Posted 18 November 2020 - 07:01 AM
Posted 18 November 2020 - 04:58 PM
i would love to see XXL, compact engine
compact, XL gyros
PPC capacitors, Plasma weapons, ect. iC3 comps could just give near instant info on targets c3 slave/ masters could do the same but also give a tag ability maybe even help defeat stealth.
Edited by The Boneshaman, 18 November 2020 - 05:06 PM.
Posted 18 November 2020 - 05:24 PM
fires on contact so a new button isn't needed.
Posted 18 November 2020 - 05:39 PM
- Griffen IIC - Variant 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6
- Locust IIC - Variant 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 8
- Phoenix Hawk IIC - Variant 1, 2, 3, & 4
- Shadow Hawk IIC - Variant 1, 2, 3, 4, & 9
Posted 18 November 2020 - 05:41 PM
SLDF Era like the Mercury, Wyvern, Lancelot, Exterminator, Imp
Melee Mechs: Axeman,"#1 Hatchetman" (And don't say you "Can't" because of Cryengine, I know for a fact many games use this engine and CAN use melee so your argument from the past is invalid)
Solaris Mechs: The ones from the old Solaris VII Boxed set, I liked the 25 ton Locust looking one.. hint hint.
As for Clan Side: Behemoth, Locust IIc, Shadow Hawk IIc, Griffin IIc, Phoenix Hawk IIc, Firemoth (Yes, we know, its too fast for Cryengine.. think of something)
As to XL Engines.. Stop listening to the wrong people.. IS XL are fine... They are supposed to be the way they are as IS XL are not supposed to be the same as Clan XL.. You have it right, don't change it for whiny players who think Clan XL are unfair... They're supposed to be, The Clans are more technologically superior, get over it.
Scaling: Yes a few mechs are still oversized for their weight classes but don't focus on this over say, new mechs, new stuff first then fix old stuff.
More Maps with more terrain Variety... I Still want a "Lake" map, not just the wading pools we have, But a full on conceal your Atlas under water lake map. A Map with a Gaping Chasm where falling into it is sudden death would be fun (Not for the person falling into it, but hey, being a mechwarrior is a risky buisness)
Posted 18 November 2020 - 06:25 PM
Posted 18 November 2020 - 09:03 PM
1. What about lethal weapons that cause adverse effects, with minimal to no damage?
2. Add the ability to change at least one hard point on every mech to any any hard point type.
3. Add new engines types, that add awesome Quirks to a mech, but overheat or stall/shutdown when quirk is over used during matches.
4. Add "one time use" Jump jets that every mech can use, spending one or two slots.
5. Add a restricted guidance envelope to SRM's and MRM, or stop call them missiles if the behave just like Rockets!
6. Add more quirks to the guidance computers, this could make them important and necessity on the battlefield.
7. Add PPC EMP effects that disrupt hud and degrade engine performance.
8. Add Inferno SRM's to complement flamers
9. Drop ships should drop crates to re arm mechs, only the first mech that touches them get to re arm or reload. coolant, Arty, air strike and Drone etc..
Posted 18 November 2020 - 09:32 PM
Posted 19 November 2020 - 03:14 AM
Standard armor
Light ferro
Those anti armors should weight some tons, depends on mech weight, like in case of ferro, but up. I see it as simple way to nerf weapon you feel will do you most harm in selected mech. And it's a player choice. Of course you can't merge those armors with other armor types.
Posted 19 November 2020 - 05:29 AM
At-least in comparison to a brand new mech.
Omnimechs could be improved by giving out lower grade set bonuses. 5 piece (legs, head, CT) or 7 piece bonuses could provide improved combinations to omnimechs to make them more customizable, like omnimechs should be.
Engine heat spike for CXL/ISLE and side torso death for ISXL should be removed. Provide a structure or crit reduction buff to STD/ISLE to compensate.
Quirk and weapon balance needs to be done regularly. It prevents meta stagnation, and provides freshness even when not releasing content.
Edited by MechTech Dragoon, 19 November 2020 - 05:29 AM.
Posted 19 November 2020 - 05:50 AM
Posted 19 November 2020 - 05:53 AM
IS assault- Longbow
IS heavy- Crusader
IS medium- Men Shen
IS light- Hollander
Clan assault- Stone Rhino
Clan heavy- Grizzly
Clan medium- Shadow Hawk IIC
Clan light- Firemoth
Edited by Seth Kalasa, 19 November 2020 - 05:56 AM.
Posted 19 November 2020 - 09:45 AM
thievingmagpi, on 17 November 2020 - 01:46 PM, said:
Then let other players buy them for MCs like Champion & Hero Mechs.
Also that's the problem with grind in faction play? Grinding faction play for Mechbays is even recommended...
Most quirks are not interesting until buffed out to the max with skill nodes by grinding.
Get rid of the grind for Skill nodes and keep the quirks.
MRM40 weighs 12 and takes up 7 slots.
Seems to balance out to me.
Get an XL Engine & Endo Steel and you got on many Mechs more than enough free weights to replace the SRM 2 with a MRM.
Yes, players make their matches harder by using IS Engines to show their higher skill or have ...
