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Mechwarrior Online 2021 Roadmap

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#141 Souldrink3r


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Posted 31 January 2021 - 07:26 AM

Ohhh my!!!! finally happen, giving love to this game

#142 Pz_DC


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Posted 31 January 2021 - 07:51 AM

Most of announcements are cosmetic changes, while we have one main problem now - there is absolutely no reason to get to t1 from t5! Even more - there is no reasons to play a game when you have all mech's that you may need - 90% of in-game content are useless! Give every mech MORE difference from each other and give us a goal to level up - daily and monthly missions are cool but it can't be single reason to play the game.
P.S. Rly - t1 and t5 are the same if you will compare it from players of it's skill level POV... So what's the reason to get to t1 when there is all the same things like in t5?..
P.P.S. logged to get free stuff before new year, logged in 2nd time after it today to play single mission and leave coz there is nothing to do in the game...

Edited by Pz_DC, 31 January 2021 - 07:53 AM.

#143 FupDup


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Posted 31 January 2021 - 08:21 AM

View PostPz_DC, on 31 January 2021 - 07:51 AM, said:

Most of announcements are cosmetic changes, while we have one main problem now - there is absolutely no reason to get to t1 from t5! Even more - there is no reasons to play a game when you have all mech's that you may need - 90% of in-game content are useless! Give every mech MORE difference from each other and give us a goal to level up - daily and monthly missions are cool but it can't be single reason to play the game.
P.S. Rly - t1 and t5 are the same if you will compare it from players of it's skill level POV... So what's the reason to get to t1 when there is all the same things like in t5?..
P.P.S. logged to get free stuff before new year, logged in 2nd time after it today to play single mission and leave coz there is nothing to do in the game...

The point of PSR is not a reward system, it's supposed to match you with players of similar skill level so every match feels relatively fair (in theory).

Adding rewards like mechs, C-Bills, etc. to Tier 1 would lead to low-skill players trying to cheese their way to T1 purely for those rewards. This is what happened with Overwatch making golden weapons exclusive to competitive mode: It made casual players infiltrate a mode that was made specifically to not include them.

#144 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 31 January 2021 - 08:39 AM

View PostAlreech, on 31 January 2021 - 05:05 AM, said:

Is dropping with an short range brawler against a team of LRM Mechs on Alpine peaks your idea of fun?
Or dropping with an LRM mech in Solaris City?

At the moment you have to rely on the luck that at least one of you teammates is running an ECM or AMS mech if you are put against a LRM team on a large open map.

The ability to choose such a mech after the mapvote removes that luck.
Yeah, some players may still be not choosing an Mech with AMS, but at least it has nothing to do with luck.

You can combine ECM with AMS & LRMs.
Archer Tempest, Griffin 5N, Stalker 3FB can run ECM & LRMs.

It doesn't happen that often that its game breaking.. and like I said before, I enjoy seeing a variety of mechs each match.. who doesn't? If we were able to tailor each mech to the map, that variety would be killed for many maps. And yes as I've also said, when the team listens I've had the most memorable drops (win OR lose) in a brawler on Alpine or Polar when the team groups and pushes over a hill once the enemy gets close enough.. the matches where I lurmed from 800m and won.. not so much and meaningless. The cw matches where teams ARE able to hand pick mechs and both sides bring PPC's and ERL's are the most dull matches that make me want to stab my eyes out.. I think the people that want this lack the experience to fully comprehend what it will be like .. it will utterly ruin the maps and fun and so I have to insist and say a big heeeeeeeell-nah to custom mechs per map.

Besides all that.. how are you going to get better as a pilot and grow when you can hand pick the mech for the map.. trial by fire is a real thing.. teamwork is a thing.. this is when your experience as a pilot goes up exponentially because you are forced to use coordination, good positioning and your wits to make the best of a bad situation.. not when you have a crutch to lean on.. personally I despise meta (the biggest crutch there is) and 90% of the time I'm taking non-meta out onto the field and it's what I attribute greatly to becoming a good pilot.

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 03 February 2021 - 09:35 AM.

#145 General Solo


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Posted 31 January 2021 - 08:56 AM

View PostAlreech, on 30 January 2021 - 11:03 AM, said:

Playing Mech Nascar with 11 random dudes against other 12 random dudes get's better with a new engine?

Ray traced tears and salt
Posted Image

Edited by General Solo, 31 January 2021 - 08:56 AM.

