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Mechwarrior Online 2021: Monetization

2021 monetization

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#101 Kodan Black


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Posted 23 November 2020 - 07:30 AM

What about an optional subscription model where for $1/mo - $10/mo you have different tiers where you get stuff. Could be it starts at C-Bills and as you add more to what it costs per month you get stuff like premium time, 1 color per month, 1 cockpit item per month, etc. Nothing game changing, but little perk stuff. Could even make it so your full 12 months gets you something at appreciation time.

#102 Surn


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Posted 23 November 2020 - 10:53 PM

Since I only posted the Survey in General, I want to point out that 73.5% of respondents would do an optional subscription based upon various prices and features.

That is a completely unedited number, and there were 53 instances of people saying that they would not subscribe. The number 53 includes duplicate anonymous posts. So the actual percentage is likely around 85%

Basic Subs most common answer was $4.99 @ 19.5%

Basic Subs for $2.99 represented 17.5%

Basic Subs for $10.99 came in 3rd at 12%

Premium Subs for $10.99 was the most common @19%

Premium Subs for $9.99 were 12.5%

Premium Subs 3rd most common was $2.99 @ 11%

#103 Guile Votoms


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 05:33 AM

Improve the base game, iron out performance issues and streamline the messy UI so more paying customers start playing your game?

#104 VileKnight


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 07:49 AM

View PostDaeron Katz, on 16 November 2020 - 12:51 PM, said:

In this thread, lets discuss ideas for updating or adding to our current monetization model in MechWarrior Online, such as:
  • New Player Packs
  • Starter Packs (Brawling, Long Range, Heavy)
  • Themed Packs (Pop Culture, NASCAR)
  • New Items (Metallic Patterns, Custom UI Colors, Voice Packs, Sound Packs, Laser Color Customization, MechLab Customization, Global Patterns)
  • Improve Cockpit Item Bonuses (added value)

  • I know this isn't on the list here, but an option I would like to see is the ability to add a unit decal. Most long time units within MWO maintain (or used to) some level of web presence that included a unit decal for use outside of the MWO game. I think giving units the ability to upload a logo - that needs to be approved by PGI - that we can throw on our mechs would be very well received.
  • Themed Mech packs - this could be neat. Perhaps more valuable to people who have a smaller stable of mechs, but something like say a faction specific mech pack would be pretty good to have on rotation.
  • Metallic paints. Yes please! Personally, I would love to see this be a thing.
  • Voice/Sound packs - This would interest me personally, but if PGI did this, I must strongly advise that PGI leave people alone who are already using some of their own. It would create a huge backlash if you punished people who are using some of the packs that are available around the community. That being said, if PGI came out with some highly polished packs that improved upon what we have out there - or maybe some new stuff all together - I think this would be well received.
  • Custom laser colors - Could be cool. Low effort or dev hours for the swag, right?
  • Mechlab customization - I'd like to see some examples from PGI before we went too far down this road. Now, there have been some cool examples of new UI's that I have seen from the community that I think would be nice. Overall, I think the UI needs a facelift, and the idea of charging for that is not one I am keen on. Perhaps PGI could provide some clarification on this one?

#105 Lieutenant Hedgehog


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 09:52 AM

I'd love to know what the monetization model looks like and how well it works.

My biggest concern as a new player is that the game feels costly.
There are many games out there which cost less $$ for greater value.

I've spent over $150 at this point -- premium time, colors/patterns, mech bays -- so it WORKS to some extent, for sure!
Of COURSE, free-to-play but pay-for-perks makes sense.

It's more that $7 (USD -- $10 CAD) gets you one Premium color, or one Premium paint scheme.
Where in something like FortNite, $10 CAD you're getting a new skin and weapon skins and accessory skins.
PLUS you unlock additional skins as you play.
So I think there's a few ways the value could be improved.

I think a subscription model could work really well.
Maybe reduce overall MC costs for most items, but add a subscription option to subsidize that change in revenue.
I would definitely pay for a subscription if it included some things like colors, patterns, mech bays and other bonuses.