The IS XL / Clan XL balancing problem was in the tabletop too. MWO needs to stop trying to emulate an old turn based boardgame with random hit locations with a 1st person shooter.
That's your opinion on the Heat Spike for Clan XL Engines? Keep it, because it makes the game more interesting?
Posted 19 November 2020 - 10:02 AM
Full support for the Bull Shark on the first post of this thread. Otherwise if I had to pick my own, I have a few pipe dream favorites like the Turkina, Stone Rhino, Firemoth, and Deimos.
Sets of 8 for under performers would be nice but also, and I may be in the minority here, personally really don't like the current quirk system. I feel some of them really limit creativity due to having bonuses assigned for different weapons I'd love it if quirks could be a bit more...general, if that makes sense, to promote more build diversity in variants that normally only promote one or two specific loadouts.
Armor balance for arm weapon mechs:
Yes yes YES ALL THE YES. As someone who's favorite mechs are the Rifleman IIC and Jenner IIC, I would absolutely love this.
Weapon balance pass:
It feels like so many weapons are either useless or just completely outclassed or even overused. I'd love to see RAC's and LRM's nerfed in some fashion because in nearly every game I become blinded and usually insta killed the moment one mech makes eye contact with me and I have entire armies worth of missiles hailing down on me while I'm under a barrage of RAC's.
I'd love to see the Gauss charge mechanic removed but maybe lengthen their cooldown and still keep the limit of how many you can fire at once? It maybe could just be me but I rarely see anyone ever field Gauss Rifles aside from an occasional Fafnir with dual Heavy Gauss. I'd love to see the Rocket Launcher minimum range removed because they are now never used ever. Lastly and while this isn't technically balance related. I'd love to see clans get a hold of HAG's to combat the RAC spam problem we currently have.
Posted 19 November 2020 - 10:20 AM
- Able to equip handheld weapons for mechs with hand actuators.
- Able to equip and discharge bolt on weapons like shoulder mounted weapon after exhausting weapon, to lighten the load.
- Weight matters. Able to equip more than available tonnage but with significant penalty. Ammo used, missing limbs, or losing armor will make the mech lighter, the longer the fight the lighter the mech will become. Lighter mech = more nimble, higher jump jet.
- Cockpit now can be shifted to center torso, if timeline progressed. Headshot will damage sensors and aim accuracy. PPC now will disrupt accuracy.
- Rework jump jet, can foward trust.
- Melee if possible Not CS:Counterstrike melee, do it like the modern battlefield series.
- Simiilar equipment have different manufacturers, have different stats. More equipments like in Rougetech.
- Mechs like MadCat "Ears" should not be side torso, but instead are new independent hit box. Its silly that a destruction of Timberwolf "ears" would destroy the engine.
- Implement Battlefield like mode, or Mechwarrior Living Legends, with vehicles. Personalize mech can be used, but have hefty repair bill and long cooldown if destroyed. Standard stock vehicles/mech are provided with low cost depending on the mission type.
Edited by Powa, 19 November 2020 - 10:21 AM.
Posted 19 November 2020 - 01:35 PM
Seth Kalasa, on 19 November 2020 - 05:53 AM, said:
IS assault- Longbow
IS heavy- Crusader
IS medium- Men Shen
IS light- Hollander
Clan assault- Stone Rhino
Clan heavy- Grizzly
Clan medium- Shadow Hawk IIC
Clan light- Firemoth
I've had a look at some of the configs, and if we don't do timeline advance and bring in new weapons/tech, then most of those will not be "allowed" within the current confines of weapons/tech available with the current game's 3052 setting.
Posted 19 November 2020 - 04:07 PM
- New Community-Driven 'Mech (Community input to new 'Mech chassis choice)
- New 'Mech Variants
- Rescale 'Mechs (for fun and role vs volumetric)
- Fix Mech Mobility (Desync)
- Update Bolt-Ons (Stay Attached)
- Quirks / Set of 8's for Under Performers
- Armor Balance for Arm Weapon-Only 'Mechs (Jenner, Jagermech, Rifleman)
- Weapon Balance Pass
The most glaring balance issue to me is streaks. Lights usually make up single-digit % of the queue and I believe streaks are at least some of the reason why. There is no other weapon that is a no-aim one-shot against an entire class (at like 450m if c-ssrm), negating the only advantages of said class (namely speed and small size), while being more-or-less useless against every other class. Streaks should be reworked to be less effective against lights and more effective against heavies and assaults. One way of doing this would be to give them LRM-style tracking and spread (with appropriate values) rather than current guaranteed-component-hit behaviour.
- IS Omnimechs / Engine Discussion
Edited by dr3dnought, 19 November 2020 - 04:10 PM.
Posted 19 November 2020 - 06:39 PM
But these are mechs I want to see along with the Hauptmann:
Arctic Fox = Inbred Sibling of the Kit Fox
Firestarter (Omni) = IS Equivalent to the Shadow Cat (despite lacking MASC variants)
Men Shen = IS Equivalent to the Black Lanner
Avatar = IS Equivalent to the Mad Dog
Perseus = IS Equivalent to the Sun Spider
Black Hawk-KU = IS Nova, but heavier
Edited by Will9761, 19 November 2020 - 10:02 PM.
Posted 19 November 2020 - 06:56 PM
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