Extra Guac, on 01 April 2022 - 06:08 AM, said:
It's almost impossible to design a map that is 100% balanced for every playstyle. Old HPG was a little better for mid-range. So what? That is not talking out of both sides of my mouth. What a strange thing to say.
And it was extremely
hostile to long range. You're not talking out of both sides of your mouth this time, you're just lying by omission.
Extra Guac, on 01 April 2022 - 06:08 AM, said:
New HPG, obviously favors snipers very heavily over both mid-range or short-range.
It doesn't favour it heavily, it makes it possible at all. After 7 years of no snipers I understand that this is a shock to you, but as I said before, you aren't entitled to not be sniped.
Extra Guac, on 01 April 2022 - 06:08 AM, said:
Do you deny that, or are you trying to argue that it is a perfectly balanced map?
Lexical chicanery is not a substitute for an actual argument.
Extra Guac, on 01 April 2022 - 06:08 AM, said:
Bear in mind, saying that "there are counters to snipers" is not the same as claiming that it is a perfectly balanced map for every playstyle. So, which one is it?
If you made the argument that maybe we could have one or two more ramps up to the perches, and a bit of extra cover on the center, I might even agree with you. You aren't making that argument. You're saying you want old HPG back in "so players can choose", knowing full well they will always choose old HPG for the easy match. You know if they present that option more people will choose it and you will play new HPG less. You might as well just ask for it to be removed.
Extra Guac, on 01 April 2022 - 06:08 AM, said:
Just look at the video from the cauldron where they were trying to show that it wasn't all snipe... but then the wall snipers got top damage in the match.
A single data point is not an argument, but, to entertain this, how many people are like you, spending their time wailing about the injustices of sniping rather than actually getting up on the perch and brawling them? If you roll over at the sight of a marauder II, the marauder II is probably gonna get top damage.
I don't know exactly what point it was that people decided the response to a meta shift was to double down on the old meta, and scream bloody murder when it didn't work.
Extra Guac, on 01 April 2022 - 06:08 AM, said:
"Given we can't decide exactly what mech plays on which map, every map needs to present options for all valid builds."
Yes, that's what I just explained to you.
Wow. This was just explained to
you. You evidently didn't understand it, so i'll say it in smaller words.
You can't predict what map you'll get. So either your mech needs to perform on all maps, or each map needs to give space for any mech to perform. You are expressly asking for a map that
does not give space for snipers to perform. You're
expressly asking for it.
Extra Guac, on 01 April 2022 - 06:08 AM, said:
Now you need to actually look at the maps and see if they present options for all valid builds. Then, maybe you will finally understand why old HPG was better, and why people voted for it.
doesn't offer options for sniping. The game literally forbids you to know what map you're going to play next, so if maps are in the rotation that invalidate sniping, people will not use snipers.
Extra Guac, on 01 April 2022 - 06:08 AM, said:
You aren't entitled to maps that heavily favor one playstyle over all others. Get over it. Learn to play the game. Snipe is not the only valid playstyle.
**** you. You are the one who's asking for a map that heavily favours midrange over sniping.
You, not me. Disingenuous disingenuous disingenuous.
SFC174, on 01 April 2022 - 06:13 AM, said:
No counterargument. Im sorry your mad.
Edited by pbiggz, 01 April 2022 - 06:22 AM.