#106 Marshal Jim Duncan


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 06:44 PM

I literally have no incentive to spend money on this game. I have purchased every variant I want, and sold the rest and between the amount of XP, GXP, banked premium time, C-Bills and SP and {LT-MOB-25}-pit items I have I can just wait until a new variant is released to c-bills to buy and skill it out.

However, what I do miss is when mech packs were released with early adopter variants that you can't buy any other way. It would be nice to bring that back. I actually really enjoy having the uniquely designed/configured variants.

I do like the idea that was posted earlier about being able to select the variants for the tier level you are purchasing.

#107 Krucilatoz


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Posted 25 November 2020 - 12:08 AM

I wonder why no one ever mentioned about Regional Pricing.

Yes, this may be unknown / unheard of for most most EU / US player (or AU).
But for 3rd world citizen like me that will be a huge factor.
I bought mech pack such as Solaris heroes and performance pack because on Steam, it was a very reasonable priced.
And some of my friends (RL) bought it too.
Hope this will be on your consideration

oh, and subscription model for new map is also OK

#108 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 25 November 2020 - 02:42 AM


[color=#CCCCCC]Custom laser colors - Could be cool. Low effort or dev hours for the swag, right?[/color]

in Battletech the Laser Colors binded to the Laserclass

#109 Shamansky


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Posted 25 November 2020 - 02:59 AM

I acually like the subscription model of the SWTOR, where if you pay $ per time, you use all options the game can provide and get local 'MC' on per month basis, those 'gold coins' can be spent on new cosmetic features that are being released regulary. You can also play for free and buy all or any options you want/need (if any).

#110 Elizander


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Posted 25 November 2020 - 04:14 AM

Starter Packs
  • Should have steep discount on first purchase. Goal is to have an interested new player buy in to get invested. This should be considered a foot-in-the-door purchase or the shop's Welcome mat.
  • Starter Pack can be a variety pack that covers all 4 weight classes and the majority of the roles.
  • Mechs can be normal variants, but should have 30% c-bill bonuses.
  • Each mech should come with 91 SP. (You are banking on them enjoying the game and wanting to get more mechs so it should give a good first impression of how the game really plays). If possible, allocate the points to a decent build including the usual 60% radar derp and etc.
  • 25 pieces of each C-bill consumable item.
  • 3-8 supply caches
  • All builds should have 1 AMS + 0.5 tons AMS ammo if possible to minimize the noobs dying to lurms issue. More noobs with pack, more AMS, less noobs dying to lurms.
  • New players have no f***ing clue with the skill tree. Unlock all the nodes for these mechs. They will make mistakes. Don't make them suffer for it after paying you money.
  • Each mech fully upgraded with loadout for specific role.
  • Camo + Colors (preset or let them pick 3)
  • 4-8 dekkels.
  • One bolt-on per mech, pre-installed
  • One cockpit item per mech, pre-installed
  • 7 days Premium time
  • Send them an email after purchase thanking them and include with links to guides, communities and etc. Notify them after puchase in-game to check their email. If the mechs are set, you can solicit short guides for each chassis to include as video links or just text guides/tips.
Again, the goal of this is to get upfront payment and open up wallets while giving them great value in return. I feel like $50 or more would be too high and somewhere around $39.99 might be the best compromise, but that's just me. If you can go lower than $39.99, great, but it breaks down to (in the mind of a customer), getting 4 pimped out mechs for 10 bucks a pop.

With this, you're hoping that they'll enjoy the game enough to either buy more later or stay as free content to keep your queues popping.

Off the top of my head, the 4 types of builds should be something like:
  • Dakka ( Heavy / Assault )
  • Laservom ( Any )
  • Lurm with TAG/BAP (Medium / Heavy, BAP to avoid confusion that will happen when they are in ECM range)
  • Brawler ( Any )

I think that Gauss / PPC should be left out of the starter builds due to charge-up mechanic and PPC requiring too many things (heat management, weapon familiarity with velocity/range to hit, etc).

Edited by Elizander, 25 November 2020 - 05:16 AM.

#111 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 25 November 2020 - 07:51 AM

Concept ideas for more Military looking Bolt Ons like Armored Versions or Commando versions

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 25 November 2020 - 11:34 AM.

