Alaric Wolf Kerensky, on 28 July 2012 - 02:33 PM, said:
As for all of the people wanting them to be PvE...
1st: Why do you want PvE in a game optimized and marketed for Multiplayer. Do you really want the devs to waste time and effort coding for AI? If you do not like Multiplayer, then MWO is not for you... emphasis on the ONLINE part of the name. I do not want to fight AI that is too dumb to realise when it is being flanked, or that basically cheats because AIs can aim-bot your CT on every shot if they so choose, such as the level 9 bots did in MW4: Mercs.
2nd: Why deny people who love the lore and story of the Clans access to their favorite factions? This is like making House Steiner an AI-only faction. Do you know how many people would lose their minds if that happened? I would estimate somewhere near half of this community consider themselves Clanners, for whatever reasons. Some of us like what our favorite Clan stands for, some like the lore, some love the 'Mechs, and some just plain do not like the Inner Sphere. I have absolutely no interest in any of the Great Houses, except for my desire to rend them to pieces.
I get that you Spheroids hate the Clans. Some of you are mad because "It ruined tabletop!" or due to the FRR being methodically reduced to a tiny little slice of almost nothing. If you hate us that much, then at least fight with competent warriors in our cockpits. I do not care if I have to fight a company with a single Star. I will still fight. So what if Clan 'Mechs are more powerful ton-for-ton compared to IS 'Mechs? You have the advantage of numbers. Team up. Use tactics. Because no, you should not expect to defeat a Clan 'Mech in a head-to-head battle. The people who try that are the ones who come here on the forums and whine about "OP Clan 'Mechs" and consistently troll the Clan section of the forum.