#146 Rogard


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Posted 31 January 2021 - 09:50 AM

View PostD V Devnull, on 30 January 2021 - 09:25 AM, said:

Can you present a solution for what the Game Server does if ALL of the Disconnect's Teammates are dead, and they're the last Mech needed to complete the battle in any Game Mode that is being played? The much-loathed Skirmish Mode has a narrow requirement to wipe the whole Enemy Team completely out. That's not possible if not all of a Team's Mechs are already in the battle area. Also, if you're on the losing Team and have not been deployed, what is PGI supposed to do about your PSR (Pilot Skill Rating) anyway? It was not fair to your Team at all to fail in participation at the battle, and also is not fair to the Enemy that you were not there for the fight, so perhaps the loss in PSR is deserved? Like sure, you should not have to take the hit on the KDR (Kill/Death Ratio, an item separate from PSR) for the connection dropping dead, but it sounds like the MatchMaker needs to put you in a battle with a lesser PSR requirement in order for you to have more fun when you can once again connect & fight during the round. Not to be cold here, but if you're having serious connection issues, you might want to get that fixed, as that is not messing up other people, and they equally do not deserve any of the other effects from what is happening. Posted Image

Also, if you're going to reply to me, could you at least have the decency to properly quote me? I had to spend extra time just fixing up the quote to display properly, and it accidentally gave the impression of stolen text for a moment before I was able to shake my mind loose. Posted Image

~D. V. "Your idea of not dropping still needs a balancing solution to be possible to implement in a proper manner." Devnull

First of don't take offense to the quote option as I am not as strong in the forums, never have been and usually don't say anything but I have been playing this game for years now and felt it was time to chip in. Your Response had some valid points, and I think there would have to be some fancy thinking on how PGI would solve for return to game after 4 min. Just food for thought, what if after 4 min your mech drops and and then you are available as a target for the enemy team. As part of the PGI system they would enact a penalty timer on you if you keep creating losing connection with drops due to poor internet/systems to where you cant launch at times due to you keep disconnecting?

#147 w0qj


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Posted 31 January 2021 - 10:40 AM

The threat of artillery strikes are meant to be keep players spread out more.
But it is currently being greatly abused, suggest the following improvements:

a) A circle showing the radius of the activated artillery strike, can be clearly been seen by friend & foe alike.
So even Assault mechs can move out of the strike zone if they react immediately. Therefore you can see the artillery strike coming, even if the strike is placed behind you.

b ) Currently the "smoke marker" from the artillery strike is very poorly implemented--if it's behind you, you cannot see it.
Also suggest to program the artillery strike "smoke marker" as "hot texture", so that players can clearly see it in "Thermal Vision" and "Night Vision". (Sort of like the "smoke" from the Caustic Valley which can be seen in Thermal Vision).

View PostDavy J0nes, on 30 January 2021 - 03:16 PM, said:

I suggest removing artillery strikes altogether honestly, or make it only some mech could use them? The thought of MC as strikes as well seem mad to the game.

Edited by w0qj, 31 January 2021 - 10:44 AM.

#148 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 31 January 2021 - 11:10 AM

Since this is such a social game.. please add a universal chat where messages go out to all who are online. This will help organize teams for CW. Also, please allow us to add 1 or more custom friends list tabs. It's great that we can add unlimited friends to our list but we need a way to organize them.

I can't believe I'm wasting UI real estate for a 'blocked' list.. so useless.. please let us customize and change it to whatever we want :)

#149 Avimimus


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Posted 31 January 2021 - 11:26 AM

I'd be curious how people would feel about modelling clan mechs as 'less dense'... as a result of their use of advanced materials... thus making them slightly larger targets and giving making the IS a bit less disadvantaged...?

#150 FupDup


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Posted 31 January 2021 - 11:36 AM

View PostAvimimus, on 31 January 2021 - 11:26 AM, said:

I'd be curious how people would feel about modelling clan mechs as 'less dense'... as a result of their use of advanced materials... thus making them slightly larger targets and giving making the IS a bit less disadvantaged...?

No, because of reasons.

1. Some Clan mechs don't even make use of those advanced materials, so they'd have to be excluded.

2. What about Battlemechs who get to their their armor/structure at will? Do they get scaled based off their stock loadouts? Will this mean some variants of the same chassis are inexplicably bigger or smaller than others even though all of them can use the same internals? Will PGI have to make multiple models of different sizes for every mech and have it work like dynamic geometry where your whole mech gets fatter when you equip Endo-Steel or Ferro-Fibrous?