#112 Horseman


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Posted 25 November 2020 - 10:13 AM

View PostMW Waldorf Statler, on 25 November 2020 - 07:51 AM, said:

Concept ideas for more Military looking Bolt Ons like Armored Versions or Commando versions

TBH that's what I originally thought the bolt-ons were going to be.

#113 AnAnachronismAlive


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Posted 27 November 2020 - 01:17 PM

Further bulletins added. Please re-post former proposals ye may have placed in old(er) / other threads. Much easier for you to remember / re-find your own posts than me browsing through all the spooky places this forum has ... thank you!

#114 Burktross


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Posted 27 November 2020 - 02:14 PM

View PostLordNothing, on 16 November 2020 - 08:14 PM, said:

buff premium time to 2x, make it apply to everything, not just cbills.

This please. In line with this: please allow us to give mechs a hero CB bonus. This would ideally be a per-mech upgrade that costs 110% of the MC cost of that mech's hero variant. Ex: Upgrading a HBK-4SP to hero status would cost 110% the MC price of Grid Iron.

I find that a lot of the time I'm "hogtied" to playing heroes just to grind, and I would greatly appreciate being able to grind "optimally" on the variants I find most fun to play.

#115 ReallyFrosty


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Posted 27 November 2020 - 02:26 PM

I like how in the Store you can buy mech bundles for MC in the Bundles tab. I really wish that you guys would make more Mech Bundles that you could buy with MC. I feel like that would create more incentive to buy and use the premium currency for the game.

As for things like custom sound packs or laser colors, I am all for it. I know that there are sound mods for the game to add MechWarrior 3 or MechWarrior 2 sounds. It would be pretty sweet if there were custom sound packs that added old sounds from the old MechWarrior games. Though with that being said, I think that people should still be able to mod the game if they wish. It would suck to see sounds get monetized and then people wouldn't be able to make sound mods. So I think a balance where you can buy custom sounds but also mod you're own sounds into the game should be reached, in my opinion.

Something else that has bothered me slightly is that in the 'Camo Spec' tab you can buy a 'One Shot' camo that is cheaper but it is a one time only use for a mech. The issue I have is that this does not extend to colors. Why not?

If you can buy a one shot camo why not also have one shot colors? I don't really wanna pay 500 MC or 1500 MC for a color that I may not always use. An option to have one shot colors would be nice.

Edited by ReallyFrosty, 27 November 2020 - 02:44 PM.

#116 Napoleon_Blownapart


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Posted 27 November 2020 - 04:40 PM

how about some kind of tech package where you can mod any mech like make any mech jump jet capable or mask or ecm..

#117 Jonathan8883


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Posted 27 November 2020 - 04:48 PM

In-cockpit items with bonuses are definitely something worth some MC.
Challenge: MC can be gotten for free. How do you get people to buy more? Not sure.
Maybe increase the cost of 'Mech Bays?

#118 LordNothing


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Posted 27 November 2020 - 05:45 PM

View PostBurktross, on 27 November 2020 - 02:14 PM, said:

This please. In line with this: please allow us to give mechs a hero CB bonus. This would ideally be a per-mech upgrade that costs 110% of the MC cost of that mech's hero variant. Ex: Upgrading a HBK-4SP to hero status would cost 110% the MC price of Grid Iron.

I find that a lot of the time I'm "hogtied" to playing heroes just to grind, and I would greatly appreciate being able to grind "optimally" on the variants I find most fun to play.

with 600 million cbills i dont know why i still collect heros. i already got most of the good ones. if only i could grind mc with them.

#119 Horseman


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Posted 28 November 2020 - 01:01 AM

View PostJonathan8883, on 27 November 2020 - 04:48 PM, said:

Challenge: MC can be gotten for free. How do you get people to buy more? Not sure.
By giving them options to spend it for things they will be happy about and think they made a good deal on. Hiking prices does the exact opposite.

#120 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 28 November 2020 - 03:24 AM

Legendary Mechpack :
Gray Death Commando lance Pack : Marauder,Shadow Hawk,Wolverine and Rifleman with Special GDL Camo for all Mechs to use, and Decals ,and all Mechs with a little Special Geometry (for example the Marauder with a Cockpit Armor thats looks near the old Marauder with single front Windows and Sensors) for 40$

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