but heavily used by Wolf.
2) Ice Ferret (prime) - iconic
3) Timber Wolf (prime) - iconic
4) Gargoyle (prime) - heavily used, almost iconic
Diamond Shark
1) Piranha PIR-1 - iconic
2) Nova (prime) - not very iconic, but no better candidate
3) Hellbringer (

- mentioned to be used by sharks, since no better candidate.
4) Mad Cat MkII MKII-1 - the manufacturer.
Nova Cat
1) Arctic Cheetah (E) - mentioned user, since no better candidate
2) Shadow Cat (prime) - iconic
3) Nova Cat (prime) - iconic (totem?)
4) Supernova SNV-1 - iconic
Steel Viper
1) Mist Lynx (prime) - smentioned user
2) Vapor Eagle VGL-1 - iconic
3) Vapor Eagle VGL-2 - since no iconic assault, another medium takes the slot.
4) Hellbringer (prime) - not very iconic, but no better candidate.