3. What about the Inner Sphere side mechs that use "advanced materials" like Endo vs. the 3025 ghetto mechs that don't? It's kind of a double standard to only apply the density logic to one side of the aisle.

4. Probably ends up nerfing mechs that are either relatively balanced or even underpowered ones.

5. The lower density of Endo/FF is already accounted for in terms of critical slots. They don't make your mech taller or wider, they just eat up internal space.

Edited by FupDup, 31 January 2021 - 04:50 PM.

#151 Davegt27


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Posted 31 January 2021 - 06:02 PM

where do you put the recommendations for the changes in spawn locations ??

also changes to Incursion base location ??


#152 Guardian Soul


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Posted 31 January 2021 - 06:48 PM

Little late to the party, but the roadmap looks awesome, glad to see the changes coming down the line and good luck with all of them!

Would it be possible to fit some grind reduction earlier into the plan? Quarter three is a ways off, and hitting at least a few pain points for how grindy the game can feel may help keep players engaged and help new players get into it.

Which is really just a fancy way of me asking if the c-bill cost for skill points could be removed, or at least looked at, before the main grind reduction pass. It's been mentioned before, but it really does seem like a relatively easy change that could have positive effects across a few areas of the game.

I don't have the stats to back it up, but I'm willing to wager that purchasing new 'mechs and theorycrafting new builds for them are both strong incentives for people to grind up c-bills, but there is a large time investment before a new build starts returning on that already steep initial investment. Beyond the cost of the 'mech, most builds will need weapon changes, upgrades like double heat sinks or endo-steel, and in the most expensive case a new engine. That already means the high point and reward of buying a new 'mech is cut back by having to then invest even more into it, and then having to both grind for exp and also spend c-bills to convert that exp into skill points is a real point of pain.

I'm willing to wager it means that either players leave the new 'mech in their hanger until it's fully geared and skilled up, which just extends how long they have to wait to actually use it, or that they feel like the majority of what they earn with the new 'mech just has to go back into getting it up to par with the competition. While shuffling around weapons and trying new builds is a more tangible and interesting process, skills provide more minor min/max benefits that don't have the same obvious impact in gameplay as swapping out a weapon does.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love using skill points to really hone in on the final build for the 'mech and really get that min/max play going, but it doesn't feel good to have to invest c-bills into that process along with exp. It feels bad to have to invest two currencies into something that, individually, is a very minor bonus, and it really does delay the player being able to start investing in a new 'mech or a new build and makes purchasing a new 'mech seem like more of a daunting investment, rather than an attractive one.

Making skills just earned from exp would take away that pain point and make tuning a 'mech a more enjoyable process as any c-bill gains can then go towards the next 'mech the player wants, or towards future builds with the current 'mech. Plus it would enable more experimentation with builds as the player doesn't have to burn c-bills to try a completely new skill build with a 'mech, they'd just need to grind out the exp. It also feels better to earn and invest exp into skill points when doing so isn't draining c-bills, which are already in very high demand.

I know messing with the game's economy can be a big ask, but I really do think it would make getting a new 'mech a more attractive prospect and make grinding it up to the perfect build a more enjoyable experience. Taking away the tail end of the c-bill drain from getting a new 'mech can make it a more attractive prospect for older players looking to try something new, and could also make it feel less painful for new players to try and get a few main 'mechs up to a more competitive level.

Thanks for taking the time to read though all this, and sorry for tacking it on here instead of in the initial feedback requests (I kind of missed those, so here we are)

#153 LouisTerrin


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Posted 31 January 2021 - 09:34 PM

Nobody's talking about this.


  • Improve 'Mechs Scale (for fun and role vs volumetric)

Volumetric scaling has to be one of the top 5 worst things to ever happen to the game. Finally, the 30-45 ton bracket can be saved. I wish you guys had figured this out 3 years ago.

One suggestion I have for the balance phase is changing clan standard ACs to single projectile, exactly like the IS version. It'll give them a reason to exist and be used.

#154 Voice of Kerensky


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Posted 31 January 2021 - 11:30 PM

View PostCommander Solivagant, on 30 January 2021 - 12:56 AM, said:

I had an idea to make games more competitive dependent on the map chosen. The Variants

An example of the issue I am talking about would be:

I have chosen an LRM Warhawk, getting all keen to shoot people from afar. Map selection says Solaris City.

I am now completely ineffective based on luck.

If a variation mechanic/menu was introduced it would give pilots 3 variants to the currently selected mech (so no weight difference for matchmaking).

