hypographia, on 12 December 2023 - 07:32 AM, said:
Pretty sure it requires more skill to get any decent damage numbers with LRMs over say, blue beams and brawl builds... With the number of countermeasures out there (even with the ECM nerf) and the reliance on teammates, etc... I'd argue that just because the weapon system is indirect fire, doesn't automatically make it a low/zero skill weapon. There are no countermeasures to gauss, ERLL, etc... yet LRM play has specific countermeasures devoted to it. Getting 1k dmg sitting in Zimbabwe burning pixels is a very easy target to attain. Making a volley of missles connect against raderp, ecm, ams, etc... no so much.
Especially against fast targets like lights with blue beams and gauss at least you have the luxury of consistently hitting lights with LRMs not to much not to mention Stealth armor on like the thanatos that can carry steatlth and 2 gauss rifles nobody will know your even there until they get hit, you cannot do stealth with LRMS as it makes your sensors almost useless. And for aimbot users what is the better weapon??? (Don't lie they exist.)
With LRMS you have to choose your targets carefully with Gauss and blue beams you just point and shoot pretty much....
And i'd like to reiterate the point that there are zero countermeasures to blue beams and gauss while Lrms can be almost or entirly shot down by a corsair 7a or a pirahna 3 or heck a Nova with 3 ams.
And yet here we have a long bow with +6 HSL for Lrms coming soon, and your telling me Lrms are low skil? THEN WHY DOES THIS MECH EXIST! and don't tell me "Because it's unique.
AS a final point I'd like to note that in all games based on battltech tabletop Lrms always go to 1000meters yet in tabletop LRMs actually only have a max range of 630 Only when you include ELRM or Streak LRm which is a Clan only do you reach 840 STILL NOT 1000 meters.... and atm er AMMO only reaches 810 meters.... Also unless your a fire support mech like a Catapult or Mad Dog Lrms are for softening up targets before the big brawly bois rush in... they are not meant to be a primary weapon.. yet everyone uses them as a primary gun when they are as the name of the catapult is
Edited by KursedVixen, 12 December 2023 - 08:30 AM.