InnerSphereNews, on 28 March 2023 - 09:25 AM, said:
Patch Date and Time - March 28th 2023
Version Number: v1.4.274.0
Size: 130MB
Please note that due to compression differences the Steam patch size may be larger than the standalone client patch size.
Patch Files (Direct Download) -
Greetings MechWarriors!
We deployed a hotfix today for the following:
- Moonwalker Loadout has been slightly changed & now has Lower Arm Actuators
- Juggernaut Quirk values have been changed
- Moonwalker bug fix - opening appeared when removing all weapons in the RT
- AMS Ammo (1/2) bug fix - total amount of shots was incorrectly lowered
Hello there, PGI Staff!

(particularly 'Matt Newman' & 'Daeron Katz' who probably have to be the ones to take a look at this)
I happened to notice that your Details for the HotFix appear to instead be giving the information of the Main Patch to the Live Game Client and not the actual information for the HotFix itself. Is there any chance I could ask you to double-check and fix those to what they should be? As things went during my diagnostic process of the issue, I got the following information from the HotFix itself instead...
- HotFix Patch Version ------------->
- HotFix Patch Download Size ----> 59.6 KB (Very appreciated that it's tiny!)
- HotFix Patch Download Link ----> ""

~D. V. "merely wants to help the Hotfix Patch be a less-bumpy experience" Devnull