Being able to assign loadouts to the specific mechs variant menu in the mechlab.
After the map is selected, having something like a drop down menu in the drop preparation screen would be great.

This would ensure that maps would be played more effectively.

Just an idea.

Somewhere I already read such nonsense ... Let me ask you how long you thought about this idea?

Perhaps, in this case, I will allow myself to quote myself:

View PostVoice of Kerensky, on 26 November 2020 - 11:19 PM, said:

View PostTamerlin, on 19 November 2020 - 10:32 PM, said:

Suggestion - a QP drop deck of up to four slots (like FP). The angle is that you must pick 'Mech of the same chassis. Not tech base (IS vs Clan), not class (L, M, H, A), not tonnage - same chassis. Each 'Mech in the deck must be fully equipped and ready to drop - no return to the MechLab to load a saved build. This allows players to use a 'Mech build better suited to the selected map and encourage players to own more than one variant of a chassis (like before the Skill Tree).

This is a very bad offer for a players. Be sure that if the PGI decides on the choice of mech after the vote, they will implement it in the way that you suggested. This approach, in the opinion of the management, will allow selling more mechs.
Be prepared for the curses of many players to fall on your head. Because not every player will have a real choice. Think for yourself, in this case (ideally) each player will need to have a chassis option for:
1) long range fight;
2) close range fight;
3) hot maps;
4) cold maps.
Will the mainstream player buy 3-4 Mechs for each chassis they have? Nope.
Will the majority of players have a real choice? Nope.
Will it help newcomers to the game? Nope.
Will PGI sell a more mechs thanks to this? Nope.
As a result, the changes will be implemented, but there will be no real benefit from them. FOR NOBODY. This is quite in the spirit of the PGI.
If the possibility of choosing mech after voting is implemented according to your proposed scheme, I will know who personally I should blame for this.
The PGI is not always to blame for the fact that they make not very smart decisions. Sometimes the players themselves are to blame, who put not smart ideas into the heads of the PGI.

I really hope that the developers don't grab your idea.

#155 Peter2k


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 12:11 AM

Pretty Roadmap
Not impressed by Roadmaps really, but here is hoping this time with this game the devs can keep to the Roadmap

A bit funny how some things where big when they where thought of, just to be reversed or differently implemented YEARs after
But ehh, learning through doing I guess, if it would just not take so long for things

View PostCommander Solivagant, on 30 January 2021 - 12:56 AM, said:

I have chosen an LRM Warhawk, getting all keen to shoot people from afar. Map selection says Solaris City.

I am now completely ineffective based on luck.

Isn't that completely on you for betting on a one trick pony?

We all roll the dice on that, if you do not want to be useless depending on the map (and to be honest, a LRM boat is never useless, only ones are piloted by players that keep at max distance all the time), then maybe either group up, or make some sacrifices to your load out.

Same for any other loadout that is really specialised
That said, a good player can make it work one way or another, part of the game

Better make something useful out of Faction play, its there already

Edited by Peter2k, 01 February 2021 - 12:12 AM.

#156 D V Devnull


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 01:01 AM

View PostRogard, on 31 January 2021 - 09:50 AM, said:

First of don't take offense to the quote option as I am not as strong in the forums, never have been and usually don't say anything but I have been playing this game for years now and felt it was time to chip in.

Don't worry... I'm very much NOT raging hard like some maniac over it. ;)

As a tip, the "MultiQuote" Button is your friend. It will put an overlay with a "Reply to ## quoted post(s)" Button on your screen, which will allow you to gather everything which you wish to make a Reply to. Once you have all the Posts gathered (even if they are on multiple pages) which you want to Reply to, then you can easily go down to the bottom of the page, click on the Reply Box (which is initially gray) sitting there, and click that Button to put all the Quotes which you're referencing into the post which you're writing. I can personally tell you that on many occasions, it has saved me from going nuts trying to hold something in the system clipboard, so I hope it will help you in the future as well. :)

Not to nag, but you'll also notice that I have done some advanced quoting work in this post, which can help you when you're having to separately give thoughts to differing parts, or even if you need to only just grab part of a Post because you didn't have thoughts for the rest. Once you have grabbed a posting via MultiQuote to reply upon, it's possible to quickly copy the Quote Tags wherever you need them, or snip parts of a post too, and go from there. ^_^

View PostRogard, on 31 January 2021 - 09:50 AM, said:

Your Response had some valid points, and I think there would have to be some fancy thinking on how PGI would solve for return to game after 4 min. Just food for thought, what if after 4 min your mech drops and and then you are available as a target for the enemy team. As part of the PGI system they would enact a penalty timer on you if you keep creating losing connection with drops due to poor internet/systems to where you cant launch at times due to you keep disconnecting?

