VixNix, on 25 July 2021 - 08:53 AM, said:
congratulation PGI?
it's so broken now assaults sit on high with er large, gauss and wall hacks, cant get close and they don't contribute armor
you broke it again, of course its in favor of the favored so who cares right?
DAEDALOS513, on 25 July 2021 - 10:03 AM, said:
I saw this coming patches ago.. as soon as I saw who was put in charge of the weapon changes..
You guys are cute. "Wall hacks". "Not sharing armor". Classic signs of players unwilling to adapt from constant zerg rush nascar.
DAEDALOS513, on 22 July 2021 - 03:38 PM, said:
Here's the problem with all these buffs that come in every patch.. the people in charge of implementing them mainly use heavies and assaults or mechs that have what you call 'broken hit boxes.' They run mainly META. They aren't feeling what a 4lpl alpha feels like cuz they are in these mechs that can brush them off more easily then say a trebuchet, centurion or viper (when's the last time you saw one of these?). Instead of adding diversity to the game (which is what they claim the goal of all these buffs are), each buff pass is forcing us more and more to use only that handful of mechs that can withstand high alpha builds. IMO hey are LESSENING diversity in what mech you can take and promoting high alpha builds that can ruin a mech in one shot that isn't 'meta'. LPL boats have become a cancer in this game and this is what happens when the 1% take the wheel..
Johnny05, on 23 July 2021 - 05:34 AM, said:
I agree. If I don't use the standard boring cheese mechs and load outs now I'm little more than a meat shield.
That's really weird, I have found much more diverse options viable now.