This idea you have to delay the drop until either the player reconnects or 4 minutes have passed (whichever comes first) sounds like a reasonable idea to me. Your post gets a 'Like' because you may have found the final solution to the issue, and therefore it should probably be implemented. It may even please everyone because of how it equalizes things. Hmm, maybe I'm gonna sound crazy, but....... I think you may have just kicked Herbert Swope to the curb, since you found a solution which can please everyone, where they apparently could not have? :D

View PostLouisTerrin, on 31 January 2021 - 09:34 PM, said:

One suggestion I have for the balance phase is changing clan standard ACs to single projectile, exactly like the IS version. It'll give them a reason to exist and be used.

It would also give the Clanners a solution which partially resolves the whole thing with LB-X AutoCannons and the Ammo Switching problem for the timebeing until something better can be done. In the whole time that I have been playing, something felt wrong with the multi-bullet approach that the Clan Non-UAC Editions have which currently devalues the weapon type's usage on the battlefields. Maybe we'll finally see those corrected with a fix into being done with a single-slug approach in the future? :o

~D. V. "seeing good solutions for Disconnects & Non-Ultra ACs in 2021's Roadmap Discussion posting" Devnull

[Quick Edit by the Post Author about 10 Minutes Later because of a realization in how a particular thought could be unclear.]

Edited by D V Devnull, 01 February 2021 - 01:11 AM.

#157 ADI84000


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 01:27 AM

If you really want people to be involved more in this game and to invest time and money in it you need to give them something to really fight for and that is faction play.

Here are my suggestions:
- add weapon manufacturers and these non standard weapons can be aquired by fighting in faction play, conquering planets, or faction play salvage in the form of salvage loot boxes containing weapons / equipment from different manufacturers. These should contain just weapons/equipment and cbills MC no cosmetics so it feels like salvage wins. Make the equipment different not straight out better, so maybe small pulse with 20% more dmg but 25% less range as an example or Laser targeting computer with extra range for lasers but reduced velocity for other weapons.
Every new season add one more batch of new weapon/equipment flavours and unique new mech variants, maybe even some slightly better weapons like 6.1 dmg or 6.2 instead of 6 but not more just an incentive to get something you can only get from Faction play.
-make units/loyalists be able to upgrade the siege bases, maybe just upgrade it in the beginning like make 10 variants of the siege maps with more turrets. Turrets put in more strategic positions next to the objectives not just on the wall at the gate and maybe turrets with more weapons/armor/hp that we can upgrade through and we put in cbills and upgrade the map is changed in the pool. It would be a good Cbills sink for people who got to many cbills... or for people who want to contribute to the war effort.
-Make each planet based on biome run only those maps- it may require maps to have another coat of paint based on that biome maybe minor changes also.
-shared mc gains system if you have fought an x amount of matches on that planet and contributed to the win you should gain some small amount of mc, events grant 100-200 per achievement so maybe if you play 10 matches you gain x mc per day, if you play 20,50,100 matches you get more mc per day based on matches played beyond 10. So people have an incentive to play Faction play even without a unit knowing if they contribute enough they will get rewards beyond the faction rewards grind which needs a rework. This can be made like a continuous event for fast implementation and then integrated into the FP MC rewards from planet.
-When we conquer a very important planet that’s worth more mc give us access to a unique variant of a mech or unique weapons so we have a feeling of accomplishment and reward
-when someone wins the FP Map give them massive rewards of Cbills/MC/mechwbays/Mechs/Salvage loot boxes based on how many matches they played and won, so if you played x matches and won y you get rewards based on that so it feels like a war effort and war win reward.
Make constant updates weekly on a day like Thursday the state of the Faction play war map with some little story added in like you used to a while ago

#158 Magik Jack


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 03:19 AM

"We'll take it...we are but beggars..."

#159 tingod


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 03:46 AM

can you do something against "spawn camper" in faction game? this fast clan lights do too much zerg rushes...

#160 The pessimistic optimist


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 06:26 AM

View Posttingod, on 01 February 2021 - 03:46 AM, said:

can you do something against "spawn camper" in faction game? this fast clan lights do too much zerg rushes...

Good old Zerg rush better get the bunker build quick

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